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Computer was invented in 1948. It has changed people’s life.

Computers are useful in science, technology, medicine, education,

architecture, banking and many many more. However there are many

disadvantages of having a computer.

Some people spend a few hours a day in front of the screen,

because they have nothing better to do. First of all it stops people

from thinking. Instead of using their brains they use the machines to

solve the easiest mathematical problems.

Computers have a very negative impact on children, who waste

their time by playing some violent games. Many teenagers, who surf

the Internet, watch pornographic pictures or read vulgar texts.

Although computers are very comfortable, they can ruin

people’s health. Instead of going out for a walk we stay at home with

our eyes ‘glued’ to the screen. We forget about everything around us.

We don’t read books, meet friends or go to the cinema. We become

addicted to the virtual world. Computer is like a drug. Once you start

using it you cannot stop.

Computers are necessary in our modern world, because they can

make our lives easier, but people should remember that there are

other important walks of life. Parents should show their children how

to use the computers reasonably, otherwise young people can become

a part of virtual world.

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