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Presentation 1: ‘Forms of narration: film trailers’

Here’s what you will find in this presentation.

1. Introduction (What is film trailer?)

2. Introduction to When devil wears a tie.
3. Trailer Overview.
4. Tools and Techniques.
5. Style and Narration techniques.
6. Storyline.
7. Creative Choices & Technical challenges.
8. Conclusion.

What is Film trailer?

A trailer (also known as a preview, coming attraction or attraction video) is a commercial
advertisement. originally for a feature film that is going to be exhibited in a movie theater or
It is a product of creative and technical work, According to this, we can regard trailer as a
combination of commercial and artistic value.

In this presentation, I will be discussing 'When Devil Wears a Tie' trailer.
In the beginning, I wanted to have this project as a Tech-Noir trailer. However, due to
limited access to filming equipment and resources, I used artificial intelligence (AI) to
produce the trailer.

Trailer Overview
The idea behind the trailer is to have some fun with the concept of the future. And how the
life concepts will change in the near future, Many people often worry about the future how
it will look like, so I decided to use AI to give a sight of what it might be like.
I used bright neon colors and lighting to create a futuristic and lively atmosphere, generated
them using Midjourney and Runwayml.

Tools and Techniques

 I began to imagine the trailer scene, after writing down and organizing my
ideas on sticky notes, I used them as a blueprint for what I want to create.
 That helped me visualize the sequence of events and scenes, and then I used
Midjourney to generate images and then converted them to videos using

Style and Narration techniques

 The style of the trailer is teaser, some will see it as science fiction and fantasy
because of AI and its imaginative world, and it shows that, but I care not to reveal
more about the plot and the backstory that’s why I see it as a teaser.
 Narration techniques in the trailer are the texts, tagline, and silence.
In a future, a city where AI lets people bring their fears into life as monsters, John, a guy
who goes by the alias (Medusalith), wants to take over something! But there are people
who are willing to do their best to save us. Yet, these challenges change them in unexpected

Creative Choices & Technical challenges

We found difficulties making a tech-noir or fantasy trailer due to limited materials. and it
was challenging, but we wanted to make something new as well.
So we created the trailer from our imagination into reality using AI not cameras.

The integration of AI into media unveils a realm of boundless creativity.
And I recognize that while AI can be a powerful tool, it doesn't stand alone.
It is like a video game with more technology and human creativity.
AI in media requires human guidance.

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