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In this academic work, technical and vocational education in Zambia has been

highlighted in it’s significance and transformative journey over the years, technical and
vocational education in Zambia has been a cornerstone of the nation’s socio- economic
development since it’s independence 1964.
Over the decades, Technical and vocational education (TVE) has evolved significantly,
adaptation to the changing needs of the industries and society. By examining key milestones and
practical examples of the evolution of Technical and vocational education (TVE) from 1964 to
2023 can be traced, insights can also be gained into evolution of the technical and vocational
education in Zambia and it’s impact on the nation’s development trajectory, from the humble
beginning to the dynamic and diversified landscape, it has played a viral role in equipping
Zambians with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an enter-changing world.
The basic concept of the program of technical education and vocational training was
radically changed from 1969 to 1972. The system of apprenticeship based on sponsorship was
discarded as inappropriate for Zambia, instead a new pattern of education and training was
evolved, providing a comprehensive and integrated national program in technology below
professional level in technical skill and crafts. The objective of the program is to develop the
abilities and potential of the individual to train Zambians to meet the requirements of industry
for skilled man power and to provide positive assistance in the process of Zambianization, For
development of the new institutions to meet this objective, priorities were established as
follows :
(a) The craft or trades program leading to full occupational competence as a craftsman or this
equivalent in other occupations.
(b) Industrial technician program; and
(c) Engineering technology program. (Mwanakatwe 2016)
(d) 6

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