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When searching through Google with the theme hi-tech/ futuristic/ space/ robotic/ future,
I found an image Pinterest & shuttertock (source:; vectorpixelstar)
like the technology icons below, and I got the idea from the image of a droid and

2. and I was also get idea from Wall-E movie, which has a kind of chrome/silver flying
android. and there is also a robot or droid film that can lift objects (I forgot the
name of the film and details )

3. I was also hesitant to add fire or some kind of flare (which usually comes out under
robots/cars that can floating or fly), but it seems it would be less neat if it's in a small
pixel size, so I believe the droid that I made looks like it's floating

" I sent my miner design again for the second time, because
I was less confident and wanted to revise the initial design.
Sorry for the mistake, but this is my original idea and work.
Thank you RC "

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