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4) In the “By Changing Variable Cells” box, enter the reference for each solver variable (blue color in

Table 5). Separate the references with commas (English version).

5) In the ‘Subject to the constraints’ box, enter solver constraints by doing the following:
a) In the ‘Solver Parameters’ dialog box, click ‘Add’.
b) In the ‘Cell Reference’ box, enter the cell reference “E47” of simulation constraint table
c) Click the ‘relationship’ ‘=‘, in the ‘Constraint’ box, type the number ‘0’.
d) Click ‘Add’ for the solver constraint 3. When the last solver constraint 4 is added (excel cell
‘E49’), click ‘OK’ to return to ‘Solver Parameters’ dialog box.
6) Click ‘Solve’. To keep the solution values on the worksheet, in the ‘Solver Results’ dialog box, click
‘Keep solver solution’.

At this level, the optimized results are given in Table 6 as it appears on Excel Microsoft spreadsheet.
Figure 6 gives the summary of results.

Table 7 gives comparison between sampling data and material balance results for the sampling data

Table 7: Sampling data vs material balance results

Number Designation Sampling Data Material balance results

SGp Cu grade SGp Cu grade
Kg/m 3 % Kg/m 3 %
4 Rougher tailing 1,256 1,218.9
6 Scavenger tailing 1,264 1,223.9
12 Hydrocyclone overflow 1,123 11.29 1,130.0 10.61
14 Cleaner concentrate 1,203 1,184.5
15 Cleaner tailing 1,095 1,094.6
16 Re-cleaner concentrate 1,275 1,278.3

Joseph Kafumbila
Page 30

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