3521241-Ranger Expanded - Final

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Ama-Walker Publishing

Ranger: Expanded
A D&D 5th Edition Supplement
By Julian O’Connor
Design: Julian O’Connor
Images Created with Midjourney
Cover Art: A Human Divine Wanderer wanders through
the forest, holding her trusty bow and back lit with
divine light.
This Page: A Lizardfolk Natural Protector tracks an
enemy in the swamp.
Introduction: A Natural Protector, Eltrana Amalfar,
staring down a grove of dead tress, resolving to find
those who harmed nature in this way.
Back Cover: A Divine Wanderer and his charge from the
temple see an ancient ruined city up ahead.

2 PART i |Inside Cover

Table Of Contents
Cover Page 1 Subclasses 5
Inside Cover 2 Divine Wanderer 5
Design Philosophy 5
Introduction 4 Quick Build 5
Subclass Features 5
What is This Book? 4 Divine Knowledge 5
Design Philosphy 4 Divine Wanderer Spells 5
What about DMs? 4 Divine Strikes 5
Focused Spirits 5
Blessed Healing 5
Divine Guardian 6
Example Divine Wanderer: Eltrana Amaflar 6
Divine Wanderer Playstyles 6
Eltrana Amaflar 6
Natural Protector 7
Design Philosophy 7
Quick Build 7
Subclass Features 7
Natural Protector Spells 7
Natural Warrior 7
Imbued Strikes 7
Animate Plants 7
Nature’s Guardian 7
Warded Mind 7
Guardian Spirit 8
Natural Sacrifice 8
Example Natural Protector: Sam’Laten Es’Ka
Flamerind 8
Natural Protector Playstyles 8
Sam’Laten Es’Ka Flamerind 8
Part 3: Optional Changes 9
Hunter Ranger Expanded Spells 9
Foe Slayer Change 9

PART ii |Table of Contents 3

What is This Book?
This book presents 2 new ranger subclasses, designed
off the Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything variation of the
ranger base class, for use by players, in Part 2:
Subclasses. Each subclass includes a description of its
design philosphy, some options for playstyles, and an
example character of that subclass for inspiration.
In Part 3: Optional Changes, there are options to
modify some of the exisiting ranger subclasses to bring
them more in line with newer subclasses such as the
Gloom Stalker or Horizon Walker, or the ones in this
Design Philosphy
These subclasses were intended to expand the base
ranger class without overhauling it, making it easy for
players to play these on a new character or a
class/subclass changing character in an ongoing
campaign or setting. Although there are many ranger
class redesigns out there, some of which are incredibly
well-designed and worked on by teams of talented
people, it is the opinion of the author that the current
ranger base class, after the changes brought in Tasha’s
Cauldron of Everything, is in fact a well-designed and
able class. Therefore, these classes are designed to
integrate into base 5e without too many changes,
adding a variety of options for ranger players that
expand the flavor options.
Similarly, the changes presented in the Optional
Changes section are designed only to bring earlier
published and weaker subclasses into line with the
more recently published subclasses without changing
their core identity or gameplay.
What about DMs?
Besides the usual “please check with your DM before
using homebrew”, I’m planning to release a book soon
that has maps and magic items geared towards making
a fun experience for every class - if you’d like to see a
release for ranger before that’s done, just leave a
comment on DM’s Guild about it!

4 PART 1 | Introduction
Divine Wanderer Divine Strikes
Design Philosophy
Your weapon strikes are infused with divine magic, once
per turn when you hit a creature with a weapon attack,
The Divine Wanderer is designed to give rangers a you can deal an extra 1d4 radiant damage to that
religious option without having to resort to a cleric or creature, or 2d4 if that creature is a fiend or undead.
paladin multiclass, one that keeps their primary focus of Focused Spirits
protecting nature and the balance between it and
people, while still giving them a chance to show their Starting at 7th level, you can summon nature spirits to
devotion to their deity. harass your foes. To do so, use an action on your turn,
Quick Build and choose a creature you can see within 60 feet of you.
Nature spirits flit around said creature for 1 minute, or
When building a Divine Wanderer, consider how your until you lose your concentration (as if concentrating on
character ended up blessed with divine power. Were a spell). Until that time, they cause an effect chosen by
they raised in a temple, much like a cleric may have you from the list below at the start of the creature’s turn.
been, but found that their path led them to magic You may change the effect every turn (no action
through a connection with nature rather than through required) or sustain the same one.
strict and devout prayer? Or did they stumble into a Charm: The creature must succeed on a Wisdom
long-forgotten temple in the forest after they already saving throw against your Spell Save DC or be charmed
acquired their nature magic, and a god, seeing their as long as this effect is active, or until you deal any
pure intentions, blessed them with a small spark of their damage to it.
divine power? Frighten: The creature must succeed on a Wisdom
Mechanically, make either Dexterity or Wisdom your saving throw against your Spell Save DC or be
highest ability score, depending on if you want to focus frightened of you as long as this effect is active. While
on weapon combat or spellcasting support, respectively. frightened in this way, it must use its action, bonus
Then, choose the Guidance and Sacred Flame cantrips. action, and movement to move as far away from you as
it can, by the most direct route (although it will avoid
Subclass Features obviously dangerous terrain, such as a pit of lava or a
At third level, you have been blessed by a god of nature cliff). This movement provokes opportunity attacks. If
with divine powers so that you may use them to protect the target cannot move, it takes the Dodge action. The
the fragile balance between nature and civilization. This target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
grants you the following benefits: its turns, ending the effect early on a success.
Distract: The spirits shout taunts at the creature and
Divine Knowledge flit around in a distracting manner. The next attack roll
At 3rd level, you learn 2 cantrips of your choice from the against the creature has advantage.
Terrorize: The spirits attempt to mentally terrorize
Cleric spell list. These cantrips count as Ranger spells the creature. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom
for you. saving throw against your spell save DC, or take 2d6
Additionally, you learn your choice of either Sylvan or psychic damage.
Celestial. You can use this action a number of times equal to
Divine Wanderer Spells your proficiency bonus per long rest, and regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
You gain certain spells when you reach certain levels in Blessed Healing
this class, as shown on the Divine Wanderer table. Each
of these spells counts as a Ranger spell for you, but At 11th level, your connection to divinity empowers your
doesn’t count against the number of Ranger spells you healing spells. Whenever you cast a healing spell on a
know. beast or plant creature, the spell restores the maximum
Divine Wanderer Spells amount of hit points it can.
In addition, whenever you cast a healing spell on an
Ranger Level Spell ally, you can treat any die roll of 1 as a 2.
3rd Bless
5th Spiritual Weapon
9th Dispel Magic
13th Banishment
17th Mass Cure Wounds

PART 2 | Subclasses 5
Divine Guardian Wanderer built this way will be a fearsome damage
dealer, and you can explain how each of their weapon
At 17th level, the divine natural forces that infuse you strikes bursts with divine energy.
grant you a measure of protection from death. When
you would be forced to make a death saving throw on
your turn, you can instead choose to regain hit points up Eltrana Amaflar
to one quarter of your hit point maximum (rounded Medium Humanoid (Half-Elf ), Chaotic Good
down), and stand up if you so choose.
When you do, a Winged Lion appears in a space of Armor Class 16 (studded leather)
your choosing within 60 feet. The Celestial is friendly to Hit Points 31(3d10+6)
you, acts on your turn, and obeys your mental Speed 35ft.

commands on your turn (no action required). It lasts

until it is destroyed, or until you dismiss it as a bonus STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

action. 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
you complete a long rest. Languages Celestial, Common, Elvish, Goblin, Halfing, Orc,
Primordial, Sylvan
Example Divine Wanderer: Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Eltrana Amaflar
Eltrana grew up in a temple dedicated to a god of Fey Ancestry. Magic can’t put Eltrana to sleep and she has
untamed nature and beauty, along with her sister. advantage on saving throws made to avoid or end the charmed
Although her sister eventually left the priesthood to condition on herself..
seek a life as an explorer, Eltrana stayed put for a little Spellcasting. Eltrana is a 1st level spellcaster. Her spellcasting
longer, content to learn about the heroes and ideals of ability is Wisdom (+4 to hit with spell attacks, Spell Save DC
her faith. 12). She knows the following ranger spells:
One day, however, Eltrana heard that her sister had
been kidnapped, and so set off on an adventure to Cantrips (at-will): Guidance, Spare the Dying
rescue her, putting her minor combat training to use 1st level (3 slots): Alarm, Cure Wounds, Bless, Longstrider, Speak
and developing a connection to the forest she walked with Animals
through on her journey to her sister. However, she
never stopped praying to her god, and in a time of great Actions
need, when she was fighting an icy old corpse, she
found her strikes imbued with divine magic to destroy Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 120/600ft.,

the corpse. one target. Hit 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage and 2 (1d4) radiant
Since then, she has fought not only to rescue her Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
sister from the clutches of the evil group holding her, Hit 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage and 2 (1d4) radiant damage.
but to spread the good word of her god throughout the
Divine Wanderer Playstyles
There are a couple of ways to play your Divine
Wanderer to give them a distinct feeling from other
rangers. The way Eltrana is designed is one such
option: a focus on buff spells such as Bless, Cure
Wounds, and Longstrider enable her to perform a
support role as her primary function, whereas support is
normally the secondary function of rangers.
Another option would be to focus more on Wisdom
than Dexterity, and learn spells such as Entangle,
Lightning Arrow, or Dominate Beast. With these spells
relying on a good Spell Save DC to be effective, you
could be a good damage dealer and support while
maintaining the wisdom of a character tied to the gods.
Lastly, you could focus on your Dexterity more than
your Wisdom, focusing on weapon attacks, and using
fighting styles like dual-wielding or spells like Zephyr
Strike to further enhance your weapon attacks. A Divine
Natural Protector Animate Plants
Design Philosophy
At 7th level, you gain the ability to bend normally
inanimate parts of nature to your will. As a bonus action
With so many ranger subclasses (hunter, monster on your turn, you can choose one plant you can see, and
slayer), focusing on protecting people from nature, it order it animate, choosing one of the following effects
seemed only fair to have a ranger that focused on the when it does:
opposite - protecting nature from people. This kind of Attack: The plant makes an attack roll against one
ranger has the most in common with a Druid, being able creature within 5 ft. of it, using your spell attack
to animate the plants around them and summon modifier to hit. On a hit, the targeted creature takes 2d6
spiritual animal protectors. damage, of a physical (bludgeoning, piercing, or
slashing) type determined by the DM to be appropriate
Quick Build for the type of plant.
Restrain: The plant attempts to restrain a creature
To make a Natural Protector, first consider what made within 5 feet of it with grasping vines, roots, or shoots.
your character decide to protect nature over all else. The targeted creature must make a Dexterity saving
Were they run out of a city as a child and only survived throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failed save, the
through the bounty of nature? Or did your character target is knocked restrained by the plant for 1 minute,
attempt to train as a Druid, only to discover that while or until it uses an action on its turn to make a strength
they lacked the required magical spark, they had a check with DC equal to your Spell Save DC to break
talent for weaponry? Or was it something else entirely? free.
Whatever the case, mechanically, you should make Distract: The plant waves its foliage, branches, or
Wisdom or Dexterity your highest score. After that, other such appendages in a distracting motion in front
choose the Thorn Whip cantrip. of a creature within 5 feet of it. The next attack roll
Subclass Features made against the creature has advantage.
Some rangers strive to protect civilization from nature, You can use this bonus action a number of times per
sometimes at the cost of elements of the natural world long rest equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all
itself. As a natural protector, you are more focused on expended uses when you finish a long rest.
using your powers to protect nature itself from the Nature’s Guardian
corrupting influence of civilization and evil. As such, Also at 7th level, beasts and plants sense your
nature has imbued you with its special magical powers. connection to the natural world, and are hesitant to
Natural Protector Spells attack you. If a beast or plant creature makes an attack
You learn additional spells when you reach 3rd level in roll against you, they must succeed on a Wisdom saving
this class, as shown on the Natural Protector table. throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failure, they
Each spell counts as a Ranger spell for you, but does must choose another target for the attack, or it
not count against your spells known. automatically misses. On a success, they can attack as
normal. The creatures are aware of such an effect
Natural Protector Spells before they make their attack roll.
Ranger Level Spells Warded Mind
3rd Earth Tremor
At 11th level, the denizens of the natural world no
5th Earthbind
longer frighten you, even when they try. You are
9th Erupting Earth
immune to being frightened by beasts and plants, and
13th Giant Insect
you have resistance on saving throws against being
17th Awaken
frightened by elementals, Fey, and monstrosities.
Natural Warrior
At 3rd level, you learn the Druidcraft cantrip, and one
other cantrip of your choice from the Druid spell list.
These spells count as Ranger spells for you.
Imbued Strikes
Also at 3rd level, your strikes are infused with natural
magic: the first time on your turn you hit a creature with
an attack roll, you can increase one of that attack’s
damage rolls by 1d4 of the attack’s damage type.
PART 2 | Subclasses 7
Guardian Spirit
Also at 11th level, you learn to summon a guardian Sam’Laten Es’Ka Flamerind
spirit that can assist you in times of need. You learn Medium Humanoid (Dragonborn)
Conjure Animals, or a different Ranger spell of 3rd level
if you already know Conjure Animals. You can cast Armor Class 18 (scale mail, shield)
Conjure Animals once per long rest without expending a Hit Points 110(1d4 + 5)
spell slot. When you do so, the spell does not require Speed 32ft.
concentration, but you can only summon one of the
following three options: STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

Land Spirit The spell summons one Saber-Toothed

16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)

Tiger. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17

Air Spirit The spell summons one Quetzalcoatlus. Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish, Gnomish
Sea Spirit The spell summons one Hunter Shark. Challenge 3 (700 XP)
You can also cast the spell normally.
Natural Sacrifice Crusher. Once on each of his turn, when Sam’Laten hits a
creature with a melee attack that does bludgeoning damage, he
At 17th level, your connection with nature is so deep can move it five feet. Additionally, if he critically hits a creature
that you can call upon elements of the natural world to with an attack that deals bludgeoning damage, all attacks
sacrifice themselves to keep you alive, as they know that against that creature are made with advantage until the start of
their sacrifice will help preserve all nature. As an action his next turn.
on your turn, you can choose one plant you can see, Actions
immediately draining the life energy from it, and
regaining an amount of hit points depending on the size Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit
of plant sacrificed, as shown below: 12 (2d6 + 1d4+ 3) bludegoning damage.

Plant Size Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 120/600ft.,

one target. Hit 7 (1d8 + 1d4 + 1) piercing damage.
Size Hit Points Regained
Small (Sapling, small bush) 1d4
Medium (Young tree, bush) 2d4
Large (Adult Tree) 2d6 Natural Protector Playstyles
You can use this action a number of times equal to There are two main ways to make a natural protector
your Wisdom modifier per long rest, and regain all (although of course, there are really infinitely many).
expended uses at the end of a long rest. The first is to make Wisdom your highest ability score
and focus on spellcasting and using your class features,
Example Natural Protector: this will be a highly effective build to enhance your own
Sam’Laten Es’Ka Flamerind attacks and those of your allies.
Sam’Laten, or Sam, as he is called by his friends, once The second option is to make Dexterity your highest
intended to enter the Druid Circle of Shephards. ability score and focus on attacks, using spells like
Zephyr Strike to further enhance them. This subclass is
However, his time in training with them didn’t go as less amicable to this type of build than a Wisdom-
expected, he struggled with spells more advanced than focused one, however, it can still be effective.
the simple cantrips. While talking with one of his
classmates, a half-elf named Evelina, she pointed out
that he constantly managed to best everyone else in
weapons and close-quarters combat training.
She suggested that perhaps he seek out a tutor to
refine his martial ways, and he decided she was right.
He returned to his home city for a short time to learn
the secrets of heavy weapons, before an artificial forest
fire caused by a disagreement between two nearby city-
states caused him to return to the forest to put his new
expertise to use.
Part 3: Optional Changes
Hunter Ranger Expanded Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when
you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the
Hunter Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell
for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of
ranger spells you know.
Hunter Expanded Spells
Ranger Level Spells
3rd Hex
5th Mind Spike
9th Haste
13th Banishment
17th Hold Monster

Design Note:
The hunter ranger is the only ranger subclass that
doesn’t get a companion or an expanded spell list… that
seemed unfair and while it has good features, they
weren’t as good as a dragon, so the expanded spell list
comes in to both bump up the power level of the
subclass and make it a bit more fun. The focus here was
on spells making it easier to prevent one target from
escaping, or making the hunter, well, hunt better.
Foe Slayer Change
At 20th level, you become an unparalleled hunter of
your enemies. Once per turn, you can add your Wisdom
modifier to the attack roll or the damage roll of an
attack. You can choose to use this feature before or after
the roll, but before any effects of the roll are applied.
Design Note:
As far as underwhelming capstone features go, Foe
Slayer is pretty high up there no matter how you cut it.
Hopefully this simple change of making Foe Slayer
work against all enemies will make it a little more
powerful without being too powerful.
Then again, if you want to make every capstone
feature as powerful as the capstone feature of paladin
subclasses, consider removing the once per turn limit,
and only keeping the limit that it cannot be added to
both the attack and damage rolls of a single attack.

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