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Direction: Answer the following questions by putting inside the ( ) and if the answer was
not on the choices kindly indicate it.

Name: ____________________________________________
Age: ____
Gender: ( ) Male ( ) Female
For Workers
1. Who is responsible in checking the finish product?
( ) Facilitator ( ) Quality Controller ( ) Manager

2. Did the manager do rounding to your place to monitor your work?
( ) Yes ( ) No

3. If yes, how often manager do it?
( ) Daily
( ) Weekly
( ) Monthly
( ) Other (Please Specify): ____________________________

4. Who is responsible in determining the total number of products that have finish?
( ) Facilitator ( ) Quality Controller ( ) Manager

5. Where did he/she record?
( ) Piece of paper
( ) Notebook
( ) Columnar book
( ) Others (Please Specify): _____________________________

6. Who distributed needed materials?
( ) Facilitator ( ) Quality Controller ( ) Manager

7. How often he/she distribute materials?
( ) Before started to work
( ) Every hour
( ) Every week
( ) Every month
( ) Others (Please Specify): ____________________

8. What is the basis to meet the target number of output?
( ) Daily basis
( ) Weekly basis
( ) Monthly basis


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