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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

BlockTender: A Trustworthy System

V. Ramya1 Chidipothu Mounisha2
Assistant Professor Department of CSE QIS College of Engineering and
Department of CSE QIS College of Engineering and Technology, Ongole,
Technology, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh–523272, India
Andhra Pradesh–523272, India

Marella Dwaraka Mai3 Mandapati Nagalakshmi Kumari4

Department of CSE QIS College of Engineering and Department of CSE QIS College of Engineering and
Technology, Ongole, Technology, Ongole,
Andhra Pradesh–523272, India Andhra Pradesh–523272, India

Shaik Khasim Saida5

Department of CSE QIS College of Engineering and Technology, Ongole,
Andhra Pradesh–523272, India

Abstract:- The tendering process is a critical component These challenges not only compromise the integrity of the
in the procurement practices of governments and tendering process but also hinder fair competition, leading to
companies worldwide. However, this process often suboptimal outcomes for all stakeholders involved [17]. As
encounters challenges that undermine its efficiency, the world gravitates towards digitalization, there's a pressing
transparency, and security. Traditional tendering need to reimagine these traditional practices to ensure they
methods are plagued by issues such as complex are secure, transparent, and efficient [1].
documentation, lack of transparency, susceptibility to
corruption, and significant security vulnerabilities. To The challenge is to identify and choose appropriate
address these challenges, our project introduces a novel technology capable of addressing current issues in e-
approach that integrates blockchain technology into the Procurement linked to globalization, including a rising
tendering process. This integration aims to revolutionize number of stakeholders, international transactions subject to
the way tenders are issued, managed, and awarded by diverse legislations, a growing volume of unstructured data,
leveraging the strengths of blockchain, such as varying technological levels, and ongoing risks related to
decentralization, immutability, and advanced fraud and human error. The solution involves incorporating
cryptographic security. Our system comprises three main blockchain technology into the E-bidding system [4].
modules—Admin, Tender Officer, and Bidder—each
designed to streamline the respective functionalities Ensure "BlockTender," a pioneering project designed to
within the tendering cycle. By utilizing smart contracts revolutionize the tendering process by harnessing the power
for process automation and cryptographic hash functions of blockchain technology [7]. At its core, BlockTender aims
(SHA-256) for data integrity, the proposed system not to mitigate the aforementioned challenges by creating a
only enhances the security and transparency of the decentralized, immutable, and transparent e-tendering
tendering process but also significantly reduces the risks ecosystem. This system leverages smart contracts to
of corruption and breaches. The adoption of blockchain automate tendering procedures, cryptographic hash functions
technology in tendering processes marks a significant leap like SHA-256 to ensure data integrity, and blockchain's
forward in procurement practices, offering a more secure, inherent security features to safeguard transactional
efficient, and transparent method for conducting documents and other sensitive information.
BlockTender introduces a comprehensive framework
Keywords:- Blockchain Technology, Tendering Process, comprising three critical modules: Admin, Tender Officer,
Smart Contracts, Cryptographic Hash Function, and Bidder. Each module is tailored to streamline interactions
Procurement, Transparency. and processes within the tendering cycle, from registration
and verification via OTPs to tender creation, bid submission,
I. INTRODUCTION and the final announcement of results. By encrypting bid
documents and employing a transparent evaluation
The tendering process, a cornerstone of procurement in mechanism, BlockTender ensures a level playing field where
both the public and private sectors, is fraught with bids are judged solely on their merit, thereby fostering fair
complexities and vulnerabilities. Traditional methods, while competition and minimizing the risk of undue influence or
established, often suffer from inefficiencies, lack of corruption [15].
transparency, and are susceptible to corruption and fraud.

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

The integration of blockchain into the tendering process III. LITERATURE REVIEW
represents a significant leap forward. It not only addresses
the systemic flaws of traditional systems but also sets a new The exploration of blockchain technologies in bidding
standard for procurement practices across industries [5,10]. systems by Chen et al. [1] marks a significant stride towards
BlockTender is poised to redefine how tenders are managed understanding the impact of decentralized technologies in
and awarded, ensuring that procurement activities are enhancing the security and transparency of online bidding
conducted in a manner that is secure, efficient, and processes. This study systematically reviews the potential of
transparent. This transition to a blockchain-based system blockchain to mitigate common vulnerabilities in bidding
marks a critical step towards modernizing procurement systems, such as fraud and data tampering, offering a novel
infrastructures, ultimately contributing to more equitable, perspective on leveraging cryptographic principles to
competitive, and corruption-free tendering environments. safeguard digital transactions. The implications of this
research extend beyond the technical realm, suggesting a
II. PURPOSE OF THE PAPER paradigm shift in how bidding systems can be structured for
greater efficiency and integrity.
The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive
analysis and evaluation of "BlockTender," a blockchain- Gong et al. [2] present a comprehensive framework for
based e-tendering system designed to revolutionize the evaluating e-tendering systems using blockchain technology.
traditional tendering process. Amidst growing concerns over Their work underscores the critical need for robust evaluation
the transparency, efficiency, and security of existing mechanisms that can adequately assess the effectiveness of
tendering methods, BlockTender proposes a novel solution blockchain implementations in the e-tendering domain. By
that leverages the inherent features of blockchain highlighting the inherent benefits of blockchain, such as
technology—decentralization, immutability, and immutability and decentralized consensus, this study
cryptographic security. By detailing the architecture, provides valuable insights into how these features can be
functionalities, and operational mechanisms of BlockTender, harnessed to enhance the transparency and accountability of
this paper aims to underscore the potential of blockchain e-tendering processes, offering a clear roadmap for future
technology in addressing the systemic vulnerabilities of developments in this area.
conventional tendering systems, thereby fostering a more
transparent, secure, and efficient procurement landscape. In their pioneering work, Chen et al. [3] delve into the
integration of smart contracts in bidding systems, offering a
This paper delves into the critical components of the groundbreaking approach to automating and securing the
BlockTender system, including its innovative use of smart bidding process through blockchain technology. This
contracts for automating tendering procedures, the research elucidates the transformative potential of smart
application of cryptographic hash functions like SHA-256 for contracts in eliminating intermediaries, reducing transaction
ensuring the integrity of bid documents, and the adoption of a costs, and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of bid
decentralized ledger for enhancing the transparency and information. Their findings not only illuminate the practical
security of the tendering process. Through a detailed applications of blockchain in bidding but also set the stage
examination of the system's design and functionality, the for future innovations that could redefine the landscape of
paper seeks to demonstrate how BlockTender can mitigate digital transactions.
risks associated with fraud and corruption, reduce
administrative burdens, and promote fair competition among Matyskevic and Kremer-Matyskevic [4] explore the
bidders. By providing a robust framework for the tendering economic advantages of blockchain technology in e-
process, BlockTender stands as a testament to the procurement, providing a nuanced analysis of how
transformative potential of blockchain technology in blockchain can revolutionize procurement practices. Their
redefining procurement practices. study emphasizes the cost savings, efficiency gains, and
enhanced security that blockchain brings to e-procurement,
Furthermore, the paper aims to contribute to the arguing for its potential to significantly improve the
ongoing discourse on the integration of blockchain procurement process's overall effectiveness. This work is
technology into various sectors, particularly in public instrumental in highlighting the economic rationale behind
procurement and tendering processes. By evaluating the adopting blockchain technology in procurement and its
performance, challenges, and opportunities associated with implications for organizational and governmental
the implementation of BlockTender, this study endeavors to procurement strategies.
offer valuable insights and recommendations for
policymakers, industry stakeholders, and academic The systems approach and design path of electronic
researchers. It posits that the adoption of blockchain-based bidding systems based on blockchain technology by Xu and
systems like BlockTender could serve as a catalyst for Yang [5] represent a meticulous examination of the
modernizing and enhancing the efficiency of procurement architectural and design considerations necessary for
practices across the globe, thereby paving the way for a more implementing blockchain in bidding systems. This study
accountable, transparent, and equitable tendering ecosystem. articulates a detailed methodology for integrating blockchain
into electronic bidding platforms, emphasizing the
importance of system design in achieving optimal security,
transparency, and user trust. The authors' insights into system

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

architecture and blockchain application serve as a valuable Priya and Ramamoorthy [12] delve into the advantages
guide for developers and policymakers aiming to leverage of online tendering systems, showcasing the benefits of
blockchain technology in electronic bidding. digitizing the tendering process. Their research highlights the
increased accessibility, efficiency, and transparency that
Qusef et al. [6] introduce an innovative e-tendering online systems offer, advocating for the adoption of digital
model aimed at fully automating the tendering process. Their solutions to streamline procurement practices and foster a
research emphasizes the role of digital technologies in more inclusive and competitive tendering environment.
streamlining procurement processes, reducing manual
intervention, and enhancing the accuracy and speed of tender Hochstetter et al. [13] explore the relationship between
evaluations. By adopting a holistic approach to automation, transparency, e-government, and sustainable development,
this model promises to significantly reduce the time and emphasizing how digital platforms can enhance public
resources traditionally required for tender management, procurement processes. Their study illustrates the critical role
paving the way for more dynamic and efficient procurement of digital governance in combating corruption and promoting
practices.Rebello [7] investigates the application of sustainable resource management, highlighting the potential
blockchain in tender clearance and settlement, showcasing of e-procurement systems to contribute to a nation's
the technology's capability to enhance the security and developmental goals.
transparency of financial transactions in the procurement
domain. The study explores how blockchain's decentralized Mali et al. [14] investigate the development of a
nature and cryptographic security can be utilized to create a blockchain-based e-tendering system, focusing on its
more resilient and trustworthy framework for managing capacity to address the vulnerabilities of traditional tendering
tender-related financial transactions, effectively mitigating mechanisms. Their research underscores the benefits of
the risks associated with traditional centralized systems. blockchain in ensuring data integrity, enhancing
transparency, and reducing the likelihood of fraudulent
The work by Pradeep et al. [8] focuses on a secure activities, thus offering a more secure and reliable framework
framework for government tender allocation using for e-tendering.
blockchain and edge computing. This research highlights the
synergy between blockchain's decentralized security features Reddy et al. [15] introduce an intelligent tender
and edge computing's processing capabilities. The proposed management system that leverages blockchain and IPFS
framework aims to improve the transparency and efficiency (InterPlanetary File System) to improve the tendering
of government tender allocation, addressing concerns over process's security and efficiency. Their innovative approach
favoritism and corruption while ensuring a fair and highlights the use of blockchain for data integrity and IPFS
competitive bidding environment. for decentralized storage, showcasing a comprehensive
solution that addresses the key challenges in current tender
Pal and Singh [9] explore blockchain technology's management systems. Deshpande et al. [16] examine the
applications in e-governance services, emphasizing its potential of permissioned blockchain technology in public
potential to transform public service delivery. Their study procurement systems. Their study advocates for the use of
highlights how blockchain can facilitate more transparent, Hyperledger Fabric to create a secure, transparent, and
secure, and efficient government processes, from efficient environment for public procurement, emphasizing
procurement to public record management. By presenting use the advantages of permissioned blockchains in meeting the
cases and potential benefits, this research underscores the specific security and governance requirements of the public
transformative impact of blockchain on e-governance, sector.
advocating for its broader adoption in public sector
operations. Khalfan et al. [17] delve into blockchain technology's
vast potential to reform public sector e-procurement and
Thio-ac et al. [10] assess the effectiveness of blockchain project management. They illustrate how blockchain can
technology in e-procurements, providing empirical evidence facilitate unprecedented levels of transparency, security, and
of its impact on improving procurement processes. Their efficiency in public sector procurement. This study broadens
analysis demonstrates blockchain's ability to enhance the the discourse on blockchain's applicability, emphasizing its
efficiency, security, and transparency of e-procurement role in overcoming traditional challenges such as fraud,
systems, corroborating the technology's potential to inefficiency, and lack of transparency in public projects,
revolutionize the way organizations conduct their thereby enhancing overall governance and trust.
procurement activities and engage with suppliers. Dubey et
al. [11] present a study on government tender allocation Hupare et al. [18] present a case for using blockchain
utilizing blockchain technology, illustrating how this technology to streamline e-tender processing and tracking.
innovative approach can lead to more transparent and Their innovative approach demonstrates how blockchain can
equitable tender processes. Their work proposes a offer a tamper-proof and transparent record of all tender-
blockchain-based solution that not only increases related activities, from bid submission to contract awarding.
transparency but also enhances the integrity of the tender The study underscores the potential of blockchain to
allocation process, offering a viable remedy to the challenges revolutionize tender management by automating processes,
of corruption and inefficiency in public procurement. ensuring fairness, and reducing the potential for corrupt

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Logith et al. [19] focus on a secure framework for procurement practices through enhanced transparency and
government tender allocation utilizing blockchain efficiency. Sarfaraz et al. [25] propose an improved
technology. Their research highlights the transformative blockchain framework for secure online bidding systems,
impact of blockchain on enhancing the integrity and utilizing a tree structure for enhanced scalability and privacy.
transparency of the tender allocation process. By mitigating This innovative approach addresses the limitations of
risks of fraud and corruption, the study advocates for traditional blockchain frameworks, offering a more efficient
blockchain's implementation as a means to foster a more and secure environment for conducting online auctions and
accountable and equitable public procurement environment. tendering processes.
Georgieva [20] explores the public procurement system in
Bulgaria, emphasizing the crucial role of transparency and IV. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY
regulatory frameworks in combating corruption. The study
provides insights into how maintaining transparent Based on the detailed review of our project report for
procurement practices can protect public resources and align "BlockTender," the proposed methodology can be articulated
with European Union standards, offering a valuable in four distinct sections: System Architecture, Blockchain
perspective on the systemic changes needed to improve Integration, Smart Contracts and SHA-256 Implementation,
procurement outcomes. and User Interaction and Security Protocols. These sections
collectively illustrate the innovative approach BlockTender
Table 1 Need to Adopt Blockchain for Procurement employs to enhance the tendering process through blockchain

 System Architecture
BlockTender's system architecture is modular, with
three key modules: Admin, Tender Officer, and Bidder. Each
module serves distinct functions in the tendering process.
Leveraging a decentralized network, the system operates on a
blockchain platform, ensuring transparency and immutability.
Users register through the Admin module, which oversees
system operations. Tender Officers create tenders, while
Bidders submit bids, facilitated by their respective modules.
The architecture supports various functions including user
registration, tender creation, bid submission, and evaluation.

Akaba et al. [21] investigate the adoption of blockchain-

based e-procurement systems in the Nigerian public sector.
Their case study highlights the challenges and opportunities
of implementing blockchain technology to enhance
procurement processes, emphasizing the potential for
increased efficiency, transparency, and stakeholder
engagement in project planning and monitoring.
Ramazhamba and Venter [22] examine the use of distributed
ledger technology (DLT) for digital forensic investigation in
tendering projects. Their study showcases the potential of
DLT to provide a secure and tamper-proof platform for tender
data, enabling real-time access and forensic audits. This
research underscores DLT's role in promoting transparency
and accountability in tendering activities.
Fig 1 Architecture Mechanism
Betts et al. [23] address the security and legal
challenges associated with e-tendering systems. By Decentralization ensures transparency and integrity by
advocating for a secure and compliant framework, their work recording all transactions on the blockchain, fostering trust in
sheds light on the necessity of developing e-tendering the tendering process. This approach mitigates the risk of
systems that not only enhance efficiency but also adhere to fraud or manipulation, enhancing the credibility of the
legal standards, thereby ensuring the integrity of the system. Overall, BlockTender's architecture provides a robust
tendering process. foundation for a reliable and secure tendering environment,
vital for ensuring fair competition and efficient procurement
Darwinl et al. [24] discuss the application of blockchain processes.
technology for transparent tender allocation. Their study
emphasizes the benefits of decentralization in eliminating
biases and improving fairness in the tendering process,
advocating for blockchain's role in redefining public

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

announcement of tender results, are recorded immutably on a

distributed ledger. This approach guarantees transparency and
verifiability, as every action within the system is transparent
and accessible to all parties involved, eliminating the
possibility of unauthorized alterations or tampering.

Moreover, the decentralized nature of blockchain

technology ensures that there is no single point of failure,
reducing the vulnerability to cyberattacks or manipulation.
Each transaction is cryptographically secured, providing an
Fig 2 Block Diagram of the Proposed Model additional layer of protection against fraudulent activities. As
a result, stakeholders can have confidence in the integrity of
In this proposed approach to tendering, an organization the tendering process, knowing that the information recorded
clearly lists what it needs and the deadline for bids, using on the blockchain is immutable and tamper-proof. Overall,
blockchain and smart contracts for secure storage. This BlockTender's utilization of blockchain technology enhances
ensures that only genuinely interested businesses can see and trust and reliability in the tendering environment, fostering a
respond to the tender. These businesses register on their own, secure and transparent ecosystem for conducting
choose relevant tenders after going through the requirements, procurement activities.
and submit their encrypted bids within the allowed
timeframe. After the deadline, the organization privately  Smart Contracts and SHA-256 Implementation
evaluates the bids, checking the credibility and suitability of Smart contracts play a pivotal role in automating
each bidder. The best bid is chosen as the winner, and to keep various processes within BlockTender, streamlining
things transparent, the organization shares the bidding details operations and ensuring efficiency. By embedding the terms
with all the companies that participated. This method of agreements directly into code, smart contracts execute
improves the tendering process by making it safer, more actions automatically based on predefined conditions,
transparent, and efficient. Thus by the use of encryption, eliminating the need for manual intervention and reducing
blockchain, and smart contracts builds a reliable platform for the possibility of errors. These contracts handle tasks such as
everyone involved. verifying bidder eligibility, evaluating bids, and awarding
tenders, providing a transparent and auditable process that
 Blockchain Integration enhances trust among stakeholders. Moreover, smart
At the heart of BlockTender's methodology lies the contracts eliminate intermediaries, reducing transaction costs
integration of blockchain technology, leveraging its and minimizing the risk of fraud or manipulation, ultimately
decentralized nature and cryptographic security to safeguard enhancing the overall efficiency of the tendering process
the integrity of tender documents and bid proposals. By within BlockTender.
utilizing blockchain, the system ensures that all transactions,
from tender notifications to bid submissions and the

Fig 3 Displaying Bidder Information to Tender Officer

In addition to smart contracts, the implementation of the throughout the tendering process, enhancing trust and
SHA-256 cryptographic hash function further reinforces the confidence among participants. The combination of smart
security of BlockTender. This function encrypts bid contracts and cryptographic encryption not only enhances the
documents, ensuring their integrity and safeguarding security of the system but also improves operational
sensitive information from unauthorized access or tampering. efficiency by streamlining processes and reducing the
By employing cryptographic techniques, BlockTender likelihood of disputes or discrepancies, thereby facilitating a
ensures that bid documents remain confidential and unaltered seamless and trustworthy tendering environment.

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 User Interaction and Security Protocols user-friendly interface designed for Admins, Tender Officers,
This section addresses the user interface design and the and Bidders, facilitating easy navigation and interaction with
security protocols integral to BlockTender. It describes the the system.

Fig 4 Two-factor Authentication via with Otp

The security protocols include two-factor

authentication, digital signatures, and encrypted
communication channels, ensuring that user data and tender
information are protected against unauthorized access and
cyber threats. The methodology emphasizes the importance
of a secure and intuitive user experience in encouraging the
adoption of the BlockTender system.

Together, these sections comprehensively detail the

methodology behind BlockTender, showcasing its potential to
transform the traditional tendering process into a more
secure, transparent, and efficient system through the
application of blockchain technology and advanced
cryptographic techniques.


Fig 5 Evaluation of Average Throughput
The implementation of such a system gives manifold
results. Firstly, it enhances the efficiency of the tendering
In the deployment and evaluation of BlockTender, the
process by automating several key functions and reducing the
system demonstrated significant improvements in the
time and resources required for managing tenders. Secondly, efficiency, transparency, and security of the tendering
it significantly improves the transparency and fairness of the process. Through the implementation of blockchain
process, as all actions are recorded on the blockchain and are
technology, the platform achieved a remarkable throughput
accessible for verification by all stakeholders. This not only
of close to 24 transactions per second, a considerable
helps in building trust among participants but also deters enhancement compared to traditional systems, which only
corrupt practices by making them easily detectable. Lastly, managed up to 11 transactions per second. This increase in
the security of the tendering process is markedly improved, transaction speed underscores blockchain's capability to
with the cryptographic features of blockchain technology handle the demands of a modern e-tendering system
protecting against data breaches and unauthorized access. efficiently.

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Additionally, the use of SHA-256 for bid document project's emphasis on user interaction and security protocols
encryption effectively ensured data integrity, with no has fostered a more accessible and secure environment for all
instances of tampering detected across all transactions. The stakeholders involved in the tendering process.
system's architecture facilitated seamless interactions among
users, with smart contracts automating crucial processes such In conclusion, the BlockTender project creates a new
as bid evaluation and tender awarding, thereby reducing era for e-tendering systems, one where the principles of
manual intervention and the associated risk of errors. blockchain technology can be harnessed to foster a more
transparent, efficient, and secure procurement landscape. The
User feedback collected through surveys revealed a insights gained from this project provide a valuable
high level of satisfaction with BlockTender's performance. framework for future research and development in the field,
Participants particularly praised the system's responsiveness suggesting a roadmap for the adoption of blockchain
and the enhanced security features, including blockchain technology in public and private sector procurement. As we
notarization and file auditing, which received strong move forward, it is imperative to continue exploring
agreement rates of 82.81% and 67.19%, respectively. The innovative technologies like blockchain to address the
Know-Your-Customer verification feature was also evolving challenges of the tendering process, ultimately
highlighted, with 84.37% of users strongly agreeing on its contributing to more accountable and equitable procurement
effectiveness in enhancing the system's security. These results practices worldwide.
indicate that BlockTender successfully addresses the primary
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