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Philosophy and ethics notes:

Hinduism and the cow:

Aryans: basically, White people in fancy word and brought cows as a “gift”

Indus: created urban planning, brick houses, drainage systems, water supply systems, large
non-residential buildings, and techniques of handicraft and metallurgy.

Harappan: grow crops.

Video notes:
1.over population of cows due to saying they are sacred.

2.most Harappans and Sarasvati were vegetarians.

3. river flooded twice a year so reliable number of crops which means no need for hunting.

4. more breaks for farmers.

5. Harappans and Sarasvati lived from 7000-3500 BC and never fought since they did not need to

6.cow is not scarred but is illegal to kill so what’s the point.

7.did its small animals though like chickens

8.mespotamis means land between the rivers

9.not a lot of weaponry

10.disappeared not forced out by war

11.Harappans and Sarasvat replaced by Arans

12.aryans = Indo-Europeans

13.the Vedas:


15. cows not holy but a symbol.

16.AHIMSA: a Hindu ideal of noninjury.

17.Gopashtami Festival: celebration of the cow.

18.cows look depressed

19.use incense sticks, flowers, fragrance, rice and water used to offer to the cows

20.killing a cow to Hindus was like killing a priest

21.kishnas fault

22.goddess that have a bit of cow in her so out of respected for het they worship cows since she is
known as the mother of all cows

23.respect her but not worshiped

24.india has more countries that than other countries

25.cow causes many traffic jams

26.belive cows connected to the gods


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