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CSIT 493 Semester II Your Name: ____rowen p___

Peer Review 1

Please rank each of your team members' performance (including yourself) this semester thus
far. 24 points total

1) Has attended all scheduled meetings (pro-rate based on attendance):

a) 8 points if attended all meetings.
b) 6 points if attended ¾ or more meetings.
c) 4 points if attended roughly half of meetings.
d) < 4 points if attended less than half of meetings.

2) Worked on sprint tasks putting in expected effort for a 3 credit hour class:
a) 16 points: Worked 5+ hours per week on average on sprint tasks.
b) 12 points: Worked 3-4 hours per week on average on sprint tasks.
c) 8 points: Worked 1-2 hours per week on average on sprint tasks.
d) 4 points: Worked less than an hour per week or just showed up to meetings but
did little to no work.
e) 0 points: Didn’t show up to meetings and didn’t do any work.

Team Members Name Score 1 + Score 2 = Total (out of

_____owen____ __8__ ___16__ ____24____

____bailey______ __8___ __12__ ___20_____

___emanuel_____ __6__ __8__ _____14___

_____rowen(myself) __6__ __14__ ___20____

__________________ ______ ______ __________

NOTES (Anything you’d like to state either on your own progress or on others):
I know Emanuel has been busy with basketball, I mean he won nationals.
I know owen has been carrying the team hard.
Bailey has been there but hasn’t done as much work as owen or I.

The only thing I have is that almost everyone has missed one or two meetings but that
is permissible.

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