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All the people I know enjoy watching a movie occasionally, and we can agree
that there are extracts in these that are memorable. At the same time, some
scenes would be better if they never existed.
Talking about good films I always think about ¨To every you that I´ve loved
before¨. A breathtaking movie about love, daily life and drama involving space
travel. I would lie if I said this film was perfect. It obviously has many errors, for
example the fact that it can be heavy going in some points. Anyway, the fact is
that there isn´t something like a perfect film. But if I had to choose a film to get
an award it would definitively this film. Not only for the plot but also because
of my favourite scene, the one when the main female travels illegally in time to
reunite with her dead son. The animation, the Ost and the voice acting makes
this specific scene heartbreaking.
On the other hand, we have a not so famous film that can make you laugh at
how bad it is, I am talking about ¨Birdemic¨. This film is overall bad, but he
most traumatic (of how bad it is) is the one where the birds start attacking the
humans. Not only the acting is hideous but also the special effects, which are
so badly done that is so obvious the little work dedicated to it. Another
reprehensible thing is the camera angles used.
To finish this, I would like to recommend watching the first film.

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