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Jealousy is defined as an envious or bitter attitude.

Many people experience it

every day, but not many stop to actually analyze it and consider the effects of it
on their outlooks on life. The most common impression of jealousy is a negative
one. That idea is because jealousy is a complex emotion that can be detrimental
in many ways. Jealousy can hurt one if it is taken too seriously. Often, jealousy
is casually shrugged off. However, if it persists, jealousy can break a person
down. Jealousy can even cause negative results such as making a person hurt
someone else.

A multifaceted emotion, jealousy is also potentially favorable. Jealousy can

cause one to strive to be better. One can be motivated by the need to become
better. Envy for someone else can be a good thing. Therefore, jealousy is also a
positive emotion.Finally, jealousy can be a neutral and ineffective emotion.
Many people who experience jealousy choose to live with it and not do
anything about it. These people are not affected by jealousy, positively or
negatively. They simply ignore the emotion and continue to live on with their
lives. In this case, jealousy is neither harmful nor helpful.

Therefore, jealousy is an amalgamated emotion. It can be useful, harmful, or

useless. Not many people think of jealousy as such a deep emotion. If they did,
jealousy would no longer be considered only a negative emotion.

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