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Incomplete Homework Contract

Student's Name: _______________________________

Grade/Class: _______________________________

Teacher's Name: _______________________________

Date: _______________________________


I, __________________________________, understand and agree to the following expectations

regarding my homework:

1. I will complete all assigned homework on time.

2. I will submit homework in the required format and by the specified deadline.

3. I will seek help from the teacher or classmates if I am having difficulty understanding the

4. I will take responsibility for organizing my time and materials to ensure the completion of

Consequences for Incomplete Homework:

I understand that if I fail to meet the expectations outlined above, the following consequences may be

1. First Offense:

 Verbal reminder and discussion with the teacher about the importance of completing

 Requirement to complete the missing homework within a specified timeframe.

2. Second Offense:

 Loss of one non-academic privilege (e.g., participation in a class game, use of electronic
devices) until the missing homework is completed.

 Completion of an additional assignment related to the missed homework.

3. Third Offense:

 Detention or time-out during a break period to reflect on the importance of homework

 Written reflection essay on the impact of incomplete homework and strategies for

4. Fourth Offense:

 Parent-Teacher Conference to discuss ongoing issues and collaboratively find solutions.

 Loss of participation points in the class until a consistent improvement is demonstrated.

Student's Agreement:

I have read and understand the expectations and consequences outlined in this contract. I agree to take
responsibility for completing my homework on time and to work towards meeting the expectations set
by my teacher.

Student's Signature: _______________________________

Date: _______________________________

Teacher's Signature: _______________________________

Date: _______________________________

This contract serves as a tool to clarify expectations and provide a structured approach to addressing
incomplete homework. Adjust the consequences based on the specific needs and policies of your
classroom or school.

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