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other names: Nothing.. just the barbarian with high temprament!!

To be honest, I saw that many RollerArtists and other participants also sent miners with
pictures of characters in front of them... I wanted to try something like that too, but there
were many character variants that were difficult to combine with the situation I wanted to
create. So, I used a Viking character who was angry in a cage

(picture from Shutterstock, source:

I used this face shape as a reference for the helmet

and beard.

I didn't have any ideas for this, but I didn't want it to

look empty on either side of my machine... in the end
I made it look like I was holding iron bars.

Honestly, this is very difficult (yes, difficult )

I'm sorry if it's not interesting enough, I went
through “trial and error” per-pixel to make fingers
looks grasping the bar

.. hope this fit to season-contest, the first miner-character I made

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