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Week 3 HTB Report three

Report by Rowen
Table of Contents
Pen Test: three
Intro and Objective
Report – high level summary
High level summary
Report – Methodologies
Introduction and Objective
This document provides comprehensive and detailed documentation
outlining the steps taken to penetrate the security and resilience of the target known
as "three." Throughout this guide, we will cover various measures and best
practices aimed at fortifying the machine against potential vulnerabilities and
security threats.
The objective of the penetration test is to discover and exploit vulnerabilities
in the machine with the main target being to gain access to machine and gain
administrator privileges. However, this is not for malicious purpose as the scope of
this test is to demonstrate the process used in a concise manner while also
explaining any steps or best practices to be taken to patch or monitor the associated
vulnerabilities to secure the target machine.
Report: High level summery

I was tasked with performing the Pen test against the target “three” on the
HTB network. The test serves as a simulated attack against this specific machine.
Initially I scanned the machine to see what ports were open and what was running.
The Target has an Apache server up running a linux ubuntu site. The site is
thetopper.htb that had subdomains running in the background that could be
interacted with. The service was an amazon aws that one could connect to with
spoofed credentials to gain access to the target. After to gain root access a php web
shell could be uploaded via the aws and called up through the site to give root
The main thing that could be done to prevent this situation is to update the
amazon configuration so that it can’t be connected to without some form of
verification. Possible updating the os or operating system so that they aren’t as
vulnerable. The other thing you could implement is have logging and make sure to
audit those logs.
Report – Methodologies
First we scan the target
Spent the rest of the time looking throught he website. The walkthrough I found used gobuster to find
the sub directories but my gobuster isn’t working.

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