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The Importance of the Immigration Movement in the US

Britany Navarro-Martinez

Northern Oklahoma College

ENGL1113-007: English Composition I

Professor Nordquist

December 6, 2023

The Importance of the Immigration Movement in the US

The immigrant rights movement consists of a broad array of organizations that work to

improve conditions of life in immigrant communities more broadly, specifically for

undocumented immigrants. Their goals center on reforming policies for a fair, just, and

comprehensive system. This idea includes the creation of a pathway to citizenship for

undocumented immigrants, improving the visa system, and ensuring fair treatment for all. The

US immigration movement aims to promote social justice, foster economic growth, and enrich

cultural diversity.

The immigration movement is a powerful force that advocates for social justice and

equality for all people, regardless of their country of origin. Former President Obama used his

executive power to create the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program on June

15, 2012. The program provides limited relief to some undocumented immigrants and enables

approved individuals to apply for driver's licenses and identification cards, as well as obtain

work authorization and a social security number (Badie 1). They have been able to influence the

government to put systems in place to protect immigrants and allow them to live in the United

States. According to the Passage Immigration Law, Immigrants may face discrimination,

exclusion, and exploitation as they seek to establish themselves in a new country. This can be

particularly true for undocumented immigrants, who may lack legal protections and access to

basic services such as health care and education. Through their efforts, immigrants can live a life

free from fear, discrimination, and persecution. So many kids out there have no choice in how

they live. Living in constant fear of deportation. Sometimes an education isn’t even an option for

kids. They also help create a more diverse and inclusive society by highlighting the unique

contributions immigrants bring to the table. It is important to recognize the positive impact that

the immigration movement has on our communities and to continue to support and advocate for

the rights of all individuals, regardless of their background or ethnicity. By addressing these

aspects, the immigration movement can be pivotal in advancing social justice and creating a

more inclusive and equitable society for all.

The immigration movement can have negative impacts on the host country. It can lead to

increased competition for jobs, lower wages, and higher crime rates. A study done by Pettinger,

from 2010 to 2018, the UK experienced significant net migration, coinciding with a phase of

stagnant real wage growth. The effect on wages is particularly pronounced among low-paid

individuals and those with limited educational qualifications. With an influx of immigrants,

resources like healthcare and education can also become strained. Additionally, some people may

feel that their culture and traditions are being threatened. While immigration can bring many

positive benefits, it is important to carefully consider and address the potential negative impacts

as well.

The Immigration movement helps the growth of the economy. It plays a vital role in

boosting the economic growth of a country. There have been many Americans upset that

immigrants take jobs away from them. That is not completely true. Based on a study done by

Krogstad (2020), Most Hispanics (88%) believe that undocumented immigrants take jobs that

U.S. citizens don't want, with a higher percentage of Hispanic immigrants than U.S.-born

Hispanics believing this to be true (94% vs. 82%). This just proves those theories wrong. As

stated by Kim (2020), although immigrants make up only 15% of the workforce in the US, they

are 80% more likely than native workers to become entrepreneurs. Based on these figures, the

notion that immigrants take jobs from Americans is not entirely accurate; rather, it is insufficient.

Immigrants in the first and second generations are establishing businesses ranging from small

sandwich shops with minimal staff to major tech companies employing thousands. For instance,

Elon Musk, originally from South Africa, generated over 50,000 jobs and contributed $4.1

billion to California's economy in 2017 by establishing his Tesla plant in the state. By welcoming

immigrants, we not only enrich our cultural diversity but also invite fresh ideas, skills, and

perspectives that can drive innovation, entrepreneurship, and productivity. “Most Americans

think legal immigration to the United States enhances the country’s reputation and strengthens

American companies with the expertise of skilled workers. Few think there is a major risk that

immigrants would burden the welfare system, reduce job availability, or commit crimes” (AP-

NORC 11) In turn, this helps create more jobs, stimulate consumer spending, and generate tax

revenue, all of which contribute to a thriving economy. By fostering an environment that

embraces immigration, the United States stands to gain economic prosperity, cultural richness,

and social dynamism.

Immigration has played a vital role in promoting diversity and creating a vibrant society

in the United States. By welcoming immigrants from different parts of the world, the country has

become a melting pot of cultures, languages, and traditions. As indicated by McCarthy, Trump

claimed immigrants change societal culture, supported by factors like time, technology, social

media, and contributions from natives. Rather than erasing culture, immigrants enrich it with

new ideas, expertise, customs, cuisines, and art. This is evident in the U.S., where diverse ethnic

groups coexist under the American flag, fostering a collective culture. This dynamic change of

ideas and perspectives has not only introduced new ways of thinking but also fostered mutual

understanding and respect between different communities. The richness of diversity flourishes in

local communities, adding vibrancy to the social fabric of the nation. As explained by Professor

Nancy Foner, Immigrants are reshaping our distinct American culture, influencing our cuisine,

music, films, and literature. Just as Jewish and Italian immigrants introduced bagels and pizza,

today salsa outsells ketchup, tacos are commonplace, and Chinese restaurants in 2015 surpassed

the combined number of McDonald's, Burger Kings, and Kentucky Fried Chickens, offering

diverse regional dishes. The immigration movement becomes a bridge that connects disparate

worlds, fostering a shared appreciation for the richness that different cultures bring to the

collective human experience.

The immigrant rights movement comprises several organizations working to improve the

living conditions of immigrant communities and call for comprehensive immigration reform.

Their goals include creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, improving

the visa system, and ensuring fair treatment for all. The US immigration movement aims to

provide several benefits, such as fostering economic growth, enriching cultural diversity, and

promoting social justice.



The US Immigrant Rights Movement (2004-ongoing). ICNC. (2022, March 9).

Badie, C. (2021, October 12). Understanding daca & the role social workers play in

advancing immigration justice. SWHELPER.


Why it matters: Immigration and social justice. Why it Matters: Immigration and Social Justice.


Krogstad, J. M. (2020, June 10). A majority of Americans say immigrants mostly fill jobs U.S.

citizens do not want. Pew Research Center.


Kim, J. D. (2020, September 17). Here’s how immigrants have boosted the U.S. economy. World

Economic Forum.


Diversity and immigration in America - AP-NORC. AP. (2021, April 2).

Foner, N. (2022, February 16). How immigration changed U.S. society | CUNY graduate center.



McCarthy, J. (2018, July 13). 5 ways immigration actually benefits a country’s culture. Global


Pettinger, T. (2022, July 11). Pros and cons of immigration. Economics Help.

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