Zhang Dongxuan Thesis Proposal Template

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Name of Student:Zhang Dongxuan

Thesis Title:Francesco Paolo Tosti:The uniqueness of Italian Romantic music and its contribution to bel
canto research

Introduction 1000 words. What is In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, among the Professor’s Comments
this research about? European aristocracy and the emerging middle class,
a "Concerto da salone" in the form of "salone" arose.
The historic "Composizione da camera", or "Italian
Romance", also flourished in the form of the
"Concerto da salone". Because "Composizione da
camera" pays more attention to the mood of lyrics
and often uses ancient Italian poems, it is in line
with the characteristics of the gathering in the form
of Salone at that time. As a result, many composers
have also been attracted to write songs for this form
of concert. The Italian composer Francesco Paolo
Tosti is one of the exponents of the creation of
"Romanza da salone". His songs are frequently
featured in many concerts and are widely enjoyed by
singers and vocal learners. Although in the second
half of the 19th century, the Salone format began to
decline, the Composizione da camera continued to
develop. Tosti's art songs are still loved and
respected by vocal learners, which is enough to see
the cross-generational nature of Tosti's songs.
The purpose of this dissertation is to
comprehensively and deeply explore the Italian
Romantic works of the Italian composer Tosti, and
to understand the epochality of Tosti's Italian
Romantic through the history of the development of
Italian vocal chamber music. Analyze its unique
style and evaluate its contribution to the study of bel
canto singing. This dissertation will focus on how
Tosti chooses poetic texts for composition, explores
the uniqueness of his techniques in the process of
musical composition, analyzes the close connection
between poetic texts and music, and provides a
guide for Chinese vocal learners to sing Tosti's
romantic songs to overcome the challenges in the
singing process.
Stylistic Analysis of the Uniqueness of Tostie's
Romances: Although Tosty's works have been
extensively studied, a systematic analysis of the
uniqueness of his Romantics' styles is still lacking.
This dissertation will delve into the uniqueness of its
melody, harmony, rhythm and form, revealing the
core elements of its romantic style. His singing and
teaching background had a great influence on his
compositional style.
Research on the Fusion of Music and Poetic Text:
While previous studies have explored the
relationship between poetic text and music in Tosty's
work, this dissertation will go a step further and
analyze the reasons behind the choice of text, the
connection between poetic mood and musical
expression, and how the two can be perfectly
integrated in singing.
In-depth study of the technical level: Tosti's Italian
Romance embodies the technical concepts that
should be cultivated in each part, demonstrating his
understanding of sound and its function. His
romantic pieces show a strong emotionalism and a
clear Italian song sound, such as the concept of
vowel variation, the singer being at the mercy of the
composer or the poetic text, who decides which
vowels to sing at a given pitch, the technical
embodiment and use of vocal transitions, and so on.
Singing Guide for Chinese Vocal Music Learners:
According to the characteristics of Chinese vocal
music learners, this paper will provide specific
singing guidance, including the overcoming of
language barriers, the grasp of musical styles, and
the improvement of singing skills, which are areas
that have been less covered in previous studies.
Comparative Studies from a Cross-Cultural
Perspective: From a cross-cultural perspective, the
paper will also compare the similarities and
differences between Tosti's Romance and similar
works by composers from other countries and
regions, so as to more comprehensively reveal the
uniqueness of Tosti's Romance and its place in
global music culture.
Statement of Explain in 150 words At present, the research on Tosti's Italian romantic
the Problem what is the music often stays at its superficial musical
important problem
or the GAP in the characteristics and historical background, while the
research your thesis in-depth exploration and understanding of its unique
will fill out or will
answer. style is still insufficient. There is a lack of in-depth
analysis of how its musical elements are
innovatively combined, how it embodies the spirit of
Romanticism, and how it stands out among its
contemporaries. This dissertation will delve into the
musical structure, melodic characteristics, and
harmonic techniques of Tosti's Italian Romance,
reveal the specific manifestations of its unique style,
and compare it with contemporaries to explore the
innovation and influence of its style.
Although Tosti's Italian Romance is widely regarded
as an important textbook for bel canto singing, there
is still a lack of comprehensive and in-depth
research on how it specifically affects bel canto
singing techniques, singing styles and
expressiveness. This paper will explore the specific
influence of Tosti Italian Romance on bel canto
singing, including how its musical elements promote
the improvement of singing skills, how to enrich the
expression of singing emotions, and how to shape a
unique singing style.
Tosti's Italian Romance has made important
contributions to bel canto singing, but its status and
influence have not been fully recognized and
evaluated in the historical context of bel canto
research. This dissertation will evaluate the
historical position of Tosti Italian Romance in bel
canto studies, including how it has contributed to the
development of bel canto singing, how it has
influenced the theoretical construction of bel canto
research, and how it has played an important role in
vocal education. Through the practical singing
practice and vocal music teaching experience, the
practical application effect of Tosti Romance in
vocal music teaching is discussed, and how to
transform the research results of bel canto into the
improvement of actual singing ability.

Research What is your The purpose of this study is to deeply analyze the
Aim/Research research intends to stylistic characteristics of Tosti's Italian romantic
Purpose achieve? What is
the aim or goal of music, and reveal the simplicity and beauty of its
your thesis? melody, the romantic uniqueness of its lyrics, and
the inheritance and innovation of Italian folk music.
This paper explores the contribution of Tosti's works
to bel canto singing skills, timbre control, emotional
expression, etc., and analyzes the practical
application value of his works in bel canto teaching.
It also provides a useful reference for vocal
performers and vocal teachers to help them better
understand and interpret Tosti's works, thereby
improving the quality of vocal performance and
The dissertation aims to reveal the importance and
value of Tosti's works in vocal art through an in-
depth analysis and study of the unique style of
Tostie's Italian Romance and its contribution to bel
canto research. This dissertation will provide a
useful reference for academic research and practical
performance in the field of vocal music. Promote the
innovation and development of relevant academic
knowledge, and make new contributions to Tosti
academic research.

Research The goal of the study is to explore the unique style

Objective of Tosti's Italian Romantic music from multiple
dimensions, in order to understand how his works
embody the essence of Romantic music. To
summarize the academic contributions of Tostie's
Italian Romance, in order to form a new academic
theoretical basis, and to share new perspectives and
thinking directions on Tosti studies for the academic

Research Write 5 important 1How does Tosti's Italian Romance reflect national
Question research questions
do you think you
need to answer in
2The relationship between the choice of text and the
your thesis. Better
focus on the composition of the Italian Romance poems of Tosti.
questions that many
3What are the unique stylistic characteristics of
scholars did not pay
attention to or Tosti's Italian Romance?
whose answer you
did not agree. 4Tosti's contribution to vocal training?

5How can Chinese vocal learners overcome the

challenge of singing Tosti's Italian Romance?
Rationale Explain in 200 words
The dissertation focuses on the composer Tosti's
WHY your thesis is
important and Italian Romance, exploring his unique style and his
explain the contribution to bel canto research. Its importance is
theoretical and
practical impact of mainly reflected in the fact that the paper is of great
your thesis value for understanding Tosti and his work. Through
a meticulous analysis of Tosti's Italian Romance, the
dissertation reveals its unique musical language,
melodic characteristics, and emotional expressions,
thereby deepening the understanding of the
composer and his work.

The paper explores in detail the intrinsic connection

between Tosti's works and bel canto singing, and
provides new enlightenment for the techniques and
performance of bel canto singing. By analyzing the
stylistic characteristics and singing requirements of
Tosti's works, the paper provides a valuable
reference for vocal educators and learners, helping
them to better grasp the vocal style and singing
techniques of the Italian Romantic period.

At the theoretical level, this paper enriches the

theoretical research of vocal art and provides strong
academic support for later researchers. At the
practical level, the research results of this paper
provide practical guidance and reference for vocal
performers and researchers, and promote the
development and innovation of vocal art.

Significant and What is the new

Although there has been much analysis and
Original innovation of your
Contribution thesis that has NOT discussion of Tostie's Italian Romance in the
to Knowledge BEEN DONE by existing field of vocal and artistic studies, my
previous scholars
who studied the dissertation will focus on its unique style, its
same thesis topic or contribution to bel canto research, and how it selects
research questions?
and processes poetic texts in the creative process,
which provides new perspectives and reflections for
the academic community.

A major original contribution that may be made is an

in-depth exploration of the unique style of Tosti's
Italian Romance, and this paper is expected to
deepen our understanding of the scholarly value of
this form of composition. By analyzing the
uniqueness of its melody, harmony, and lyric
processing, we can more accurately grasp the artistic
charm of Tostie's romantic songs, so as to provide
more powerful theoretical support for vocal
performance and art appreciation. In my
dissertation, I will explore how Tosty chooses and
processes poetic texts in his creative process, and
how musical composition and poetic texts
complement each other. This will help us to
understand the relationship between poetry and
music more deeply, reveal how poetry and music
interact, and provide a richer inspiration for future
generations to create art. The dissertation will also
provide a guide for Chinese vocal learners to
overcome the challenges of Tosti Romance. This
will help Chinese vocal learners to better grasp the
singing skills of Tosti Romance and improve their
practice in the field of vocal art.

In summary, the topic of my dissertation is expected

to provide a more in-depth and comprehensive
perspective on the study of Tosti Romance in the
academic community, and promote the development
and innovation of the field of vocal art.

Literature Introduce the

Review literature review
and explain the
content and explain
why you will review
the literature This literature review follows the style
characteristics and singing analysis of the Italian
composer Francesco Paolo Tosti Romanze , and five
of them are selected as the objects. In order to do
this, I have consulted and retrieved the relevant
literature, and these academic contributions are
helpful for me to understand his romantic music.
Scholars from different majors such as music
history, composition theory, piano art director,
singers and vocal music professors have analyzed
and discussed the academic value of Francesco
Paolo Tosti romantic music in different dimensions.

The research of this paper is inseparable from the

support of references in various related fields. In
view of the research purpose and research
perspective of this dissertation, I strive to find the
classic literature and latest achievements in the study
of Tosti Romance in the English academic field, and
also widely absorb the important achievements of
domestic and foreign scholars in various disciplines
and fields related to it, and obtain some foundations
in both intellectual literature and theoretical

Summary and Theme A

Criticism of the
literature The creation technique of Tosti Romanze

Francesco Paoloo Tosti (1846-1916) was a famous

modern Italian composer and music educator
(hereinafter referred to as Tosti). Tosti created more
than 300 vocal music works in his life, among which
more than 30 romantic songs are the most classic
and most sung. Romantic music is a kind of lyric
acoustic music without fixed form or rich singing
instrumental music. Music historians Qian Yiping
and Wang Dandan believe that the formation of the
genre depends on the purpose and conditions of the
creation and performance, the thinking activities of
the creation, and the content and form of the works
(2017). The cognition of genre is an important basis
for us to analyze Tosti's romantic song. Scholars are
analyzing the creation techniques of Tosti's romantic
music and exploring his creative logic, with the
purpose of understanding his works more accurately.
Tenor Zhang Yongkai (2018) analyzed in most of
Tosti's works, we can see the alternating use of the
same principal tone, the frequent transition between
distance and distance, and the non-principal tuning.
Chen Long and PuTao two scholars through
example analysis trust the conversion of tone
technique makes works more color and artistic
(2019), Su Chang published a music review the poet
painting —— Tosti art song creation technique and
artistic expression of early (2022) points out in the
turn is developing music necessary technique, trust
by turn to complete the emotional transformation,
and the lyrics of emotional blend, make the work

Tosti Romanze melodic and singing. Liang qi's

research results show repetitive melody and
circuitous around type melody in trust style common
creation technique (2018), Luo Siyuan in his
master's thesis trust art song, A vucchella ,
emotional expression and singing analysis (2021) in
support the above view, the two melody
development technique to strengthen the romantic
rhythm, ductility, make the work with narrative and
colloquial characteristics. The other two researchers
pointed out that when they observed and analyzed
the melodic development technique of Tosti
romantic music, the repetitive and circuitous melody
is the conclusion from a micro perspective, and that
the advanced melody is another means of melody
development (Li Ya, 2016; Zhou Meichi, 2019).

In Tosti Romanze, the piano accompaniment is as

important as the melodic part of the song. Among
them, the segmentation of the rhythmic rhythm is
skillfully used by Tosti (Zhu Xianjie, 2009). In
addition, vocal music professor Gao Yanping (2020)
pointed out that the auxiliary function of music
background is very exquisite in the prelude,
interplay and final part of Tosti Romanze, which is
perfectly integrated with the singing melody. Vvocal
music professor Fang Yahong's academic paper
Musical expression of Napoli Folk Songs (2011) lists
a number of Tosti Romanze, explaining that love is
the spiritual soul of Napoli folk songs.

The research results of the above literature show that

Tosti romantic music is rich and exquisite in
emotion, exquisite in musical language, and
embodies superb creative skills in melody, harmony,
tone, rhythm and other aspects.

Summary and Theme B

Criticism of the
literature The musical style of Tosti Romanze

Scholars Chen Yu and Shang Jiaxiang (2007)

expressed in the preface of their translation of Tosti
Romantic Music Collection that most of Tosti's
works were famous in the 19th century.Zheng
Yuanmeng, the piano art director living in Italy,
studied the poetic text adopted by Tosti, and
believed that the poems of Gabriele D'Annunzio,
Victor Hugo, Alfredo de Musset and other poets
themselves exudes Romanze and elegance. In his
monograph A Song of Life: Francesco Paolo Tosti
(2004), Francesco Santivale argued that many of the
poems he chose to compose are closely related to the
cultural and historical background of his life and
work early in his career."Tosti longed to know the
latest Italian and foreign poetry, his direct contact
with poets, his sharing of thoughts and experiences...
greatly enriched his work. Tosti was able to stand
out because of his talent for melody and his
relentless pursuit of a more cultured and elegant
style. Vocal music researcher Shu Wenjie (2020)
summed up the unique music salon style
characteristics of Tosti romantic music unique in the
art world at that time, with a high degree of literary
and romantic color, diversified themes, multi-lingual
cultural background, paying attention to the beauty
of melody, and emphasizing the colloquial lyrics.

The influence of the Napoli melodies and the

subtlety of the Bel canto are evident in the Tosti
Romanze. In her book Songs: Style and Literary
Guide (2000), strong affecvism influenced Tosti's
Romanze, and his song style defines the final Italian
song' sound for many —— Italian melodies with a
lot of Napoli pop songs... he knows how to write
engaging, fluid melodies to show the sound... these
songs are immediately appealing. In the Tosti
Romanze, the syllable setting of the poem is almost
always within the range of the gorgeous melody. In
Francesco Santivale's biography of the composer, he
explained that the choice of contemporary Italian
poets is determined not only by the musical potential
of the lyrics, but also largely by the literary themes
and styles that exert the greatest influence on the
public, so these verses reflect their ideals and
aspirations (2004). In the latest literature, scholar
Chen Qiyuan pointed out that Tosti integrated the
music style into his romantic music style, such as
the use of the long and short rhythm, the use of large
span interval and scale short sentences (2023).
Green light and Dong Bing support the above views,
think this blend in Po music style of melody in the
romantic often reflected (2021), Anna in her master's
thesis analysis of the romantic singing. analyzed the
trust is good at dance characteristics of Italian folk
customs and folk tunes into the romantic works

There is little research on the emotional

characteristics of Tosti Romanze, with tenor Wang
Huan in his paper Lasciami! Lasciach io respiri
creative analysis and singing skills (2016)
exemplified Tosti Romanzeof loneliness,
melancholy and bleak in elegance. I am deeply
interested in this view, which is the charm of Tosti's
romantic music, and I will study this topic in depth
in my paper.

Summary and Theme C

Criticism of the
literature The teaching value of Tosti Romanze

Richard Miller Is one of the most famous vocal

experts in the United States. In his monograph in
Training Tenor voices (1993), he pointed out that
training high notes is a challenge, requires courage
and wisdom, and requires singers to have a good
technical foundation. Another chapter of this
monograph states that Passaggi means passage in
Italian, as the "transition point" of the acoustic zone,
which seamlessly switches between these zones in
the most efficient way to obtain a uniform tone.
Meng Qingze's article on the Help of Singing Tosti
Art Song to solve technical problems proves that
Tosti romantic song is an important carrier to
achieve this teaching goal (2020). The original
Italian Romantic Collection (Copyright 1987 by
BMG RICORDI S.p.A) that Tosti is an excellent
vocal educator and composer, familiar with the "Bel
canto" technique. Tosti's romantic works reflect the
technical concept of transitional sound area.

In vocal music courses, teachers teach correct

posture, respiratory mechanics, optimal resonance,
vowel clarity, and holistic expression, however, only
through the repertoire assigned to the singer can
teachers best guide the application of these technical
principles (Mark Aaron Kano, 2021). Chinese vocal
music professor Xian Yu in the song in Italy abzola
national academy of music after study wrote an
article "Italian vocal music teaching material usage
of our country vocal music teaching material
construction of enlightenment" (2014), she observed
in the undergraduate stage and master the early
baroque and classical Italian songs, most Italian
vocal music teachers will choose Tosti Romanze
chance to establish deeper connections with Italian
opera. This phenomenon of vocal music teaching is
consistent with the views expressed by Munson and
Nathan. If Tosti Romanze is chosen for vocal music
undergraduates and their teachers for specific vocal
music art development goals, the goal of this project
is to provide a starting platform (2018). As two
publishers Carman and Judith argue, it is time to
revisit this late 19th-century work and find good
works that teach the foundations of classic singing
and solo concerts (2003), referring to the Romanze
written by Tosti.

Summary and Theme D

Criticism of the
During the exploration of repertoire,I will address
the following within each song:Pedagogical
Observations; Accompaniment; Phrasing and
Articulation; Vocal Challenges and Benefits; as well
as Poetry/Text. My doctoral dissertation will focus
on the five romantic songs of Aprile, Ideale, La
serenata, Non t 'amo piu and L' ultima canzone
around the viewpoints in the literature review.
What is the gap in Evaluation of the Status of the literature.
the literature? How
Chinese scholars' research on Tosti and his works
is your thesis is
going to fill in the started late, mainly focusing on historical materials
gap? and analyses related to Tosti's life and creation, and
more on the study of works and singing. Western
scholars, especially Italian scholars, have been
studying Tosti for many years, but there are not
many specialized works that can be found, and they
mainly focus on translation and version research.
Objectively speaking, the literature is very limited,
especially in the discussion of the vocal technique of
Tosti's Romances, the relationship between Tosti and
Italian poets, the melody of Tosti's songs and the
piano accompaniment, etc., are almost blank. Since
the writing of this paper requires a large number of
original materials, the use of literature adopts the use
of primary materials cited from secondary sources,
and enriches the blank literature as much as

Methodology What will be your Literature Research Method, Music Analysis

method to gather or Method, Comparative Research Method, Empirical
organize your
research? Analysis Method, etc.

What are the data Collect and read documents on Tosti's life, works,
set you will collect? style, etc., including the history of Italian literature
in the 19th century and other composers of the same

Who are the authors The above research methods are all based on the
of the method you practice and innovation of many scholars, and there
will use?
is no specific author.

How will you use Literature Research: Collect and read literature on
the method Tosty's life, works, style, etc., including books,
differently in your
thesis? journal articles, concert reviews, etc.

Music Analysis: A detailed musical analysis of

Tosti's compositions, including melody, harmony,
form, lyrics, etc., to reveal the uniqueness of his
musical style.

Comparative study: Compare Tosti's works with

those of other contemporaneous composers in order
to highlight the uniqueness of his style.

Empirical research: An empirical study of Tosti's

works through recordings and live performances,
and an analysis of their use of techniques and
performance effects in singing.
Theory What is your My dissertation will employ theoretical methods
theoretical such as textual analysis, comparative methods, and
approach you will
use in your thesis? historical research methods.

Who are the authors The theoretical methods used in this dissertation are
of the theory you mainly derived from the fields of musicology,
will use?
literature, and aesthetics. Among them, textual
analysis and comparative methods were mainly
influenced by musicologists and literary critics, such
as musicologist Joseph Machlis and literary critic
Edmund Wilson. The principles of historical
research were mainly influenced by historians such
as Karl Marx and Franz Boas.

Why you will use Using the above theoretical methods, this
this theory dissertation will provide an in-depth analysis of
Tosti's Italian Romance. Firstly, through text
analysis, the musical characteristics of Tosti's works,
such as melody, timbre, rhythm, and treble, as well
as the literary beauty of the lyrics, are analyzed.
Secondly, through the comparative method, Tosti's
work is compared with other Italian art songs in
order to highlight its uniqueness. Finally, through
the historical research method, this paper explores
the historical background of the formation of Tosti's
style and its contribution to bel canto research.

How will you use On the basis of the above theoretical methods, this
this theory and dissertation will attempt to adopt an interdisciplinary
what is your new
way of using the research approach, that is, to combine the theories
theory? and methods of musicology, literature, aesthetics,
history, and other disciplines to conduct a
comprehensive and in-depth analysis of Tosti's
Italian Romance.

Conclusion Why is your First of all, I have sung a lot of Tosti Italian
research important Romance and held a special concert of Tosti Italian
Romance, so I have real experience of singing
Why should other practice. Based on the research intent of this paper,
people pay attention
to your thesis? there will be certain results at both the intellectual
level and the theoretical level. But it also reflects
limitations and skepticism. Here, we should not
focus on the value of these achievements, but on the
basis of this paper, in order to make the knowledge
content of related fields more accurate and rich, we
can continue to deepen on the following topics, such

The expansion of Tosti's other works, as well as the

in-depth study of the manuscripts of the works and
the singer's sung versions, are important
prerequisites for a more accurate grasp of the
stylistic characteristics of Tosti's works and an in-
depth understanding of the composer's creative

Musical interpretations of the poetic connotations of

Tosti's songs, and the influence of the literary forms
and concepts reflected in Tosti's romantic works on
the techniques and concepts of other chamber music
composers under specific historical conditions, etc.

The extension of these topics and the richness and

accuracy of the material directly affect the depth and
breadth of research on Tostie's academic


CHAPTERS chapter and explain
Uniqueness and stylistic characteristics of Tosti's
why your chapter is
important and what
gap in the scholarly Italian Romance.
literature the This chapter focuses on the cultural background of
discussion in your
chapter will fill out. nineteenth-century Italy, analyzing the relationship
Explain what will be between Tosti's choice of poetic texts for romantic
the discussion
points within this works and his musical composition...... Greatly
chapter. Only 150 enriched his work. It will fill the gap in academic
research on the relationship between the text and
music of Tostie's romantic poems, and then deduce
that Tostie's unique stylistic characteristics are due
to his talent for melody and his unremitting pursuit
of a more cultivated and elegant style. This chapter
contains three main points of discussion, namely, the
cultural background of Italy in the nineteenth
century and the educational background of Tosti, the
relationship between the choice of poetic texts and
musical composition of Tosti's Romances, and the
uniqueness and stylistic characteristics of Tosti's
Romantic Songs.

Introduce the IV: CHAPTER TITLE

chapter and explain
Contribution to Bel Canto Research.
why your chapter is
important and what
First, Tosti's Italian Romantic music embodies the
gap in the scholarly
literature the stylistic characteristics of Italian Romantic music
discussion in your from the late 19th century to the early 20th century,
chapter will fill out.
Explain what will be such as melodic harmonic characteristics and
the discussion emotional melancholy. Through the study of these
points within this
works, we can better understand the development of
chapter. Only 150
words bel canto singing during this period and how the
essence of Romantic music was expressed through
vocal techniques.

Secondly, Tosti's romances involve multiple voices,

including tenors, sopranos, etc., covering a wide
range of vocal ranges and timbre variations. The
study of these works helps us to understand more
deeply the characteristics and requirements of
different parts in bel canto singing, and how to
adjust the vocal area and timbre according to the
needs of the work, as well as the vocal transition and
vocal range expansion.

Thirdly, the interpretation of musical expressiveness,

for example, phrases, coherence, Parlanda, appogia,
messa di voce, etc., suggests a large number of
expressive means of Tosti Romance, which deserve
to be explored. At present, there are relatively few
academic studies on the relationship between Tosti's
Italian Romance and bel canto singing, and there is
still a large research space in this field. The main
points of the discussion include the intrinsic
relationship between Tosti's Romance and bel canto
singing, the analysis of the application and technical
requirements of Tosti's Romance in bel canto
singing in combination with specific works and
performance practices, the discussion of how to
better interpret the artistic connotation of these
works, the comparative study of Tosti's Romance
and other musical works of other periods, and the
conclusion of the influence on later generations.

Introduce the V: CHAPTER TITLE

chapter and explain
A Guide to How Chinese Vocal Learners Can
why your chapter is
important and what Overcome the Challenges of Singing Tosti
gap in the scholarly Romances.
literature the
discussion in your This chapter focuses on the important role of Tosty
chapter will fill out. Romance in Chinese vocal music learners, Tosty
Explain what will be
Romance is widely used in Chinese vocal music
the discussion
points within this learners, but there is a lack of targeted thematic
chapter. Only 150 guidance, and the relevant literature in China
focuses more on the introduction and research of
works, and lacks a guide to how to overcome the
challenge of singing Tosty Romance. The main
points of discussion in this chapter include the
cultural background and linguistic characteristics of
Tosti's Romance, the use of sound technology and
the expression of the work, and the cooperation with
the piano accompaniment.

References These are the

Anna (2014). A Brief Analysis of Tosti Art Songs
s you will read until singing —— Take Italian art songs as an
you complete your example. Master's thesis.
research. Select
important scholars Carman, J. (2003). Francesco Paolo Tosti(1846-
in your references.
Use NEW references 1916). "30 Songs". Journal of Singing.
as much as possible
within 5 years time. Carol, K. (1996). Song:A Guide to Style and
The number of Literature. Redmond,Washington.
references for PhD
thesis should be 90- Chen, Q. Y. (2023). The creative characteristics of
120 references.
Tosti art songs. Time Report.
References should
be in APA7 Format
Chen, L. & Pu, T. (2019). Analysis of Creation
Characteristics and Singing. The Voice of the
Yellow River.

Chen, Y. & Shang, J. S.(2007). Tosti Songs. People's

Music Publishing House.

Fang, Y. H. (2011). Musical expression of Napoli

Folk Songs in Love Theme. Folk Music.

Francesco, S. (2004). The Song of a Life: Francesco

Paolo Tosti. Ashgate Publishing aaaaLimited.

Gao, Y. P.(2020). Tosti's extended analysis of the

Italian art song accompaniment. Art Mirror.

Kou, H. G. &Dong, B. (2021). The creation logic of

Tosti art songs. Contemporary Music.
Li, L. & Cheng, Y. M. (2022). Singing analysis of
Tosti art songs. The Voice of the Yellow River.

Li, Y. (2016). The wonderful pen in art songs- -

serenata—— Take Schubert's "serenata",
Brahms' "Actualserenade" and Tosti's
"serenade" as examples. Master's thesis.

Luo, S. Y. (2021). Emotional expression and

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