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CL 10
Submitted by:
Ariane Grace C. Denaga
Submitted to:
Mr. Miguel Anthony Fidelino
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my family, whose
unwavering support and encouragement have been the cornerstone of my
journey. Your belief in me has fueled my determination and inspired me to
pursue my goals with passion and dedication. To my parents, siblings, and
extended family, thank you for always standing by my side and cheering
me on, no matter the challenges I faced.

To my dear friends Janna, Rezi, Yanna, Karlla, Nicole, Althea, Sam, Deniella,
Vince, and Antonio, your friendship has been a source of immense joy and
strength. Your presence in my life has brought laughter, comfort, and
countless cherished memories. Thank you for your constant
companionship, words of encouragement, and unwavering support through
thick and thin.

I am also grateful to Formula 1, an integral part of my life that has

provided me with endless inspiration and excitement. The exhilarating
races, thrilling moments, and the relentless pursuit of excellence have
served as a beacon of motivation during challenging times. Formula 1,
thank you for keeping my spirits high and reminding me of the importance
of perseverance and determination.

To each and every one of you, I am deeply appreciative of your impact on

my life. Your love, friendship, and support have been invaluable, and I am
truly blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for being a part of my
journey and for always believing in me.

In dedicating this endeavor, I am humbled to express my deepest gratitude
to my beloved family, friends, and cherished companions—Skye, Yuki, and
Cholo. You have been the guiding lights, the pillars of strength, and the
unwavering sources of love and support throughout every twist and turn
of my journey.

To my family, whose unconditional love, boundless encouragement, and

unwavering belief in me have been the foundation upon which I stand, I
owe a debt of gratitude beyond measure. Your enduring support,
sacrifices, and unwavering faith in my dreams have propelled me forward,
even in the face of adversity. From the countless late nights spent
offering guidance and wisdom to the jubilant celebrations of each
triumph, your presence has been a constant source of inspiration and
motivation. Thank you for believing in me, for instilling in me the values of
resilience and perseverance, and for shaping me into the person I am

To my dear friends, whose laughter, camaraderie, and unwavering

companionship have illuminated even the darkest of days, I am forever
indebted. Your steadfast presence, empathetic ears, and boundless
encouragement have been the soothing balm to my soul, offering solace
and strength when I needed it most. Through the highs and lows, your
unwavering support and belief in my abilities have uplifted me, reminding
me that I am never alone in this journey. Thank you for standing by my
side, for sharing in my triumphs and tribulations, and for being the truest
reflections of friendship's beauty.
And to my beloved companions—Skye, Yuki, and Cholo—whose unconditional
love, unwavering loyalty, and boundless affection have filled my life with
immeasurable joy and companionship. Your wagging tails, playful antics,
and gentle nuzzles have brought warmth to my heart and solace to my
soul, reminding me of the simple pleasures and profound connections that
enrich our lives. Thank you for your unwavering companionship, for being
my steadfast allies through life's ups and downs, and for teaching me the
invaluable lessons of love, loyalty, and resilience.

Together, you have been my rock, my anchor, and my greatest source of

strength and inspiration. As I embark on this journey, I carry with me the
love, support, and cherished memories that we have shared. This endeavor
is dedicated to each of you, with heartfelt gratitude and boundless
appreciation for the profound impact you have had on my life. Thank you
for being the guiding lights that illuminate my path and the cherished
companions who make every step of the journey worthwhile.

I might not know who I was

yesterday or who I'm going to
be tomorrow, but I know who I
am right now.
table of
First Quarter
First Quarter: Quizzes and Unit Test...........................................................1
First Quarter: Reflection Papers...................................................................2
First Quarter: On hand Individual and Group Performance Task........4
First Quarter: Take away and Learnings in Essay Form........................5

Second Quarter
Second Quarter: Quizzes and Unit Test.....................................................6
Second Quarter: Reflection Papers.............................................................7
Second Quarter: On hand Individual and Group Performance Task..9
Second Quarter: Take away and Learnings in Essay Form..................10

Third Quarter
Third Quarter: Quizzes and Unit Test........................................................11
Third Quarter: Reflection Papers................................................................12
Third Quarter: On hand Individual and Group Performance Task.....12
Third Quarter: Take away and Learnings in Essay Form.....................13

Fourth Quarter
Fourth Quarter: Quizzes and Unit Test ..................................................14
Fourth Quarter: Reflection Papers...........................................................15
Fourth Quarter: On hand Individual and Group Performance Task.16
Fourth Quarter: Take away and Learnings in Essay Form.................17
reflection #1
The concept of the Kingdom of God is deeply profound and multifaceted, inviting reflection on its
nature, essence, and implications for humanity. At its core, the Kingdom of God represents the reign,
sovereignty, and divine presence of God in the world. It transcends earthly boundaries, temporal
limitations, and human constructs, encompassing a realm of spiritual truth, righteousness, and

One aspect of the Kingdom of God is its paradoxical nature—simultaneously present yet unfolding,
realized yet not fully realized. It is both a present reality and a future hope, existing within the
hearts of believers and yet awaiting its ultimate fulfillment in the eschatological consummation. This
tension invites contemplation on the dynamic interplay between the already and the not yet, urging
individuals to embrace the transformative power of God's kingdom while eagerly anticipating its
ultimate culmination.

Moreover, the Kingdom of God embodies principles of justice, compassion, and reconciliation,
challenging societal norms, human conventions, and worldly systems. It calls for a radical
reorientation of values, priorities, and perspectives, inviting individuals to embody the divine virtues
of love, mercy, and humility in their interactions with others. In this sense, the Kingdom of God is
both subversive and redemptive, disrupting the status quo while offering the promise of renewal and

Furthermore, the Kingdom of God is inclusive and expansive, transcending barriers of ethnicity,
nationality, and social status. It extends an invitation to all humanity, beckoning individuals into a
relationship of intimacy and communion with God. This universal scope underscores the inherent
dignity and worth of every human being, affirming their intrinsic value as beloved children of God.

Ultimately, the Kingdom of God invites individuals into a journey of transformation—a journey
characterized by repentance, faith, and discipleship. It calls for a radical reorientation of the heart,
a surrender of self-will, and a commitment to live in accordance with God's purposes and principles.
In embracing the reality of God's kingdom, individuals find fulfillment, meaning, and purpose,
discovering their true identity as citizens of a heavenly realm and heirs to an eternal inheritance.

In conclusion, the nature of the Kingdom of God transcends human comprehension, inviting
individuals into a profound mystery of divine sovereignty, grace, and love. It challenges individuals to
reimagine the world through the lens of faith, to embody the values of God's kingdom in their daily
lives, and to participate in the ongoing work of God's redemptive purposes in the world. As we
contemplate the nature of the Kingdom of God, may we be inspired to seek first the reign of God in
our lives and to labor diligently for the realization of God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
reflection #2
The threefold mission of Christ encapsulates the multifaceted nature of His ministry on
Earth, revealing profound insights into His identity, purpose, and impact on humanity. Each
aspect of this mission—teaching, healing, and redemption—offers a distinct lens through
which to contemplate the depth of Christ's love, the breadth of His compassion, and the
significance of His message for all people.

First and foremost, Christ's mission of teaching illuminates the truth of God's Word and the
principles of His Kingdom. As the ultimate teacher, Christ imparted wisdom, knowledge, and
spiritual understanding to His disciples and followers, challenging conventional norms and
religious traditions. His teachings, encapsulated in the Sermon on the Mount and other
profound discourses, emphasize themes of love, forgiveness, humility, and righteousness,
inviting individuals into a deeper relationship with God and a transformative encounter with
divine truth.

Moreover, Christ's mission of healing demonstrates His divine power and compassion for the
broken, the marginalized, and the suffering. Throughout His ministry, Christ performed
countless miracles of healing, restoring sight to the blind, mobility to the lame, and health to
the sick. In these acts of compassion, Christ not only alleviated physical ailments but also
offered a glimpse of God's kingdom—a realm of wholeness, restoration, and abundant life. His
healing ministry serves as a powerful symbol of God's love and mercy, extending hope and
renewal to all who are in need.

Lastly, Christ's mission of redemption embodies the culmination of His earthly ministry—the
sacrificial offering of Himself for the salvation of humanity. Through His death on the cross
and subsequent resurrection, Christ achieved victory over sin, death, and the powers of
darkness, reconciling humanity to God and restoring the broken relationship between God and
humanity. His atoning sacrifice serves as the ultimate expression of God's love, offering
forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life to all who believe in Him.

In reflecting on the threefold mission of Christ, we are reminded of the depth of His love, the
breadth of His compassion, and the transformative power of His message for all people. As
followers of Christ, we are called to embody His teachings, to extend His healing touch to the
broken and hurting, and to proclaim the good news of redemption to the ends of the earth.
May we be inspired by the example of Christ's ministry and empowered by His Spirit to
continue His mission of teaching, healing, and redemption in the world today.
reflection #3
The power for social transformation is a profound force that resides within the collective
consciousness of humanity, fueled by a shared vision of justice, equality, and progress. It is
the inherent capacity of individuals and communities to effect meaningful change, to
challenge oppressive systems, and to advocate for the rights and dignity of all people.

At its core, social transformation begins with a deep awareness of the injustices and
inequalities that pervade society. It is born out of a recognition of the inherent worth and
value of every human being, regardless of race, gender, class, or creed. This awareness serves
as the catalyst for action, inspiring individuals to stand up against oppression, discrimination,
and marginalization in all its forms.

The power for social transformation is fueled by acts of courage, compassion, and solidarity.
It is found in the voices of those who speak out against injustice, in the hands of those who
reach out to help their neighbors in need, and in the hearts of those who refuse to accept
the status quo. It is a force that transcends boundaries and unites people from diverse
backgrounds in a common struggle for freedom, dignity, and human rights.

History is replete with examples of the power for social transformation in action. From the
civil rights movement to the struggle for gender equality, from the fight against apartheid to
the push for LGBTQ+ rights, individuals and communities have come together to challenge
oppressive systems and effect meaningful change. These movements have not only
transformed laws and policies but have also reshaped hearts and minds, challenging ingrained
prejudices and fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.

Yet, the power for social transformation is not without its challenges and obstacles. It
requires resilience in the face of adversity, perseverance in the midst of setbacks, and
unwavering commitment to the cause of justice. It demands a willingness to confront
uncomfortable truths, to listen to the voices of the marginalized, and to confront the
privilege and power structures that perpetuate inequality.

In a world marked by division, inequality, and injustice, the power for social transformation
offers a beacon of hope and possibility. It reminds us that change is possible, that justice is
attainable, and that we all have a role to play in building a more just, equitable, and inclusive
society. As we harness this power and work together in solidarity, we can create a world
where all people are valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential.
reflection #4
Reflecting on the vocations of Christ, including the priestly and religious life, married life, and
single-blessedness, provides insight into the diverse ways individuals are called to serve and
live out their faith in the world.

Firstly, the priestly and religious vocations emulate Christ's own calling to minister to others,
to serve the community, and to deepen one's relationship with God. Those who answer this
call commit themselves to a life of prayer, service, and sacrifice, following in the footsteps of
Christ as they seek to bring hope, healing, and reconciliation to those in need. Through their
dedication to prayer and contemplation, priests, monks, nuns, and religious brothers and
sisters bear witness to the transformative power of God's love and mercy in the world.

Married life, on the other hand, reflects the sacred bond between Christ and his Church, as
well as the profound love and commitment shared between spouses. Those called to the
vocation of marriage are invited to mirror Christ's selfless love for humanity through their
mutual support, care, and fidelity to one another. In this vocation, couples are called to
create a domestic church, where they nurture faith, cultivate love, and raise children in the
ways of God, thereby contributing to the building of God's kingdom on earth.

Single-blessedness, often overlooked but equally significant, reflects Christ's own life of
singleness and dedication to God's mission. Those who embrace the single life are called to
devote themselves wholeheartedly to God's work, serving as witnesses to Christ's love and
compassion in the world. Through their freedom and flexibility, single individuals have the
opportunity to engage in various forms of ministry, volunteer work, and service to others,
enriching the lives of those they encounter and contributing to the flourishing of God's

In contemplating the vocations of Christ, we are reminded of the diverse ways in which God
calls each person to share in his mission of love, mercy, and reconciliation. Whether through
the priestly and religious life, married life, or single-blessedness, each vocation is imbued with
purpose and meaning, offering unique opportunities for growth, service, and communion with
God and others. By discerning and embracing our own vocations, we participate in the
ongoing work of Christ in the world, bringing light, hope, and joy to all whom we encounter.

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