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The Facebook Master Class

The Facebook Mastery:

the knowledge of winning

This Underground E-book is a map that will

allow you to turn your specialized knowl-
edge, talents, products, service into profit-
able businesses that work for you.

The Facebook Master Class

Who is this eBook for?

This eBook is for ANY small business owner!

Brick and mortar businesses, corporate mar-
keting professionals, or ANYONE who wants to
make money.

Because in this eBook we will show you how to

leverage the POWER of Facebook advertising to
create a huge income stream, even if you have
no money to start, and no product or service of
your own!

This eBook will cover everything YOU need to

know to exponentially increase the sales of your
business, or to create a brand new business as a
Facebook Ads agency (being paid heavily to run
ads for other businesses)!



The Facebook Master Class



YOU read and watch THE ENTIRETY OF THE E


And Let me Explain Why...
Facebook ads are a cyclical process and under-
standing each step of the ecosystem is vital for
creating your first campaign the RIGHT way.

You can skip around the eBook and read what-

ever you like…

The Facebook Master Class

BUT the overwhelming amount of our many suc-

cess stories have come from people who have
read the entire eBook taking extensive notes in
ADDITION to the notes provided and thoroughly
understanding the concepts before trying to ap-
ply and implement them to their own business-

And If you don’t have a product or business yet,

you can use this knowledge for any Business in
the world - more specifically you can charge oth-
er businesses to advertise for them, and there’s
no easier sale in the world than MAKING SOME-
ONE MORE MONEY than they were before you!
Thus you can create a Facebook ad agency!

However, You have to walk before you can run,

and Facebook ads are similar - before you can
make an ad correctly you need to understand
the hook, and the CTA, and before you can serve
your ad to the correct potential buyers you have
to understand what a custom audience is, and
how to create lookalike audiences properly uti-
lizing interests and demographics, and how to
retarget based on view percentage/engage-
ment, or custom pixel events!

The Facebook Master Class

The point is… it takes time to become an expert

at Facebook Ads because they are as much an
art as a science.
So my suggestion and the overwhelming evi-
dence suggests that you will have a much high-
er probability of success by going through the
course in its entirety, taking your own notes of
specific points to come back to and pages to
later review and UNDERSTANDING EACH CON-
CEPT as it relates to your business or your future
Facebook ads agency...

Make yourself flash cards if it helps and finish

your quizzes.
The more you understand - not memorize but
UNDERSTAND - the better off you’ll be, because
Facebook changes their platform FREQUENTLY,
so simply trying to memorize things WILL NOT
WORK, you need to understand the reasons/
strategies behind what we teach and you’ll be
on your way to becoming a Facebook expert and
a VERY successful business owner!

The Facebook Master Class

Facebook ads are the future, there is no better

way to advertise your business available any-
where (trust me I’ve searched).... There are over
2 billion monthly active fb users, 1.45 billion daily
active users of which 70% log on daily, and the
average time spent on Facebook is 50 minutes

The Facebook Master Class

Think about that for a second, over 1/4th of the

ENTIRE PLANET uses Facebook monthly, about
⅕ of the ENTIRE PLANET uses facebook DAILY,
and people spend close to an HOUR EVERY DAY
on facebook…!

Your customers are there, it’s OUR JOB to find

them, and that is exactly what we are going to

The Facebook Master Class


Understanding Facebook™ Ads

& What Works + Vocabulary You
Need to Know + The POWER of
the Pixel Strategy!

How to Set Up Your Facebook Page! All ads run from

Facebook pages, meaning that if someone were to be
interested in your ad and want to see who was running
it; they would be able to click through and view your
associated Facebook page!
This is one of the many reasons it is important to create
a professional and polished looking Facebook page!

To create a Facebook page visit:

The Facebook Master Class

I normally use my company logo or flagship

product as my profile picture, and a relevant eye
catching image as my cover photo (make sure
you google the proper dimensions of each - I
would include them here but they change often!)
Do NOT reinvent the wheel here, find someone
who has already been successful and then play
off what they have done, adding your own style!

EXAMPLE: If you’re making a page for your cof-

fee shop - go look at Starbucks, see what their
cover photo is, and their profile picture, read
their ‘about section’, look at what works they use
for their CTA button (for example it might say,
send message, learn more and go to a website
etc) and then copy it, with your own images and
branding of course!
Create a minimum of 5-10 high quality posts with
eye catching imagery or video that provides val-
ue to your niche.
This doesn’t have to be original content (go to
other successful pages in your niche and share
to your own page), include your website in the
text of the post you write so IF it gets shared
again, people will see your website in the shared
post text portion at the top and have a higher
likelihood of clicking your website link!

The Facebook Master Class

How to Create Your ‘About Me’ Sec-

Remember to edit the “About” Section In Your
Group - this becomes your meta description in
Google - or what appears as the preview text
next to your Facebook page in Google search re-

Use relevant highly searched search terms relat-

ed to your business and use your company URL;
this also helps with Search Engine Optimization!

The Facebook Master Class

How to Add Your Call to Action!

All Facebook pages have a CTA or call to action

button, including sending a message to a page,
or clicking to learn more and visiting a website…
I have tested them all and by far the most profit-
able is the ‘Send Message’ call to action… if you
have an ecommerce website - shop now works
well too, but even then ‘Send Message’ if you
have a customer service staff to answer ques-
tions works best - people are normally just ONE
QUESTION AWAY from making a purchase, be
there to ease their final concern before conver-

The Facebook Master Class

Having 24/7 staff answering questions on my

Facebook page is one of the single biggest con-
version techniques I use for ALL my businesses!
A good way to get notifications on your phone
when people message your page is to download
the Facebook Pages App + turn on notifications
so you receive messages when people respond
to your ads AND/OR message your page organi-
Remember page messages are not normal mes-
sages, and won’t appear in your messenger app,
they do however show up in the Facebook Pag-
es App once you connect your page!

How to Set Up a Business Manager (Pro-

fessional Facebook Ad Account!)
Business manager is the professional way to use
Facebook ads, most beginners use their own
personal pages ad manager to run ads from, but
this is clunky, and has many disadvantages.

The Facebook Master Class

To start things off right, we are going to create

our business manager accounts and use the
Facebook page we just created (or one that al-
ready exists)

Go to:

Click Create Account

Enter a name for your business, select the prima-

ry Page and enter your name and email address

Move through the rest of the onboarding flow by

entering the rest of the required fields.
If you need to add additional people to your
business manager, like if you ever hire someone
to run ads for your business, or if you decide to
create a Facebook agency and want to add your
clients to your business manager you can learn
how to add people to Business Manager by Click-
ing HERE!
Learn how to add Pages and ad accounts to
Business Manager.

The Facebook Master Class

If you’re running a Facebook ad agency - being

paid to run ads for other businesses - the busi-
ness has to invite you to access specific Pages or
ad accounts. You can also request access to their
Pages and ad accounts! Have more assets to add
to Business Manager? Learn how to add Pages
and ad accounts to Business Manager.

Underground Hack - Get Instagram Tab

for Facebook & YouTube Tab for Face-
They are AWESOME apps if you have an Insta-
gram or YouTube presence, if you don’t yet just
ignore these two apps for now!
Click Here to Download InstaTab for Facebook
Click Here to Download YouTube for Facebook

The Facebook Master Class


With a true understanding of this core set of

vocabulary related to the Facebook Ecosystem,
you will be ready/capable to converse with an-
yone anywhere about marketing on Facebook
and to dive into the Platform itself to become an

The Facebook Master Class

This is your highest level when creating ads, you
can have multiple Ad Sets per Campaign, and
each Ad Set can have multiple Ads!

Ad Set
This is where the MAGIC happens; you can create
DETAILED TARGETING here to only show your ad
to the people most likely to buy your product or

The Facebook Master Class

The big 3 ways to target your perfect customers

on Facebook come in the form of interests, de-
mographics and behaviors (which we will discuss
in detail later on!) The sweet spot here seems to
be having 4-8 ads in one ad set.

This does not mean you need to have four ads

or that you need to stick to this rule religiously,
sometimes for one ad set, you’ll only have one
ad that is working well, sometimes you’ll have
all eight working well - the key to Facebook is
testing and being able to make data driven deci-
sions quickly based off those tests.


The Facebook Master Class

This is what the customer actually sees, this is

where you write your ad copy and choose your
images or videos to actually show new potential

This graphic below visually depict the relation-

ship between Campaigns, ad sets, and ads.

The Facebook Master Class

Custom Audience
Custom audiences are the building blocks of tar-
geting on Facebook. Custom audiences can be
used by themselves, or as ‘seed’ audiences that
Lookalike audiences are created from (looka-
likes are discussed below - don’t worry), and are
the basis for most forms of retargeting.

You can make a custom audience from pretty

much anything, but the most common and USE-
FUL example is website traffic, people who visit
your website or specific web pages.
This is incredible because let’s say for exam-
ple you have a website selling Canoes, and 100
people visit your website, you can then create a
custom Audience of those exact 100 people and
show them ads on Facebook reminding them to
buy your awesome Canoes!

The Facebook Master Class

You can create a custom audience of everyone

who viewed your sales or order page but DID
NOT view your thank you page (the thank you
page only shows after a purchase). This means
you can later retarget buyers who were close
THANK YOU PAGE for whatever reason!
Lookalike Audience

A lookalike audience utilizes Facebook’s almost

unimaginable store of data on pretty much
everyone on Earth to create NEW LARGER audi-
ences of people who are SIMILAR to a seed au-
dience (finding people who LOOK-ALIKE to the
seed audience)!

The Facebook Master Class

For example - let’s say you have a Facebook

page where you’re advertising your product or
service, if you get 100 people from the USA to all
like your page, you can create a lookalike audi-
ence of people in the USA who share THE MOST
ble - including age, education, and purchase his-
tory with those 100 people who liked your page
to form a much larger audience of people who
are similar (or lookalike) to the people who’ve al-
ready proven their interest in your brand by lik-
ing your page!

Another example of this is perhaps you have

1,000 people visit your website selling Cor-
gi puppy merchandise (yes I love Corgis).
You could make a custom audience of those
1,000 people, but being so small (only 1,000)
- you would quickly saturate that audience!
Here comes the beauty of Lookalikes!
You could create a Lookalike audience from that
custom audience of only 1,000 people that has
2 million + people in it with a few button clicks

The Facebook Master Class

Once you create lookalike audiences you

can then choose additional interests to
even FURTHER target your audience.
For example, you might make a lookalike au-
dience of the 100 people in the USA who like
your page, and then from that audience fur-
ther narrow it to only include people from
your lookalike audience that ALSO like Tony
Robbins. This is a great advanced way to laser
target your audience even further!

You can also create lookalike audiences from

people who purchase your product to create the
most targeted possible lookalike audience, the
more purchasers you have the more accurate
the audience becomes!

The Facebook Master Class

1- Facebook Pixel (Underground PIXEL

Have you ever noticed that one day you’ll be
casually browsing your favorite Corgi cloth-
ing website looking for latest Corgi puppy
fashion trends like any casual Sunday, and
then all of a sudden you have Corgi outfit ad-
vertisements all over your Facebook feed!
How does that happen?! Is it Witchcraft!?

Think of a Facebook pixel as an identifier -

meaning when you visit a website, say www.Cor-, the website owner has a
simple piece of code provided by Facebook for
free, called a Facebook pixel, installed on their
website hidden from your view in the backend,
which lets them retarget all Facebook users who
visit their site!

The Facebook Master Class

Facebook has unique identifiers for each of its

users so when someone visits www.CorgiPuppie-, the Facebook pixel code hidden
on that website ACTIVATES and tells the web-
site owner that YOU visited their website, allow-
ing the owners of www.CorgiPuppiesAreCute.
com to then target you with ads because they
know you’ve expressed interest in their fine Cor-
gi Merch by visiting their website!

You can also get fancy with Facebook Pixels by

creating custom audiences of users who visited
only your order page but did NOT view your thank
you page (which only shows after a purchase).
This means you can retarget users who were close to
making a purchase but didn’t and SO MUCH MORE!

The Facebook Master Class

The underground Sales Funnel

Think of a funnel as a website that has ONE pur-
pose - to funnel your prospective customers into
paying customers. Most basic funnels operate in
the same way regardless of what your business
is, and understanding how to funnel new cus-
tomers into your ecosystem is INCREDIBLY IM-

Most sales funnels start off with a lead magnet

(a free value such as a cheat sheet, or checklist,
or recipe list) to get someone’s foot in the door.
It’s much easier to give someone something for
free that has never heard of you than selling
them something!

The Facebook Master Class

Once you have them in your ecosystem, you

capture their email/messenger to get them in a
Facebook group or subscribed to your YouTube
or following you on Instagram, you can then
continue to add value, and build a relationship
which makes selling INFINITELY EASIER when
the time comes!

1- Lead Magnet
2- MORE Free Value (Communicated via
captured contact info, email etc.)
3- Time Sensitive Discount/Promo
4- Purchase/Lifetime Customer

Lead Magnet
An irresistible bribe offering a specific piece of val-
ue to a potential customer in exchange for their
contact information (via email or messenger etc).
The goal of the Lead Magnet is to bring people
into your ecosystem so that you can contact
them in the future when it is time to sell some-
thing to them!

The Facebook Master Class

How to Determine What Your Lead

Magnet Should Be
Ask 10 people in a niche you want to enter the
following two OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS and es-
tablish commonalities in their answers…

“What is the biggest challenge/problem when it

comes to [INDUSTRY]?”

“What is your goal for your company, and what

do you personally want out of it?”

An example of this is I might talk to 10 internet

marketers I find from forums or popular Face-
book groups and ask them these questions…
And they might respond, traffic, or getting new
leads, or phone sales, the point is I don’t KNOW!
But you better believe I’ll find out, and when I
do I’ll make the world’s best lead magnet to do
exactly the following…

The Facebook Master Class

Offer an ultra-specific solution, to an ultra-spe-

cific problem, while opening the door to prep-
ping the reader of your lead magnet for further
interaction with your company (YOU offer the
SOLUTION to their problem, with your business/

How to Make a Simple Lead Magnet?

Never reinvent the wheel people!

There is more or less infinite content/material
out there, and you should make use of it, nev-
er copy it exactly, but use it as inspiration to im-
prove upon!

For example, if I wanted to make a real estate

cheat sheet for new home buyers, I would literal-
ly google search ‘Real Estate Cheat sheet’.
Let Google organize for you, whichever is rank-
ing at the top is there for a reason!
And I would download the top 3-5 and study
them, see what I liked and didn’t from each
one, and create a master template with my own
knowledge, borrowing the formatting/features I
liked from the best examples!

The Facebook Master Class

Underground Hack – Naming your


What you call your Lead Magnet is incredibly im-

portant, the cooler and more curiosity invoking
the better, what sounds better to you?
‘The Real Estate Cheatsheet’, or ‘Trumps 3 Se-
crets to Creating a Billion Dollar Empire!’

The Facebook Master Class

1 Lead Magnet Example

Bloggers want their blog posts to go viral, so this

is a very benefit-driven lead magnet for them.
It also removes the need to think: no more wrack-
ing your brain about getting your blog posts to
go viral when you have this Cheatsheet!

2 Lead Magnet Example

The following lead magnet stands out with an
eye catching design that is highly relevant.
It plays off the word library to give a feeling of
vast stores of information…

The Facebook Master Class

Understanding the Value Ladder

There are two types of people in this world, peo-

ple who are short sighted and people who see
the big picture, people who are short sighted
think they need to make money NOW…

The people who get rich are those who under-

stand that to get rich, you give away things for
free to get people interested, and once they have
their foot in the door, you then monetize them in
a HUGE WAY in the future!
The value ladder is best explained through an

The Facebook Master Class

For a dentist, they aren’t making enormous prof-

its from a teeth cleaning, especially a heavily
discounted one (which we will discuss later -

the secret to starting a successful Facebook ad

But giving away a free teeth cleaning (even if it
means losing money) gets a dentist a long term
customer, sometimes a LIFETIME customer!
People don’t shop around for dentists, if they’re
happy, they stick with them!

So giving away a ‘Lead Magnet’ such as a free

teeth cleaning, or cheatsheet (that took you time
to make - but you aren’t charging for) is a way to
get people IN THE DOOR!

The Facebook Master Class

And then in this example, the profit would come

from future appointments, adding crowns or
root canals, or teeth whitening or any number of
upsells/cross sells where the dentist DOES MAKE

A classic example to drive this home is that of

McDonalds; McDonalds spends $1.85 to get a
customer to purchase a $1 hamburger, but they
make their money when that customer decides
to buy a large fry, and a coke, and an apple pie!
Remember, to get rich, give away everything for
free… at first.

The Facebook Master Class

Four Elements of a Perfect Facebook


There are 4 Elements of a perfect Facebook ad -

how you get someone interested, how you make
them FEEL imagining the benefits your product/
service will have on their life, a call to action that
is time sensitive and must be done right away,
and having beautiful visually appealing imagery
for your ads.

Let’s go over them one a time in more depth!

The Facebook Master Class

- Curiosity Hook (A question, story

or strategy to get them to pause even
for a second to continue reading)
“Wait!!! What is the difference between Million-
aires and the Impoverished? Sometimes it boils
down to one simple decision…”

- Emotional Future pacing (How

much better they will feel with your
amazing product or service)

The Facebook Master Class

“Have you ever seen a beautiful house or car and

thought to yourself how can they afford that
in today’s economy? Have you ever thought to
yourself, “Why can’t I have all those things too?”
Can you see yourself driving in your brand-new
sports car, feeling the wind blowing in your hair,
never having any more worries about money for
the rest of your life?”

The Facebook Master Class

- Time Sensitive Call to Action (To-

day only, 24 hour countdown, price
raises tomorrow etc)

“If you know you deserve the good life and want
to learn how you can completely change your sit-
uation at any time by knowing 3 simple things,
then click the ‘Learn More’ Button below right
now before we close our Completely Free Train-
ing forever!

The Facebook Master Class

- Visuality (Beautiful, colorful,

bright blues or greens work amazing-

Bright eye-catching colors including people,

preferably beautiful women, preferably smiling
(20% or less text)

The Facebook Master Class

Cold Traffic

Think of cold traffic as a person walking along

the street you’ve never met, or seen or talked
to, these are people who’ve never heard of your
brand, and their first EVER introduction to you
or your product or service is via your advertise-

They are the MOST difficult to convert but also

the most important as they represent a brand-
new (more or less infinitely large) market which
is exciting!

We will focus intensely on converting cold traffic

throughout the rest of this course from A - Z -
with emphasis on real strategies I personally use
that just plain WORK! Purchases via cold traffic
are difficult without brand exposure so you need
to think about what kind of emotional and psy-
chological processes are happening inside your
customer’s head and how to channel those to
your product…

The Facebook Master Class

Cold traffic is about tapping into consumer

psychology and really understanding your
market through intelligently designed trial
and error processes.

When advertising to cold traffic you need to use

all the tactics we’ve discussed about creating
quality ads (which we go MUCH more in depth
on in future modules) but you also need to have
key necessities related to your website or land-
ing page you’re driving this cold traffic TO!

The Facebook Master Class


(guarantee badges, secure badges, SSL, etc.)

A Statement of Benefits and Features of the


A Clear Price/Shipping Time

Reviews/Social Proof
Number of Steps Needed Before They Make a

Your ads job is to ‘sell the click’ - to get the traf-

fic to your site BUT at the same time, it needs
to pre-qualify your audience as being interested
in your product/service and sell your audience
even before they land on your page!

Warm Traffic
Think of warm traffic as people who’ve seen an
ad of yours in the past, or watched some of your
content or have heard about you in some indi-
rect way.

The Facebook Master Class

They may have visited your website or interact-

ed with your brand on Facebook, but even these
seemingly insignificant touch points make con-

We dive much deeper into warm and hot traffic

in later modules; this is just meant to introduce
the idea and terminology so you’ll always be 100%
comfortable/confident in marketing Jargon :)

Audience Insights

This is a tool that Facebook gives you access to

that tells you a TON about your audience, most
importantly what pages they like, and demo-
graphic information…

This is important because you can target peo-

ple based on their interests in the form of which
pages they like, and get laser focused on bet-
ter targeting your audience with demographic
based information from Audience Insights!

The Facebook Master Class

Audience Insights is one of the most important

tools available and we will discuss it much more
in depth in the ‘Audience’ module!

Google Trends

Google trends is a tool that shows the popular-

ity of keywords, specifically things or people or
products or whatever!

The Facebook Master Class

It’s important because you can type most key-

words into google trends and it will give you an
idea of what geographical locations/demograph-
ics are most interested in that product or service
based on where the most google searches relat-
ing to that product or service are created from!

The Facebook Master Class

The purpose of this module was to introduce
concepts and ideas. After completing this Mod-
ule you should feel comfortable with all of the
Facebook jargon and should have an initial idea
of how you can use these strategies with your
own business, what data you currently have to
create custom/lookalike audiences and how to
use Audience Insights or google trends to find
more information about your perfect customers

We are just getting started, in future modules we

discuss how to become a Facebook ads platform
expert, how to laser target your audience, how
to write ad copy like a pro, and SO MUCH MORE!

You are now well on your way to becoming a Mar-

keting expert and should be EXCITED (I know I
am) to dive into the next module on EVERYTHING
Facebook Ads!

The Facebook Master Class


How to create ULTRA targeted Audi-


The Facebook Master Class

Those who target best, win.

You can have the best product in the world, and

if you show it to the wrong people they won’t
buy it, simple as that. In this module we will dis-
cuss how to create laser targeted audiences that
do ONE THING... get you more lifetime custom-
ers, and make you MORE PROFIT!

Defining your Audience When defining your au-

dience you begin either from scratch or with a
saved audience, a custom audience, or a looka-
like audience.

If you have no data whatsoever and this is your

first website or business, you can target people
entirely from Facebook data regarding their de-
mographics, behaviors, and interests!

The Facebook Master Class

Demographics would be relating to their age,

sex and location, behaviors could include their
spending habits and interests gauging from
what pages they’ve shown interest in or liked!

Targeting and Audience creation is where

the profitable advertisers set themselves
apart, remember Facebook advertising is
as much of an art as it is a science.


Sometimes called narrowers or detailed target-

ing can be confusing, but think of them as ways
of finding people who are likely to be INTER-
ESTED in your product based on OTHER THINGS
they’ve already proven themselves to be inter-
ested in by liking those Facebook pages…

The Facebook Master Class

For example someone who quite literally clicks

the like button on Tony Robbins Facebook page,
who also likes Tim Ferriss is VERY likely to be in-
terested in entrepreneurship, and personal de-
velopment so if you were selling a personal de-
velopment product then targeting people who
like Tim Ferriss and Tony Robbins would proba-
bly be a good idea!

An invaluable tool for finding related pages peo-

ple are interested in, which is VITAL for target-
ing, is a tool Facebook created called ‘Audience

The Facebook Master Class

Audience insights

Audience insights is a tool that lets you find in-

formation straight from the source… Facebook!

There is no better source of data about your cus-

tomers for Facebook ads than from Facebook!
The best way to use Audience Insights is to en-
ter interests and see what information Facebook
gives you back!

For example - with the interests section left blank

you can see that Facebook is 55% women.

The Facebook Master Class

However if I put Cat food in the interest section

you see Audience Insights begins to change!
Now we can see that people on Facebook who
have expressed interest in Cat food are 79%
women, and primarily between the ages of 25-

The most important section however is ‘Page

Likes’ - this section shows you OTHER interests
people have who are interested in whatever your
‘seed’ interest is!

The Facebook Master Class

This means for example that I NOW KNOW that

people who are interested in Corgis on Facebook
are ALSO interested in BarkBox, a page called ‘I
Love My Dog’, Topi the Corgi etc.

The Facebook Master Class

Underground Hack 1 – How to benefit

from Page Likes?
I like to look for the ones that are most relevant.
I’ll actually click through to each and see how
active the page is, if it’s really relevant etc., and
remember not ALL interests listed here are avail-
able to be targeted in Facebook ad targeting,
it’s just a glitch in the system, but most inter-
ests you see here, you ARE able to target in your

Underground Hack 2 – How to benefit

the most from Audience Insights?
Audience insights lets you enter interests and
view information about them, but it also lets you
view information about your own custom audi-

The Facebook Master Class

This is important because, let’s say for example

you have a custom audience of EVERYONE who
visits your Shopify store, if you entered this cus-
tom audience into audience insights, you could
see that of ALL the people that visit your store,
86% of them are males, 54% of those males are
aged 25-34 etc, and this is INCREDIBLY useful for
future campaigns and targeting!

Interests Demographics & Behaviors

Facebook allows laser targeting people based on

an unbelievably vast array of variables including
what people are interested in (what pages they
like), demographics (age, location, etc.), and be-
haviors (spending habits etc.).

If you grabbed the underground Targeting Ma-

trix you can see an organized list of EVERY SIN-
GLE targeting metric Facebook allows you to
narrow by, it’s a LOT!

To get this information Facebook uses its own

internal sources, for example if you like Tony
Robbins Facebook page, Facebook knows you’re
interested in Tony Robbins.

The Facebook Master Class

If I then want to show ads only to people who are

interested in Tony Robbins, I can choose that as
an interest and show you an ad!

This is amazing, and SO valuable, but should be

used in combination with demographics and
behaviors as these are more factually based!

What I mean by this is I could have liked the Face-

book page ‘Papa Roach’ (Rock Band) 10 years
ago on Facebook, when I listened to them, but if
I’m showed an ad NOW for a nearby Papa Roach
concert, I can guarantee you I am no longer in-
terested in going, and that would be wasted ad

But if someone targets me as a 28 year old male

who lives in Las Vegas and is in a certain income
bracket, then that would be accurate!

This is the difference between interest based tar-

geting and demographical/behavioral targeting!

The Facebook Master Class

Remember Facebook has its own internal data

but has also partnered with Acxiom, Epsilon, Ex-
perian Marketing Services, Oracle Data Cloud
(formerly Datalogix), and Quantium to collect
and model data from a variety of sources, like
public records, loyalty card programs, surveys
and independent data providers! This means
they have unbelievably

accurate data on all of us!

The Facebook Master Class

For a full list of demographics, behaviors, and

interests I STRONGLY RECOMMEND making use
of the browse feature and spending 30 minutes
going through every single option, and taking
notes as to which could possibly be meaningful
for your product or business!

Let’s go through a few examples to illustrate why

this is important to you…

Let’s say that I am selling an $8,000 dollar mas-

sage chair, or an expensive product that is only
likely to be purchased by someone with a higher
than average net worth! I can target people on
Facebook so that my ad is only shown to people
who have a net worth over $2million!

The Facebook Master Class

Or let’s say that I have a birthday gift company

that specializes in gifts for women (highly prof-
itable - as women are generally the ones who
purchase gifts for the family!), I could target peo-
ple who are FRIENDS WITH women who have a
birthday in the next 0-7 days……. creepy? Or prof-
itable ;)

The Facebook Master Class


Facebook is a business that wants to make

money; you are a person/business that wants to
make money, if you want to make money more
than you want Facebook to make money NEVER

Normally I split test between Mobile and Desk-

top Facebook feeds, meaning I run one cam-
paign only on mobile feeds, and one on desktop
You can easily copy or clone ads and change one
feature to split test when you’ve finished creat-
ing an ad - we will discuss exactly how to do this
in future modules :D

I also normally run Instagram and Messenger

specific ads.
I always segregate them, and don’t like to mix,
as it gets messy, and can be more difficult to
track where your best performing ads are com-
ing from to the level of specificity us Facebook
Ads EXPERTS like to use!

The Facebook Master Class

I will leave Feeds checked, and normally create

one ad set with mobile only traffic and one ad
set with desktop only traffic to see which per-
forms better, then make an Instagram specific
campaign, and a messenger specific campaign.

Underground Hack

Right column and audience network placements

RARELY ever perform favorably, the one time I
do use them is when I am retargeting warm au-
diences, as they are cheap and very passive and
can get you some occasional cheap sales!

The Facebook Master Class

And I have iteratively tested the heck out of this

and trust me it’s the best.
For some products such as fashion or apparel,

The Facebook Master Class

Instagram works quite well, but generally I split

test Instagram as its own category.


Split testing by campaign, mobile vs desktop,

by country etc.

Split testing by ad set by interest, demograph-

ic, gender, age etc.

The Importance of Split Testing

Split testing is a fancy way of saying you want to

test multiple different groups of people to show
your ad to, and let the data tell you which of
these groups of people is going to be your most
For example, you might have an advertisement
for a hunting jacket and think that all of your
buyers would most likely be men!
If you targeted only women you’d never figure
out something I learned BY SPLIT TESTING!

The Facebook Master Class

I ran the exact same ad, same copy, same imag-

es, same everything, the ONLY difference, was I
ran 2 ad sets, one ad set shown ONLY to men,
and one ad set shown only to women!

What I discovered was, over 87% of my sales were

coming ENTIRELY FROM WOMEN! And what I
discovered was women were buying these hunt-
ing jackets as gifts for their husbands!

And remember you can split test on SO MANY

Such as age; 20 - 30 year olds, versus 30 - 40 year
Or location; people in Boston, versus people in
New York, the possibilities are endless!

The Facebook Master Class

Split testing is the LIFE FORCE of being suc-

cessful on Facebook ads, if you don’t listen to
anything else I say in this entire course, but you
take to heart that THE PERSON WHO TESTS THE
MOST WINS - you’ll be successful!

The Facebook Master Class

Custom Audiences

Most successful audiences start out as custom

audiences, the building blocks of audiences,
which are then expanded by creating lookalike
audiences out of your ‘seed’ custom audiences!

EXAMPLE: Let’s say you had 1,000 people vis-

it your website, you could make a custom au-
dience of all 1,000 of them, and then you could
create a lookalike audience OUT OF that custom
audience, and say ‘Hey Facebook’ make me a
MUCH LARGER audience that shares as many
traits as possible with those 1,000 people so my
ad can reach more people who are interested
in my product, but is not restricted to only the
1,000 that visited my page!

The reason for this is you need A LOT of people

in an audience to scale your Facebook ad cam-
paigns, and custom audiences tend to be small-
er as they are based on real events such as web-
site traffic or emails.

Lookalike audiences (which we discuss more in

depth in later modules) take your custom ‘seed’
audiences and make them MUCH bigger!

The Facebook Master Class

Custom audiences are the basis of retargeting,

and in later modules we take a MUCH deeper
dive into exactly how to explode your profit us-
ing custom audience retargeting.

Most of the significant profits with Facebook

ads are made through custom audience re-
targeting + Lookalike audience scaling!



People who’ve viewed a product (targeted

by URL containing specific product in the past
1 day, and EXCLUDING people who’ve added to
cart (as an event) in the past 60 days)

The Facebook Master Class

Time spent on website (top % of users time

on site = more likely to convert)

Custom combination (been to my site multi-

ple times in the past month, SHOWS MAJOR IN-

People who haven’t visited in a certain

amount of time (7 days)


URLs (Best)

People who viewed your cart or order page,

but NOT your thank you page

People who viewed any content on your page

Video, viewed 25%, 50% and 75% or more of

video as split tests

The Facebook Master Class

Custom Audience Creation Engage-

ment on Facebook

Target all people who engage with your page

in the last 365 days

Target all people who send your page a mes-

sage in the last 365 days

The Facebook Master Class

Underground Hack 1
You can actually create very accurate audiences
even if you don’t have content yourself by repur-
posing UNCOPYRIGHTED Viral Content!
The way you do this is by downloading a viral
video (one with a lot of social engagement) re-
lated to your niche.

Let’s say you’re selling that hot new Corgi Merch,

but don’t have any video content of those cute
little waddling puppies!

Go to a Corgi Facebook page, find the best video,

download it and run a video view engagement
ad for it, and then create a CUSTOM AUDIENCE
of people who viewed at least 75% of your video,
and then create a retargeting campaign hitting
them with your brand new corgi merch!

The Facebook Master Class

Underground Hack 2

You can also EXCLUDE people who’ve already

purchased from you, or unsubscribers from your
email list, or people who’ve already engaged
with your ad straight from the targeting section
when you create your ad!

This helps save money and ensures you don’t

show the same ad to the same people too often!

Lookalike Audiences

Lookalike audiences are the lifeblood of Face-

book ads, and are one of the major reasons Face-
book is such an UNBELIEVABLY profitable ad

The Facebook Master Class

In the simplest sense, a Lookalike audience is

just telling Facebook, here is my seed audience
of 1,000 people who’ve performed some action
(like visiting my website, or purchasing from
me), now go out and find me HUNDREDS OF
THOUSANDS OR MILLIONS of people who are as
similar as you can possibly make them!

Facebook has unfathomable amounts of data,

and the most talented data scientists in the
world, teamed with the most intelligent coders
creating some seriously powerful algorithms
all with the goal of finding you buyers for your
All of this happens behind the scenes, but when-
ever you create a Lookalike audience, Facebook
is performing incredibly complex algorithmic
searches to find you an audience who is AS SIMI-
LAR AS POSSIBLE to the seed audience you form
your lookalike audience from!

The Facebook Master Class

Create custom audiences from your largest

data sources; could be people who have visited
your website, or emails of buyers, or people who
engage with your FB page that you then form
lookalike audiences from, think of custom au-
diences as the seed that you then create much
larger lookalike audiences from because Face-
book literally finds people who LOOKALIKE to
your ‘seed’ audience.

The Facebook Master Class

Use insights from your page, and what you know

about your audience from Audience Insights
and the insights of your page (then add gender,
age, language, and ONE EXTREMELY TARGETED


Upload videos to your Facebook page and

then target people who view any of your FB vid-
eos on your page for 10 seconds or longer.

Create a negative action lookalike (refund,

unsubscribe), use that as an exclusion on your
ad sets.

The Facebook Master Class

Stack lookalike audiences in one ad set, start-

ing with 2 or 3 (when creating a Lookalike audi-
ence click ‘advanced’ at the bottom and form 6
different audiences, split test them against one

Lookalike audience, top 25% of people who

spend time on your site.

Bundle interests and Lookalikes - sometimes

bundling interests into one ad set gets you bet-
ter results if you split them into separate ad sets,
reason is that Facebook likes larger audiences
with a bigger pool of people to choose from.

Underground Hack
Aim for at least 1,000 people in your seed audi-
ence, start narrow and go broad, the more spe-
cific the better, if you have 1,000 purchasers this
will create a VERY accurate lookalike audience!

The Facebook Master Class

Audience Size

An audience size of 500,000 to 1 million people

is ideal for digital products and those products
and services which are not geographically limit-
ed, meaning if you’re advertising your new pizza
restaurant in San Francisco California your au-
dience would be MUCH smaller since it’s geo-
graphically limited to SF!

The beauty of targeting on Facebook is the abil-

ity to create lookalike audiences to give you a
much LARGER pool of people to show ads to
who share traits with your customers, but in the
case that you are starting to saturate your audi-
ence the best way to switch things up is to cre-
ate NEW ads to show them, new offers, new cre-
ative, NEW everything!

This keeps things fresh and you never want to

show your ads to the same people too often or
you run the risk of losing relevancy or getting
your account suspended!

The Facebook Master Class

As a general rule of thumb for audience size,

just make sure the audience arrow is pointing
straight up in the green.

This is Facebook’s way of letting you know, that

all factors considered your current audience size
is properly defined (not too broad or specific!)

You never want to get what is called ‘audience

saturation’, which means you start to show your
ad too often to the same people and they get an-
noyed, prevent this by consistently changing up
your creative and finding new audiences to test!

The Facebook Master Class


Succeeding as a marketer and failing often

comes down to determination when it comes to
testing and understanding how to properly tar-
get your perfect customers.

In this module we discussed how to create in-

credibly targeted audiences, and all the hacks
I use to leverage the unimaginable amount of
data Facebook has, and their incredibly power-
ful algorithms to find my ideal customers with
scaling in mind.

In the next modules we will discuss exactly how

to create perfect ads that do ONE thing, convert
your customers into raving lifetime fans!

The Facebook Master Class


How to make a TON of MONEY without


If you’ve paid attention, taken your own notes,

and have UNDERSTOOD the concepts up until
now you’re more than qualified to run ads for
other businesses and in this module, we are go-
ing to teach you exactly how to approach poten-
tial new clients, what to charge, and how to get
a ton of customers to pay you monthly for your

The Facebook Master Class

What is a Facebook Ad Agency?

A Facebook Ad agency is just a snazzy way of

saying you charge other businesses to create
and manage Facebook ads FOR THEM, thus get-
ting them more business, you can charge them
a % of profits, or what I recommend, a monthly
recurring retainer!

The beauty of running a Facebook Ad agency is

the way I am going to show you how to do it,
you’ll be making SIGNIFICANTLY more money
FOR your clients than you’ll be charging them!

The easiest types of clients to get and more im-

portantly KEEP are the ones whom you make a
ridiculous amount of EXTRA MONEY FOR!

The Facebook Master Class

I might not be Albert Einstein, but I know that

$10,000 is more than $5,000, and when you’re
making money for your clients, it’s very easy to
get more business!

And the best part about a Facebook Ad agen-

cy, is that it cost almost ZERO DOLLARS to get
started, and is incredibly passive, the majority
of the work is setting up new clients, and then
everything goes to Auto-Pilot Mode!

Why There is an Opportunity?

You are the 1%

You might not believe that, but if you’re read-

ing this, and are part of the Facebook Ad under-
ground family, you’re already more committed
and know more about online marketing than
99% of the world… probably more!

That might be difficult for you to believe right

now, but please trust me, it’s true.
There is an ENORMOUS disconnect between lo-
cal businesses that every city has and needs, and
the online marketing world!

The Facebook Master Class

If you live in a city, you most likely have a Dentist,

a Doctor, a Chiropractor, a Gym, and some Res-
taurants etc…

These businesses exist everywhere, and while

they’re great at serving up a nice meal, or clean-
ing your teeth, or giving you your yearly physical
ING, if they’ve ever done it at all!

We are going to bridge the gap and find the cash

rich businesses, that are going to be your PER-
FECT CLIENTS, and I’m going to give you every
single resource you need to start signing them,
from the scripts, to the templates. In this mod-
ule we are going to give you the exact game plan
you need to be successful, even with no experi-
ence, and almost NO money to start, so BUCKLE

The Facebook Master Class

The Simple Beautiful Math Behind an

The purpose of this module is to provide an op-
portunity to leave your job and work for yourself
entirely from the income generated from your
Facebook Ad Agency…
There is a false perception that to run a Facebook
Ads agency you need to consistently call 25 new
businesses a day, and while the fastest path to
success DOES involve some phone calls (Don’t
worry I share my exact PROVEN templates in this
module - I used to be awful on the phone too un-
til I realized I was actually capable of adding a
huge amount of value - making these business-
es flourish and helping change their lives with
the service I was providing!)

It’s actually much less than you might think. Let’s

look at a bit of math and see just how realistic it
is to do just that.

In 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statis-

tics, the following were the average salaries for
Americans based on Age.

The Facebook Master Class

To make the math a bit simpler we are going to

use $48,000 per year on average for an Amer-
ican which by the way is one of the wealthiest
countries in the world.
48,000 per year divided by 12 months means you
need to make $4,000 per month to be average
or above wages wise of one of the wealthiest
countries in the world!

A very conservative/realistic amount to charge

PER CUSTOMER to run Facebook ads for them is
$1,000 per month. This means that ALL you need
to do is get 4 businesses!

But what if you sign 4 more? All of a sudden now

you’re earning $100,000!!

The Facebook Master Class

If you wanted to stop there you could, but the

beautiful thing about running Facebook ads for
local businesses is that your biggest source of
NEW BUSINESS is word of mouth and referrals
(You’ll be shocked how many businesses have
friends and family members with other small
businesses - and if you’re giving them good re-
sults you’ll start to explode with business organ-

I will show you an underground hack to get all of

your current business to refer all of their friends
and families to give you all the clients you’ll ever

The Facebook Master Class

How to Set Up Business Manager to

Use with Clients!

There are two ways to actually administer run-

ning ads for clients with a Business manager:

You can either run ads in your own business

manager, using your own credit card, and have
your clients reimburse you for ad costs (easy

You can have your clients create a business

manager, which they probably have never done,
using their own credit card, and then have them
add you as an admin to their Facebook page and
account (hard way).

The following tutorials will help you with either

method, although I STRONGLY recommend us-
ing the easy way, at least for the first month, so
you don’t overwhelm your clients!
If you do want to switch to their payment meth-
ods, do so in month 2 or 3, and walk them through
how via a google hangout sharing a screen or in

The Facebook Master Class

Using Your Business Manager (You Pay for Ads

and They Reimburse You) Click Here!
Having Your Clients Set Up Their Own Business
Manager (They Pay for Their Own Ads) Click Here!
For additional information on how to set up Busi-
ness Manager refer to the below tutorials direct
from Facebook!
The reason I’m linking them, is that the platform
often changes, and I want you to always have
the most up to date information straight from
the source!


How to Find Your Perfect Clients!

Your perfect client is a business that makes a lot

of money, but doesn’t know a lot about online
marketing, which is perfect for local business-
es, that 99% of the time create a Facebook page
that is never monitored, and hire someone (they
pay way too much) to make a website that is ba-
sically a contact us form.

The Facebook Master Class

Your perfect client is one that is preferably AL-

READY spending money on advertising in the
wrong way, billboards, newspaper, radio, and
you will need to show them that Facebook’s Ads
are a better more efficient way of advertising!

When you prove that to them, and to yourself,

that is when things change…
It’s easier to convince a real estate agent that
just spent $1,000 to advertise on Zillow who got
1 lead, to spend $1,000 a month on Facebook (I
normally get real estate leads for $5-15 dollars
each, NOT ONE THOUSAND EACH!), than it is to
convince a mom and pop restaurant who’s nev-
er heard of online marketing in their lives!

The Facebook Master Class

Go for the low hanging fruit!

The following list is not exhaustive, but it’s a

great start to get the old cogs turning in your
mind as to what types of businesses you can tar-
get in your city!

Real Estate Agents
MMA Gyms
Karate/Martial Arts
Specialty Doctors
Spa/Massage Parlors
Financial Service Firms
Personal Trainers
Crossfit Gyms

The Facebook Master Class

Let’s go through a few examples to really ham-

mer home, how we are going to target people
on Facebook who might be interested in a den-
tist, or a personal trainer.

Don’t worry, this won’t be high level, I’ll share

REAL targeting I’ve used, that has proven results
and that you can simply copy and make better
through your own experience! Remember, test-
ing is always what wins!

The following example is a great one, dentists
are extremely profitable, and in my experience
one of the least technologically savvy.
They have extremely loyal customers (after all
who changes dentists?!) and there are dentists
in almost every city!

The following example is using San Diego, with a

radius of 25 km (miles would be same thing just
larger obviously).

I chose the age here to be 25 - 45, and the gen-

der to be women (as they, in my experience, are
the ones to choose a dentist).

The Facebook Master Class

I chose the language as ‘English’, San Diego has

a large Hispanic population so, I don’t target
Spanish speakers in San Diego that don’t speak
I also target parents with children aged 6 - 18 as
I’ve found they’re most likely to be searching for
a dentist.

I am targeting people who’ve expressed interest

in 1800-dentist, as the only people on earth who
are interested in 1800-dentist, are looking for a

I’m targeting people who liked the Crest Whit-

estrips page, because that demonstrates that
they’re interested in oral health more-so than
the average bear.
Finally and most importantly, I am targeting
people who have recently moved, AND NOTICE,
I am targeting them as ‘MUST ALSO MATCH’.
This means that someone could be a parent of a
child aged 8-12, OR like crest white strips, but it
means they MUST have also recently moved.

The Facebook Master Class

Every single person that is shown this ad must

has recently moved, and be more likely to be
shopping for a new dentist!

The Facebook Master Class

Let’s go over one more example…

Personal Trainers:
For this one I chose San Francisco, within 40 km
of the city, English speakers, but this time a bit
younger demographic 21 - 35 year olds, as they’ve
been more likely to be interested in fitness.

I’m targeting Women, as they are significantly

more likely to purchase weight related products/
Remember we are not being sexist here, we are
looking to make money for our clients.

It is also important to note that these are just

initial tests, I would ALWAYS split test genders,
and different ages, and interests. These are just
to demonstrate how to get started targeting the
perfect customers for your clients!

I then targeted Chris Powell, as he is a famous

personal trainer, which if they like the page, they
demonstrate they are at least passively interest-
ed in the idea of a personal trainer.

The Facebook Master Class

I also targeted Jenny Craig, as she is one of the

most famous names in weight loss and health/

I targeted SlimFast because people interested in

SlimFast are probably considering losing weight
or getting into shape.

I then targeted ‘MUST MATCH’ health and well-

ness buyers as a BEHAVIOR.

This means that according to real buyer behav-

ior, that Facebook has proven these people buy
products/services related to Health & Wellness,
which means that I will ONLY show this ad to
people who’ve proven themselves to be buyers
in this niche!

The Facebook Master Class

Okay I said that was the last example, but I love

you guys so let’s do one more….

The Facebook Master Class

Real Estate Agents:

For real estate agents we have to think about

who their customers might be, generally they
are people in specific income brackets who meet
a variety of other specific qualifiers.
Let’s say we were looking for new leads to sell a
new home to in Dallas, for real estate you want
to get more specific down to the actual zip code
as agents have specialty locations.
I would target people specifically in the income
range of the homes my real estate client repre-
sented, in this case between 75k - 350k yearly in-
come earnings range.
I would also target people who are likely to move,
are first time homebuyers and are currently rent-
ers and who’ve expressed interest in,
trulia, and zillow, major real estate websites.

The Facebook Master Class

The Facebook Master Class

How to Close New Clients + My EX-

ACT Phone and Email Templates I Use
to Get New Business!

If you’re wondering okay, but where

do I find their email addresses?

Think logically, you’re now an agency owner and

you have to get creative, if you live in San Die-
go California and you’re trying to add on new
NON-technologically inclined affluent clients,
let’s say Dentists for example…

Use GOOGLE and search dentist in San Diego,

find the top 10, see if there are any news arti-
cles about them or if they just opened, or read
Yelp reviews, and find their contact information
on their website, and make a personal email to
them using my template and follow up with a
call to their office!

I’ve attached the exact template I use to start my

phone calls, remember NEVER try to read from a
template, memorize it and PRACTICE!

The Facebook Master Class

One of our most successful students got shut

down 23 straight times, and I bet it hurt, but you
better believe he learned from each call, and
now earns $28,000 per month…

Phone Template

Email Template

Obviously this will change slightly depending on
the business you’re marketing to but the under-
lying ideas are the same, make it personal, dis-
cuss their business and a recent activity or event
related to their business or an experience you or
a friend had there, show your reputability and ex-
perience in similar marketing, offer a completely
risk free offer to show you can generate results,
show the importance of FB for any business, and
then give a free demo of an ad you made specif-
ic to their business (you can start using ads you
have made for similar types of businesses in dif-
ferent regions).

The Facebook Master Class

Client Generation Strategies

Offer 100 dollar free ad spend, and have them

create a custom code where it’s your name or
company name or they know the coupon and
SALES from the coupon are coming from your
ads, and you’re paying for them, people will be
begging for you to work with them.

Offer a significant discount to current clients

for referrals, this single tactic can completely
change your life - trust me.

The Facebook Master Class

Billboards, radio, newspaper, TV - call those

companies if they look local and tell them to
stop wasting their ad spend on those billboards
and use it instead on FB ads with your agency,
or a softer approach is to ask them what return
they’re seeing on those ad campaigns, and offer
to beat it free of charge!

Go to local business websites and see if they

have the Facebook pixel installed using the
chrome extension ‘Facebook Pixel Helper’ - Most
of the time they won’t - and this is a great con-
versation starter, explaining the benefits of the
pixel, and offering to install it for them 100% free
of charge!

Google search local businesses, for example

‘San Diego Dentists’, navigate to their websites,
find their Facebook page from their websites,
and shoot them a message!

Create a Testimonial folder or preferably a

website and make it professional looking, start
with family friends or local businesses and do
work for free until you have 3-5 glowing refer-
ences including screenshots of the performance
of your ads or proof of sales or profitability for
the business.

The Facebook Master Class

Find people currently advertising on Yelp/

Groupon by searching for example ‘Massage’ and
you’ll see which one are sponsored posts or ads.
Contact them and tell them they are missing
out on huge opportunities by wasting money
on these platforms instead of on Facebook with

Offer a free ‘Social Media Deep Dive’ where

you evaluate the social media presence of any
company, for free and give them a report of
where they could improve with your plan of ac-
tion including marketing plan and potential prof-
it, highlight the benefit NOT your cost

Solve their problem - go to a legal firm that

offers services for DUI’s and go out and get some
leads for the Attorneys specializing in DUI’s, gath-
er 10 emails and take them to them with phone
numbers and tell them to call and if they sign
anyone to hire you’

The Facebook Master Class

Underground Hack
Remember to always ask businesses what is cur-
rently working for them?

How are they getting customers into the door,

which are the most common types of customer
and YOUR JOB is to figure out how to translate
these things in a hugely scalable medium, FACE-

Underground Hack - Word of Mouth!


EXAMPLE: You have a lawyer as a client, they refer

their doctor, the doctor pays you $1,000 a month,
give your lawyer a 50% discount of that amount
that you then deduct from the fees you’re charg-
ing the lawyer to advertise for them!

The Facebook Master Class

What to charge?

The best two ways to know what to charge your

clients is by contacting local marketing firms as
a potential ‘new customer’ and ask their month-
ly pricing to run Facebook ads for you, and un-
dercut it slightly, or go with my best practices.

Options that I recommend:

497$ as a setup fee (this includes initial deep dive into

targeting, demographics, ad creation, split testing)

997$ per month retainer paid at the end of

the first month, and then at the beginning of
the month after that to prove that it’s more than
worth it to their business!


I’ve literally sent this image to many clients be-
fore and it works.
The Facebook Master Class

Underground Hack
I always start with the $997 a month option, and
only after I’ve gotten a no, do I present the option
of a 50% of profit and I offer it only for the first
month to prove my value, you only pay when you
get paid via more clients!

How to Close New Clients Who Ap-

proach You EVERY TIME (Referrals)

Referrals are very easy to close; all you need to

do is ask them two questions.

Why me?
Why now?

And be comfortable to wait and let them answer,

they came to you, remember, and there’s no eas-
ier way to sell someone on your worth, than to

The Facebook Master Class

How to Land Your First Client in 24


Which came first the chicken or the egg?

An age old question and one that holds truth as
a Facebook Ad agency as well.

Getting clients is easy once you have testimoni-

als and case studies of your proven success, but
getting your first testimonials when you don’t
have proven results can be hard!

There are two good solutions to this problem:

- The Family Approach:

Some of us probably have friends or family
members, or extended family members, or prior
co-workers that we probably have SOME sort of
relationship built with and who own their own
small business!
We should use that to our advantage!
Reach out to them and explain you’re starting an
Advertising agency and that you want to create
some marketing campaigns for them FREE OF

The Facebook Master Class

Depending on how well you know them, you can

tell them they only have to cover the ad costs,
or you can offer to pay the ad costs for them to
show them you can get them results!

Once you’ve landed them, implement the strate-

gies in the rest of this module to get them results,
and once you’ve got them results, ask them for a
glowing testimonial. Remember to show results,
screenshots of conversations, everything - see-
ing is believing, and having these testimonials to
show future clients is PURE GOLD!

Underground Hack - Family Approach

Whether you decide to use the Family, or Free-
mium (see below) approach, I recommend do-
ing a ‘mock’ sign up with a family member, as IF
they were a real business you had no prior rela-
tionship with.

The Facebook Master Class

This will help get some of the growing pains out

related to the Facebook platform, and adding
new clients to your business manager (which
means you pay ad costs and they reimburse you
- EASIER), or teaching them how to set up their
own business manager account (so they pay ad
costs - HARDER!)

- The Freemium Approach:

The Freemium approach is for those of us like

myself, who are forever alone and have no friends
or family to ask for help :)

How this method works is to identify a business

in the city you live, that you think would be a
good potential client to run Facebook ads for!
You’ll then find their contact information and
give them a call!

The Facebook Master Class

You’ll let them know you’re a Facebook Ad agen-

cy that is just starting and in order to build some
testimonials in the local business scene that
you’d be willing to run ads completely for free
for their business, and that if they were interest-
ed you’d even be willing to pay the first $100 of
ad spend out of your own pocket to prove the
value Facebook ads could offer their business!

This is literally a no risk scenario for them, and you

can make that clear, it’s worth its weight in gold!
This method is a bit more costly for you but it
can be very profitable!

You’ll probably get the secretary who has no

ability to tell you yes or no - which is fine - just
request a call back from the decision maker, and
once you get a yes, tell them the only thing you
ask in return is a glowing testimonial when you
show them awesome results!

The Facebook Master Class


I know reading this right now it’s probably dif-

ficult to believe that people will say yes to this,
and that they’ll pay you 1,000 a month to run ads
for them, but it literally happens EVERY SINGLE
DAY, and the only reason you wouldn’t be able to
capture some of that money is laziness, or fear to
pick up the phone and try :), so do you want to
be scared, or do you want to be the next one of
our hundreds of success stories?

One of our top performing students got turned

down by 24 straight businesses, before he signed
his first client, and he now manages 28 local
businesses WHO ALL PAY HIM $1,000 per month,
that is 28 GRAND PER MONTH, or 336k per year,
and he is still growing fast!
Imagine if he quit trying on business #23...?

Remember to have Tunnel vision; YOUR SOLE

FOCUS at first is getting your first testimonial/
case study.
Your sole focus after that is landing your first real

The Facebook Master Class

Slow and steady wins the race, and if you never

give up, you can never fail :D

They will tell you exactly what they need help

with in their business and you can custom-
ize your conversation and close, based on their

You will get better and better at this the more

clients that are referred to you which happens
by doing quality work!

Cheap way to Warm up a Cold Audience

This strategy can be used for your own products,

or for your clients!

How Facebook prices their ads in the simplest

sense comes down to the marketing objective.

Reach campaigns (Awareness) are the cheap-

est since you’re just getting the word out…

The Facebook Master Class

Traffic campaigns (Consideration) are more

expensive because you’re actually making peo-
ple take an action leaving Facebook and going
to your website….

Conversion campaigns are the MOST expen-

sive because Facebook is showing ads to people
who according to data are most likely to convert
and buy your product or service!

The Facebook Master Class

This is all well and good but when you’re show-

ing ads to a completely cold audience (meaning
one who has never heard of you or your client),
there’s no reason to pay for the most expensive
ad type by doing conversion campaigns since
the audience who’ll be viewing your initial ads
have never heard of you and is not likely to im-
mediately convert without being warmed up to
your potential value!

Hence the best way to get in front of a cold au-

dience is using the Reach objective if you don’t
have a video and the video views objective if you
do have a video.

It is incredibly cheap to show a video to a huge

cold audience (relative to using traffic or conver-
sion campaigns).

Similarly with the reach campaign, we have

seen hugely consistent and inexpensive results
on cold audiences to make them aware of our
brand and what value we can add to their lives/

The Facebook Master Class

Another awesome hack that using video views

on a cold audience gives you is the ability to cre-
ate custom audiences of people who interacted
with your video as shown below!

This allows for a number of extremely exciting

opportunities including creating custom audi-
ences to then retargeting everyone who viewed
any significant portion of your video.
The exciting part here is that you formed this au-
dience for pennies on the dollar, cheaply identi-
fying who is interested and who is not with an
inexpensive marketing objective!

The Facebook Master Class

Once you have this custom audience of people

you know are interested you can use the conver-
sion campaign to then convert them into buyers!

Underground Hack - Slideshow Hack

Often times when advertising for clients, they
don’t exactly present us with studio quality 4k
videos to work with!
This means we are sometimes limited regarding
creative to use for ads on their behalf (meaning
most dentists don’t have video ads to give you
ready to go!)
But there is an AWESOME way to create a video,
even when all you have are images of your cli-
ent’s products/services!

Choose the video view marketing objective and

create your ad as you normally would until you
get to the ad itself near the bottom where you
would normally select a video, you can INSTEAD
CHOOSE a slideshow!

The Facebook Master Class

This is awesome because you can showcase all

of your awesome client photos as you normal-
ly would, with one very important advantage…
have you guessed it?

You can now create a custom audience based

on percentage or seconds viewed of your SLIDE-
SHOW VIDEO how you normally would with vid-
eo ads!
This is an incredible way to make the most of ad-
vertising for clients who don’t have much crea-
tive made for their product/service!

The Facebook Master Class

How to Share Audiences + Pixels

If your company has a preexisting web presence

or has used the Facebook pixel before they may
need to share their pixel or audiences.

As a new advertiser working with this client, you

can start from scratch with a new audience or
leverage what was created before. Starting from
scratch for a Website Custom Audience would
mean adding a new pixel to the site which is
messy and won’t go back in time.

The Facebook Master Class

In business manager in your settings, click where

it says Data Sources > and then Pixels > and then
you can assign ad accounts or click the share
button to assign the pixel to another business
manager (remember this is the business man-
ager ID, not the ad account ID you need to pro-

If you need additional information Click HERE!

The underground Funnel (Landing Page)

I use software called Clickfunnels, and it has

completely revolutionized my business in every

It has a 14 day free trial, and everything I teach in

this module depends on it.
I am going to share a few funnels that are worth
THOUSANDS (more than the cost of this course)
with you completely for free.

The Facebook Master Class

They are literally plug and play, and all you need
to do is click one button and they’ll automatical-
ly be imported into your account! Clickfunnels
is one of the biggest reasons I’ve been able to
grow such a large business with so few employ-
ees, and it makes creating fully optimized web-
site a BREEZE, even with no technical skills!

Now $97 dollars a month might seem expensive

to you now, but when you’re making $28,000 a
month, it doesn’t seem as expensive, and you
got to spend money to make money.

Clickfunnels tutorials are easier to do with video,

so most of them will be done in the video section
but just to illustrate what a underground Funnel
looks like, take a look below…
Once you sign up for your free trial above, all
you’ll need is this one PRE-BUILT funnel ($2,000
Value) to start your Facebook Ad agency.

The Facebook Master Class

What are YOU waiting for!!

Creating a Facebook ads agency is one of the

most unique business opportunities anywhere…
Where else can you start with almost ZERO up-
front cost, no normal expenses or overhead such
as an office, or supplies, cost of goods, just lit-
erally trading your time, for a steady income of
purely profit... And sure creating a Facebook ads
agency is hard work, signing clients, learning
phone sales, generating results is no easy task…
But it’s not hard, it really isn’t…

And for every 99 people that give up there is 1

who won’t, and that is the person who will be sip-
ping a Pina Colada in a few years’ time while the
99 are enjoying their 2 weeks off a year, spend-
ing 50 weeks inside their dark Cubicle…

Remember, you only need 4 small businesses

to say yes to earn more than the average Amer-

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather call 100

businesses, or 1,000, and hear 996 no’s, and 4
yes’s than spend the rest of my life as a drone
working for the man…

The Facebook Master Class

In the final Module before the bonuses we dis-

cuss how to scale your campaigns to the MOON
+ my exact strategies I’ve used to generate mil-
lions on Facebook advertising my own products,
and advertising for other people’s businesses!

None of what you just learned matters in the

slightest if you don’t follow through and contact

Remember one of our students got rejected

from 23 STRAIGHT businesses.

And I’m sure he felt awful each time…

But the 24th call he got a yes…

And the 25th call he got another yes…

And now he’s earning 28,000 profits every

month, could you use an extra 28,000 profit per



The Facebook Master Class




The final step of Facebook Advertising is utilizing the

magic of retargeting.
Up until this point you’ve built tens or even hundreds of
ads (the more the better) split testing on age, location,
interests, and then pausing poorly performing ads.
In THIS module we teach you the secret to being wildly
profitable on Facebook (HINT: Retargeting/Optimiza-

The purpose of retargeting is to push someone that has

ALREADY engaged, to complete an action, build trust,
or send a reminder!

The Ad Lifecycle starts with reaching your customers to

let them know who you are, then driving traffic to start
building pixel data, and then moves into the money
making campaigns which are conversions.

The Facebook Master Class

Conversion Campaigns

Conversion Campaigns are the driving force be-

hind making sales on Facebook because as you
collect more and more pixel data, Facebook gets
smarter and smarter.

As you start to amass more and more data points

you can form custom/lookalike audiences and
target them using conversion campaigns!

Generally conversion campaigns start out more

expensive per click than traffic campaigns, but
as your pixel information grows Facebook’s al-
gorithm gets better at matching more and more
data points to find other people who are more
and more similar to people who HAVE taken ac-
tion or caused a specific pixel action to fire such
as adding to cart etc.

This causes your conversion campaigns to start

out slightly more expensive, but they get cheap-
er and more efficient over time!

The Facebook Master Class

Underground Hack – Conversion Ads

Facebook suggests that to run a conversion

campaign with enough data, you need 25 week-
ly conversion events, meaning if you were run-
ning a conversion campaign for purchases, you’d
need 25 weekly purchases for Facebook to have
enough data to properly optimize your pixel/

The Facebook Master Class

It is as easy as launching a conversion campaign

and choosing which event you want to optimize
Think of it as saying ‘Hey Facebook, I’ve gotten
30 purchases in the past week, go out and find
SIBLE to those 30 people’, who will also likely

Quiz Time!

Would you rather create a conversion campaign

for 100 people who visit any page of your web-
site, 10 people who add your product to cart, or 1
person who actually purchased your product or
Which conversion type should you create your
ads for?

The Facebook Master Class

The MOSTLY correct answer is the 100 people

who visit any page of your website, because the
more data points you have, the more accurate
Facebook will be to target other people who
share a variety of attributes with the people who
did visit your website; the MOST correct answer
is all three because with Facebook split testing
means PROFIT!

How Long Should I Let an Ad Run?

When Should I Stop It?

You can tell a lot about an ad for 60 dollars of ad spend.

I generally set brand new ads anywhere from 5 to 20
dollars a day and let them run for 3 days, at which
point I review the results, anything less than 3 days
can be skewed and give false data!

Remember the general idea of testing ads on

Facebook is to quickly figure out which image
or video performs the best with the same tar-
geting, and then quickly creating as many split
tests as you can with interests, audiences, demo-
graphics and using the existing post ID of your
winning creative to you keep the social proof of
all your future split tests!

The Facebook Master Class

When scaling ads, after your initial testing with

a ton of ad sets, you can narrow them down to
your remaining top performing 5-10 winning ad

I like to only ever modify one major attribute in

24 hours to really hone in on what is working at
the most zoomed in level.

Underground Hack – Winning Ads

I never, ever, ever, change winning ad sets, just
let them run forever if they continue to work.
Facebook does NOT like change so if you
have your top 5 winning ad sets, NEVER
TOUCH THEM, unless they stop performing!
Instead, simply duplicate them, and test addi-
tional audiences or interests to continue iterat-

This means that after I have an initial set of prof-

itable ads, I would then further split test by gen-
der, age, bid budget, but only ONE of these vari-
ables per 24 hour window.

The Facebook Master Class

An additional tip I like to use is to dupli-

cate these winning ads, never actual-
ly changing the winners themselves, re-
member Facebook doesn’t like change!
For example if I had 3 winning ad sets, instead
of further trying to narrow those 3 down to the
perfect demographics…
I would duplicate them, and then change one at-
tribute like the age from 21 - 50 year olds, down
to 24 - 35 year olds, based off the data shown
from analytics and detailed campaign results!

When increasing budget there are some com-

mon myths, people think you can scale an ad
campaign from 5 dollars a day to $5,000 dollars
a day and get the same proportional results but
this is NOT/TRUE!!

The best way to scale your Daily Spend for profit-

able campaigns is to increase by NO MORE than
25% per day.

The best is 15-25% per 24 hours, EVERY 24

hours, as long as you’re seeing your profita-
bility scale within your first 5 days of doing

The Facebook Master Class

It can take up to a week for your results to bal-

ance out so don’t panic too quickly!

Underground Hack – Scaling Winning Ads

You can use rules (discussed below) to automate

scaling by exact amounts for your winning ads
(to scale the right way) and you can also auto-
mate shutting down your losing ads which is EX-
TREMELY helpful once you have tens, hundreds
or even THOUSANDS of split tests!



The Facebook Master Class



Although it’s impossible to tell you exactly what

YOUR SPECIFIC cost per leads should be (as
every business is different - example: cost per
leads for weight loss is very cheap compared to
cost per leads for a $20,000 dollar mastermind)
the following is a very GENERAL guideline that
you should feel good about :)

Cost Per Lead

B2C – Lead B2B – Lead B2B – Webinar
Magnet Magnet Registration
Great < 1$ < 3$ < 6$
Good 1$ - 2.5$ 3$ - 6$ 6$ - 12$
> 2.5$ > 6$ > 12$

The Facebook Master Class

How to Use Facebook Ads Directly to

an Amazon Listing the RIGHT Way!

The inherent problem with advertising direct-

ly to an Amazon product listing (or any website
you don’t own) is that you can’t insert your pixel
into Amazon’s code!
This means you can’t track or target your cus-
tomers correctly!

Or does it…

There is a clever piece of software that allows you

to pixel customers in between your Facebook ad
and your Amazon listing (or any page you don’t
own!), which allows you to do 2 VERY important

Track profitability of your Facebook campaign

Retarget those customers with later ads which

tend to be more profitable

The Facebook Master Class

The software is called and is very intuitive

and simple to set up!
Outlined below is the step by step guide to ad-
vertise directly to your Amazon listing!


Make sure to add your Facebook Pixel

Click on Manage > Brand Profiles > Edit > Retar-
geting Pixel and Add Your Pixel!
After clicking on Manage > Brand Profiles, click
where it says Retargeting pixel to add your own
Pixel so you can create custom retargeting audi-

Enter your Amazon Link (I suggest using a Su-

per-URL) if you don’t know what that is or how
to do it, then research it, it’s not vital but it will
make a difference where it says ‘Create Snip’

Once you have your snip link, use THE LINK IT

GIVES YOU for the landing page link you use at
the end of creating your ad!

The Facebook Master Class

To create a custom audience from your snip,

go to your business manager, and go to create a
custom audience > choose website traffic > peo-
ple who visit specific web pages > and URL con-
tains “” without the quotes! Now anyone
who clicked on your link will be in your
custom audience and you’ll be able to retarget

You can use this custom audience to retar-

get any and everyone who clicks your ads and
views your amazon listing directly on the Ama-
zon website!

How to use to Leverage Other

People’s Content to Build YOUR Lists! is a powerful tool for Amazon and any-

time you don’t control the HTML of a website
landing page (when you can’t insert your pixel).

There are other VERY powerful uses of,

my favorite of which are the following…

The Facebook Master Class

Let’s say you wanted to sell Obama related mer-

chandise when he was running for president.
In traditional advertising you’d have to write
an article about him, make a website, and then
publish it on your website to drive traffic to it in
a meaningful way (that is a way you can profit
from, or build a list from to later monetize)

But with you can drive traffic to OTHER

people’s articles for literally pennies on the dol-
lar, and in doing so build a list of HIGHLY targeted
people you know are interested in Obama and
are likely to purchase a t-shirt or product related
to the democratic party or Obama himself.

For people who are new to Facebook or market-

ing I don’t think the gravity of this is understood,
so I’ll repeat it.
You can drive traffic to content you don’t even
have to create, and then heavily monetize it all
entirely passively… THIS IS AMAZING!

To change it up and take a more recent example,

what I would do is Google search a controversial
trump article that people who support him were
sure to love

The Facebook Master Class

Take this article for example, I would create a

shortened link from it, which enables me
to PIXEL anyone who clicks on my link so I
can then make a custom audience to RETARGET
THEM by creating a custom audience with a URL
that contains your link.

Additionally it allows me to add a direct link on

the article page itself so I can then drive them to
my Shopify store, for example that features pro-
trump merchandise!
This kills three birds with one stone by leverag-
ing content from reputable sources you don’t
need to write, by driving traffic directly to your
HIGHLY related eCom store via your button call
out in the bottom left, AND by allowing you to
create extremely targeted custom audiences to
retarget everyone who reads this article with fu-
ture trump related product offerings!

You can also have links to Facebook groups, or

your messenger bot, the possibilities are endless

The Facebook Master Class

How to Distribute Coupons Using

Facebook and Clickfunnels!

Along with driving traffic directly to an Amazon

page, the other best way to use Amazon and
Facebook Ads is to drive Facebook ad traffic to a
landing page, in between your Facebook ad, and
your Amazon listing or Shopify product page you
want to distribute coupons for!

This also works with Shopify coupon codes, or
any type of coupon codes.
I’m just using Amazon for my example to make it
easiest to understand!
This allows you to do a few things, you can of
course pixel your customers because you con-
trol the landing page, but you can also distribute
coupon codes, which is a great way to drive traf-
fic using Facebook ads!

You can offer an exclusive today only 50% off dis-

count on your Facebook ad image, and in your
ad copy, and distribute those 50% discounts on
your landing page.

The Facebook Master Class

This is a great option when you first launch a

product and need to conduct giveaways

The hard part about this whole process is creat-

ing the coupon funnel in the first place but luck-
ily for you, I’ve done all of the hard work for you

Accessing your completely ready to roll coupon

template is as easy as the click of a button be-
low, where you can sign up for your free 14 day
trial for Clickfunnels if you don’t already have an

Sign up for your 14 Day Free Trial HERE - and

THEN Click the Link below after or it Won’t Work

All you have to do is generate coupon codes and

then replace the group code you generate from
your Amazon account (or Shopify or wherever)
with the template code on the funnel, and re-
place your images, links to your product and add
your own pixel to the settings of your funnel and
you’re basically ready to go!

The Facebook Master Class

Facebook Advertising for Clickfunnels

Clickfunnels is a beautiful piece of software that

is designed to sell pretty much anything but tru-
ly shines in selling digital products or member-

The main difference between Clickfunnels and

Shopify for example is how you have to manually
install the pixel to make sure it is set up correctly

Let’s take an example; you’re selling a course on

Facebook Ads :) You need to add your main pixel
to the overall settings page of the funnel (in the
top right)...

Add the custom event pixel so you can create

custom conversions for targeting people who
are likely to add their payment information by
adding the custom event code:

The Facebook Master Class

The most important custom conversion for Click-

funnels and custom websites is the purchase
By pasting the code, below, on your thank you
page (or the page that shows AFTER purchase is

It tells Facebook if and when your Facebook ads

are profitable because this event only fires if
and when someone reaches the thank you page,
meaning they purchased whatever was on the
order page (the previous page).

Use the below code and replace the ‘497’ with

whatever your product is worth!
If you’re selling a 47 dollar ebook it would be 47,
if you’re selling a 10,000 boat it would be 10,000!

Be sure you’re only putting the purchase

conversion pixel on the ‘Thank You’ page
step of your funnel!

The Facebook Master Class

International Targeting

The Facebook Master Class

An important part of scaling your ad campaigns

is beginning to market outside of your country,
if you can ship outside your country or if your
product is digital!

The best way to do this is to take your custom

audience with the most data (or the best per-
forming custom audience) and then use it to be
the ‘seed’ to form lookalike audiences, only this
time doing it outside your country!

You do this by creating a Lookalike audience, and

then choose your custom audience you want to
populate from.

This could be Facebook page engagement, or an

email list, or website traffic!
The possibilities are endless!
Let’s say I wanted to expand my advertising into
India for example!
I would choose the source, then choose an inter-
national location based on Audience Insight and
Google trends data + any organic purchase data
from other countries, never guess!

The Facebook Master Class

I would do the following, and whenever I make

Lookalike audiences I always choose the ad-
vanced option and generate 6 different audienc-
es to split test!

How to get Free Page Likes

A fun free hack to get completely free ‘page

likes’ is as follows!

Whenever someone likes one of your ads, you

have the ability to ‘invite them’ to like your page,
and while I know it seems slightly illogical they’d
actually do it, THEY DO!

I’d say 90% or more of people I invite to my page,

like it!

Once you get a larger operation going, this is a

perfect task for Virtual Assistants to do, simply
navigate to each ad, and click the like section to
see who liked your post, and invite them all to
like your page - FREE PAGE LIKES!

The Facebook Master Class

Manual Bidding (Advanced)

Automatic bidding allows Facebook to handle

the bidding process for you using advanced al-
gorithms to try to optimize to get you the LOW-
EST cost for the results you’re trying to get!
Manual bidding is when you actually manually
set what cost per click you’re comfortable spend-
ing to get a specific result!

Let’s map out an example, assuming that Face-

book only has 3 available spots to display ads
and there are 4 advertisers bidding. The real sys-
tem is much more complicated than this; this is
a hyper-simplification:

Advertiser A bid $1
Advertiser B bid $2
Advertiser C bid $3
Advertiser D bid $10

In this example, advertiser A will likely be left out

and will receive low to zero impressions.
Advertisers B and C will get a good amount of
impressions at a price somewhere between $1.01
and $3.

The Facebook Master Class

Advertiser D will probably get more impres-

sions at a price just slightly above those of B & C,
around 1.50 and 3.50, no way is he going to pay

There are two important takeaways here:

If you try to bid too low, your campaign may
not get the exposure it deserves, and you won’t
reach your goals.
Remember, you always get what you pay for.

Don’t worry TOO MUCH about bidding a high

You’ll still end up paying the lowest amount pos-
sible in the auction to get your ads delivered.

The main three types of manual bidding strate-

gies are:

CPM Bidding With CPM (Cost Per Thousand


CPC (Cost Per Click)

Bidding on Conversions CPA

The Facebook Master Class

CPM Bidding With CPM (Cost Per Thousand


Bidding is basically the maximum you want to

pay to deliver 1,000 ad impressions to the mem-
bers of your target audience. CPM is the most
unpredictable bidding method, and you may
want to stay away from it as you might spend
lots of money without any results. CPC Bidding
was once the most used Facebook bidding strat-

1 CPC (Cost Per Click)

CPC allows you to bid for clicks, this means that
you’re going to pay only when a user clicks on
your ads. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Your banner
could be displayed 1 billion times without you
paying a cent if it doesn’t receive clicks.

2 Bidding on Conversions CPA

When you bid on Conversions, Facebook will do
its best to deliver your ads to the target audience
members who are most likely to convert to fill
your ad set’s objective. The type of conversions
depends on your campaign objective.

The Facebook Master Class

If you select the Page Likes campaign objective,

bidding on Page Likes is actually bidding on
When your ad campaign’s objective is to get
more leads, the conversion will be getting a new
lead, etc.
Bidding on Conversions will most likely bring
you the best campaign results as Facebook will
deliver your ads to the people who are most in-
terested in your offer.

The following image depicts setting a bid cap -

meaning you will NOT pay more than 2 dollars per
link click, and ensures you are ONLY CHARGED
based on link clicks.
Facebook likes to make money, and they make
MORE by defaulting when to charge you to be
impressions, remember to change it to be ‘Link

How to Chat with Facebook

Useful for a deactivated account or to trouble-
shoot errors while creating your ads!
Facebook only allows the chat feature on a 9-5
schedule, but they do offer email support as well!

The Facebook Master Class

This is a great resource for trouble shooting, or

to ask questions to Facebook, don’t be afraid to
chat with them, just keep it mind they’re notori-
ous for slow/lack of responses!

Video Split Testing

Scaling involves making decisions about when

to kill ad sets, and when to increase their daily
budgets, but it also involves scaling your crea-
tive, and understanding what works from a con-
tent perspective!

A strategy I’ve used to generate millions is to hire

a videographer (craigslist in great if you live in a
large city or near a film school, I’ve also found
them on Instagram) and hiring them for a day,
3-500 dollars to create a really amazing core vid-
eo related to my product or service.

The Facebook Master Class

BEFORE I do this however, I plan out exactly what

I want to create, meaning I will find the best ad-
vertisers in my space, and absorb the top 5 or 10
of their videos to make my own master version.
I’ll then script it out with a very SPECIFIC pur-
pose in mind.

I only create the last 3/4ths of the video.

You might be thinking “Abdelrahman you’re cra-
zy, why!!”

By leaving the beginning open ended, you can

target specific interests to be hyper relevant!

For example, let’s say you were selling a course

on Facebook ads (ironic I know), and you want-
ed to target musicians who wanted to get their
music out there!

You’d make a video with your core message of

how FB ads are incredible and are the best way
to get your message heard, and make the be-
ginning of the video specific to musicians using
Facebook ads.
The beauty then is that in your targeting you tar-
get musicians, so only musicians see your ad.
See the hyper relevance and watch your relevan-
cy score and profit soar!

The Facebook Master Class

Be Ridiculous and Have Fun (It Shows


Understand who the best marketers are, and use

their creative as inspiration to your own creativ-

A team I follow closely is the Harmon brothers,

and remember I’m not watching their ads as a
viewer, I’m watching them as a researcher.
Every angle, every word, the order of how they
present information, EVERYTHING is for a specif-
ic reason, and when I set out to make my own
ads, I use theirs as serious motivation!

Start to think about how you can craft their strat-

egies, and recreate popular ads to fit your busi-

What better place to get inspiration from than

the biggest companies on earth who pay mil-
lions of dollars for 30 second ad spots?
Don’t know what I mean? Click the link above
and you will :)

The Facebook Master Class

A final example I’ll make to illustrate is the fol-


One of the most successful campaigns I’ve ever

run from a cost per lead perspective was one
where I burned $50,000 dollars in slow motion
as the first scene in a cinematic way with intense
movie music which lead into my statement that
people who weren’t advertising correctly were
LITERALLY lighting money on fire!!

What better way to get someone’s attention that

burning 50 grand? And the best part is… you can
get 10,000 of movie prop money on Amazon for
20 bucks so I spent $100 on that money, and it
made me hundreds of thousands, a multiple
1000x return on my investment!

Scaling Myths & Facts

When most people think about scaling a paid

traffic campaign, they imagine increasing the
budget and, in return, proportionally receiving
the same results.

The Facebook Master Class

Imagine you were spending $100 a day on a cam-
paign and generating 50 leads for $2 a lead.
Most people would expect to increase the budget
to $200 a day and in return receive 100 leads for
$2 a lead.

The Facebook Master Class

Unfortunately this is NOT how it works, you can-

not just raise your daily budget by an infinite
amount at once, and expect correlated results.

The MAX you can raise your daily budget by in a

24 hour period is 15-25% and there is a fun way to
set an automated rule to have Facebook do this
for you for all of your profitable ad sets!

You do this by creating a ‘Rule’ similar to the one

I have below!
I adjust all ad set budgets who are getting pur-
chase conversions for less than $5 each (for ex-
ample) and I set it to raise the daily budget by
15% once daily (calculated on a 3 day rolling av-

The New Type of Targeting!

How would you describe your audience right

now if I asked you? Probably men or women,
in a certain age, who make a certain amount of

The Facebook Master Class

When asked, most marketers or business own-

ers would describe their audience as (for exam-

Women who live in Boston:

Aged 25 - 34
Young professionals making $50,000-$74,999

As humans, we are taught to describe people by

generic demographic information… age, gender,
income, etc.
AS MARKETERS, we have access to WAY too
much data to be that generic in 2018… Instead,
we need to describe our customers based on IN-

Has a Close Friend with a Birthday in the next
7 Days

Read Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Recently Moved

Liked Tony Robbins Facebook Page

Attended Coachella

The Facebook Master Class

Is the Director of Marketing at a tech compa-


Has a friend who was recently engaged

Is married with children aged 6-9 years old

It’s also important to think of MAJOR LIFE

EVENTS that may lead someone to the purchase
of your product, especially if you’re selling more
of a commodity; things like:

Job change
Birth of child
Moving Cities

“Five minutes in an old book quickly reveals that

most of what is being sold today as new insights
into human behavior is merely the rediscovery
of knowledge we have had for centuries.”

The Facebook Master Class

Advertising is nothing new, it’s repurposing and

reforming the same information in different
ways and has been for years.

To succeed all you have to do is the following...

Craft an appealing offer, articulate the benefits
in the form of how your customers WILL FEEL
using your product/service; in different ways to
appeal to different types of humans!
Put those messages in front of the right people,
and test test test until the cows come home!

Knowing Your Numbers With Reports

(How to Organize Your Columns!)

The Facebook Master Class

The first step is to organize your columns by what

is important, by clicking columns, and then cus-
tomize columns near the bottom.
The NUMBER ONE column to get the important
information the fastest is cost per website (pur-
chase, lead, add to basket) whatever you are

Normally the best information is cost per web-

site purchase, if you know you are making 10 dol-
lars profit per unit sold on Shopify for example,
and then you want to make sure your average
cost per website purchase over time is less than
10 to have profitable campaigns!

The Facebook Master Class

To get accurate data, you need to have your pix-

el installed correctly, and remember that when
you start campaigns you cannot always expect
them to be immediately profitable.

It takes time to create profitable Facebook cam-

paigns, and at the start many extremely profita-
ble campaigns start as zero sum, meaning they
break even while you’re testing copy, targeting

Using UTM Links For Better Tracking!

UTM links or (Urchin Tracking Module) is a com-

plicated way of saying creating a link that lets
you track where a person clicked it from!

Underground Hack – UTM Links

UTM Links are ONLY useful when you’re get-

ting extremely advanced with Facebook ads
and want to track very specific details, 99% of
Facebook advertisers can completely ignore this
section, I am simply including it for the very ad-
vanced students!

The Facebook Master Class

UTM links are great for better tracking all link

clicks, whether for Facebook ads or otherwise

Campaign Source – The platform where the

traffic originates, like Facebook, LinkedIn etc.

Campaign Medium – Identify the medium like

Cost Per Click (CPC).

Campaign Term – You will use this mainly for

tracking your keywords during a paid AdWords

You can also use it in your display ad campaigns

to identify aspects of your audience or a specific

Campaign Content – If you’re split testing ads,

then this is a useful metric that passes details
about your ad. You can also use it to differentiate
links that point to the same URL.

Campaign Name – This helps you to identify

your campaign, like your website or a specific
product promotion.

The Facebook Master Class

You can get fancy with these but I generally just

describe the exact ad I’m using the link for so
that when I come back to check I know.
Make sure you’re signed in to your Google ac-
count in chrome so the analytics will show up in
your analytics account.

Once you generate the link, THIS is the link you

actually use at the end of creating ads, and in
doing so you’ll be able to track everything.

The Facebook Master Class

You can also create custom audiences from URLs

that contain your campaign term for example.
This is a very advanced way to track everything

To Review in Google Analytics:

Go to Acquisitions > all traffic > select source/

From Primary Dimension > select the param-

eter you want to track by using the other drop
down and choosing the Acquisition group.

Campaign: this will allow you to track your

Facebook Ads Campaign performance.

Keyword: use this to deep dive into your ad set


Ad Content: this will allow you to analyze indi-

vidual ad performance.

The Facebook Master Class

Facebook Analytics

Facebook analytics is an INCREDIBLY POWER-

FUL TOOL that is drastically under-utilized.
It is just as powerful as Google analytics but is
!much less known and used

If we take a quick look at the metrics for one of

my sites, we can see a fantastic amount of data
to help make decisions, including where our
traffic is being referred from, and daily insights
including people who speak English and use a
Macintosh convert at a much higher rate (almost
2.2 times as much!)

The Facebook Master Class

We can also see that people 25-34 who speak

English spend 104% more time on my website so
why are these insights important?

Because we can then update the targeting of

my ad campaigns to increase focus/budget on
people who are 25-34 and speak English, or peo-
ple who use Macintosh operating systems, see
the POWER!

How to Create Split Tests MOST EFFI-


This is one of the most important sections of the

entire course, so I’m going to emphasize it in all
caps so we are both sure it’s recognized…



Facebook rolled out the ability to create multiple

new ad sets within the Facebook platform and it
is a complete GAME changer for more advanced

The Facebook Master Class

Previously you had to use third party software to

create split tests on this scale and with this ease
such as Adespresso and others, but now Face-
book allows it to be done within the platform it-
self (albeit at times it’s a bit glitchy!)
When creating a new ad for most Marketing ob-
jectives you have the ability to either ‘Create new
set’ or to ‘Create MULTIPLE new ad sets’.

You can now create HUNDREDS of split tests, all

within one flow, and this is unbelievably power-
Previously you had to create split tests manually
one by one if you wanted to test different crea-

The Facebook Master Class

You had to duplicate ad sets and change the cre-

ative, or if you wanted to test different audiences
you had to duplicate ad sets and change the au-
diences, but now you can add all of your variants
during this one ad creation flow within the Face-
book platform!

I generally like to run split tests on interests, au-

diences, and creative; of course there are more
things you can test on such as demographics like
age/gender and the ad copy itself, but these are
things that come later once you’ve established
sure winners when it comes to audiences/inter-

All you have to do is add your interest, and then

click where it says “Add Detailed Targeting Var-
iation” near the bottom to add a NEW interest,
and now instead of both interests being target-
ed for 1 ad set, you’ll create 2 completely sep-
arate SPLIT TESTS to see which performs best,
Tony Robbins, or Tim Ferris!

The Facebook Master Class


important also to remember that these are 2 in-
dependent ad sets each with their own budget,
so remember to always review the ‘Total Budget’
to understand what you’re looking at for daily

If you’re asking yourself ‘why didn’t you teach us

this from the start’...
Well the answer is two reasons…
So that you didn’t get overwhelmed…

The Facebook Master Class

So that people built the foundation for un-

derstanding the pieces of Facebook ads before
putting them all together through split test var-

But now that you’re here, you understand the

‘Multiple new ad sets’ feature, you’re now on
your way to becoming a Facebook Ad Samurai.

Retargeting (The Key to EXPLOSIVE Profits!)

The purpose of retargeting is to push someone

that has ALREADY engaged, to complete an ac-
tion, build trust, or send a reminder!

There are a million different ways to retarget on

Facebook, and that is a good thing, but at the
same time it is overwhelming so we are going
to break it down into the TOP 3 ways to retarget
based on millions of dollars of ad spend on Face-
book over the years!

The Facebook Master Class

Abandoned Carts/Product Remind-

Many visitors will come to your website and, even
though they might be interested in making a
purchase, they will leave empty-handed. Some-
times they get disrupted, sometimes timing is
bad, but most often it’s because people still pre-
fer desktop shopping over mobile shopping.

The Facebook Master Class

The best two ways to retarget this way are using

DPAs, or collection ads which are a way of show-
ing collections of highly related products from
your store (your top selling t shirts or backpacks
or related products) increasing the likelihood
that if you’ve targeted correctly, you’ll show at
least ONE product your customer would want to
buy from your collection ad!

By targeting all website traffic that includes

‘cart’, and by EXCLUDING people who have pur-
chased (seen the purchase URL) you can now
run retargeting ads that have a familiar tone, de-
noting they’ve already seen your products and
it’s NOW time to buy!

Remember though, if you have multiple prod-

ucts, with the same URL syntax, you could ac-
cidentally be retargeting the wrong products to
the wrong people, which is why I suggest using
DPAs unless you have only a few products, then
you can just use the full URLs here!

The Facebook Master Class

Incentive/Value Based Retargeting:

Create a Custom Audience of the top 25% of your
website visitors by time spent on your page.

The longer your customers spend on your site,

the MORE interested they normally are, and cre-
ating a retargeting custom audience that targets
the top 25%, top 50% etc… is a great way to focus
ad spend on people most likely to convert into
purchasers! Don’t forget to exclude purchasers
as shown here!

The Facebook Master Class

Facebook Activity/Engagement:

Create a custom audience > and choose Engage-


There are a few I have had huge success with, the

main being Video, Lead Form, Facebook Page,
and Instagram Business Profile.

Let’s go through each briefly as to the best meth-

od of retargeting...

1 Video:

Whenever I create a video advertisement, or

boost a video post from my Facebook page into
an advertisement, I ALWAYS create a custom
audience of people who viewed at least 50%
of my video (or 25% if the video is longer than
4 minutes - people have short attention spans,
and create a custom offer for them with specif-
ic ad copy saying something like ‘I see that you
were interested in XXX video, well we’d like to
offer you an exclusive 50% discount for being so
awesome!” remember specific is good, slightly
creepy, but good!

The Facebook Master Class

2 Lead Form:

Whenever I create a lead form campaign I am

looking to build a cheap email list of inter-
ested parties who want whatever amazing
free Lead magnet I’m giving away, and that
is great but you also want to leverage the in-
terest people who’ve opened your form/lead
magnet have into purchases of your product!

The best way to do this is to create a Custom au-

dience retargeting people who’ve opened your
form in the last 90 days!

The Facebook Master Class

3 Facebook Page:

This can be one of the most profitable ways to

retarget your customers who’ve shown interest
in you by creating a custom audience of people
who have engaged in some way with your Face-
book page!

The Facebook Master Class

To create the largest potential retargeting audi-

ence I suggest creating an audience of people
who’ve visited your page, but if you want to re-
fine your audience to be more specific, I suggest
only targeting people who’ve engaged with any
post or ad, OR people who’ve sent a message to
your page because this means they’re serious-
ly interested in what you have to sell and your
product or service!

The Facebook Master Class

4 Instagram Business Profile:

Creating an Instagram business page is free and

easy to do in your settings in Instagram, and it
allows a few very important things to take place.

First, it allows you to access analytics related to

your page, and second, it allows you to create a
custom audience of people who’ve visited/en-
gaged with your business Instagram account!
This is great because Instagram is an entirely
different platform with different frequent users,
meaning people will find you organically in dif-
ferent ways, giving you access to a user pool you
would have never found otherwise.

I like to retarget everyone who’s engaged with

my business and show them a Facebook ad that
says ‘Hey I saw you were interested in my Insta-
gram - just to show you how much that means
to me I wanted to offer you a 50% off coupon!’

The Facebook Master Class

Again be specific here, it’s not THAT creepy and

people are interested when you’re that specific
(Okay it kind of is, but it works!)

The Facebook Master Class

More Retargeting Notes + the Holy

Grail of Retargeting!

Normally I recommend against using the right

column placement EVER but it’s actually okay to
use the right side when you’re retargeting, as its
cheap, and ultra-relevant, meaning it can be prof-
itable; otherwise never use it, you can get super
cheap sales but only with retargeting, never in-
clude it in initial targeting!

You can see an ad for here, and

they’re probably paying less than a cent to show
it to me.

The Facebook Master Class

I have a very low probability of clicking on it, but

I viewed it at some point in the past so showing
it to me has a slightly bigger than average prob-
ability of getting me to click.

Depending on your product or service offering,

the BEST possible form of retargeting you can
implement is the Video Testimonial Carousel; for
example, let’s say you’re selling an information
product that has helped people quit smoking…

Getting a testimonial (iPhone video works great!)

from your top performing students who were
chronic smokers, and were able to QUIT SMOK-
BEST possible way to jam as much social proof
for your product/service as possible in the form
of retargeting people who’ve already been intro-
duced to your brand through your initial ads!
Combining this with classic marketing tactics
such as scarcity (closes at the end of the week,
beta testers get free access to xyz, additional
one on one support with founder, normally 997
value) can yield absolutely fantastic results!

The Facebook Master Class

How to Scale Your Campaigns

Although it seems logical that if you’re spending

100 dollars on Facebook and getting 200 dollars
back in sales, that if you INCREASE your spend to
200 dollars, you’d get 400 dollars back in sales…

It depends… but the answer is not usually, at

least not at first!

Instead of scaling vertically (directly increasing

ad spends) you want to go horizontally and ex-
plore as many new audiences as possible to in-
crease total budget spent.

Additional interests
Find additional interests similar to winning ones
and what is the best way to do that? Well I’m
glad you asked!
Audience Insights strikes again, let’s say that we
proved through our split tests that people who
liked Petsmart were more likely to buy my Corgi
related T-Shirts.

The Facebook Master Class

I could type in PetSmart on audience insights

under interests, and click ‘page likes’’.
I now have so many other pages that Facebook
is telling me that REAL people who like PetSmart
are also liking for me to use in my future split

The Facebook Master Class

How to Split Test Lookalikes for Ex-

plosive Results!

One of the most important elements of scaling

at a grand level is the art of creating highly tar-
geted (numerous) lookalike audiences.

Underground Hack – International

Lookalike Audience
Remember you can create international looka-
likes, and you can use the advanced settings to
create up to 6 variants of your lookalikes based
on match percentage!

I always create 6 variants, because Facebook is

not perfect. Just because an audience size of 1
is supposed to be the MOST accurate, it is NOT
always true.

The Facebook Master Class

I ALWAYS create 6 lookalike audiences in the fol-

lowing fashion to have more to split test because
remember, split test = PROFIT!

Aim for at least 1,000 people in your custom au-

dience before creating lookalikes whether that
means 1,000 page views, or 1,000 purchases.
I know this may seem high, but you can start
with smaller numbers like 100. I’ve just found
that with 1,000 the power of Facebook’s algo-
rithm really starts to shine with conversion cam-
paigns, and super accurate Lookalike audiences!

The Facebook Master Class

Custom Conversions (The Blank Con-

version Method)
It is natural to think that the more interests you
have that specify your exact customer, the bet-
ter performing your campaigns will be, but this
is not always the case!

Once I have 100 -1,000 people having performed

an action (purchasing for example), I like to cre-
ate a blank interest conversion campaign where
I just let Facebook do its thing, and form a smart-
er and smarter pixel that gets better and better
at finding more and more similar people, and
showing ads to those MOST likely to convert and

I would then create a custom conversion, and

then leave the interests completely blank.

If you have a good idea of the gender, age and

location it’s okay to include these, but I like to
create a custom conversion campaign where
everything else is left blank because this puts
pressure on Facebook to really perform so it’s
incentivized to create profitable campaigns for
you because you’re relying entirely on their data!

The Facebook Master Class

Facebook Groups (The New Facebook Page!)

I have created some of the largest E-Commerce

Facebook groups in the world for a very specific

Facebook pages have become almost complete-

ly deprecated when it comes to reaching your
audience because so many brands were abso-
lutely spamming people, Facebook decided to
suspend the organic reach of Facebook pages
from making their way into people’s newsfeeds
or notifications!

Facebook Groups are now what Facebook pages

were, and if you create and run a targeted Face-
book group you can reach thousands and thou-
sands of people with a single well-crafted post!

This does two things, it creates activity which

ranks my group, and it ‘bumps’ my specific post
to the top of the group which means it’s seen
by more and more people because Facebook or-
ganizes posts within a group by recent activity!

The Facebook Master Class

The last little nugget about groups I’ll share is

that you can ask a question to new members,
and one of the single biggest improvements to
my businesses has come from a hack that takes
literally 15 seconds to set up!

In group settings > membership requests > ask

questions Ask a question

“Drop Your Email to Join Our List for all the Lat-
est Tips on XXX!”, save all these emails into an
email list and use it for email marketing.
I couldn’t believe that people who wanted to join
a Facebook group would want to give me their
email as well, but 99% of people do it because
you’re telling them to! It’s incredible!

I just have my virtual assistants add their emails

to a spreadsheet as they accept new members,
and I add them to my email marketing lists!

This single tip has made me SO MUCH MON-

EY it’s ridiculous, so do NOT take it lightly, con-
trolling where people conversate about a topic is
IMMENSELY profitable!

The Facebook Master Class

How to Help Your Ads be Shown More


Facebook determines who to show your ad to,

and how often to show your ad (impressions)
based largely off what they call the ‘Quality
Ranking’ or ‘Relevance Score’.

The relevance score essentially is the ratio of

positive to negative feedback and click through
rate/engagement your ad gets for the audience
you target!

The highest the positive indicators the better,

and the more your ad is reported and not rele-
vant, or receives negative feedback (or lack of
any interaction) the worse relevance it will re-

To increase relevancy A/B test your images, text,

logo, people.
Be as specific as possible with gender, age, lo-
cation, interests, the more accurate you are the
higher the feedback score, and thus the relevan-
cy score!

The Facebook Master Class

To review your relevance score for any ad simply

add a column, ‘Quality Ranking’, when you cus-
tomize your columns.

I’ve found anything above 6 tends to perform

well, and anything that drops below 6 starts to
shoot up in price, and down in conversions!

The Facebook Master Class

How to Spy on Your Competition

By using the insights tab of your Facebook page

(once you have more than 50 likes on your page),
there is a clever way to spy on your competition
to see what posts of theirs are performing well
via the amount of social proof!

Go to Insights within the settings of your Face-

book page > overview > pages to watch (on the
bottom) and you can add pages that are similar
to yours; for example if you’re a pet store, you
could look at PetSmart’s page and look at their
top performing posts for the past week, and cre-
ate your own content on a similar topic!

This is amazing because it takes the guesswork

out of content creation, you can just model off of
what you know is already working!

You can then boost these posts with a link to

your store in the description; for example to gen-
erate huge buzz around your article and then if
your article is commented on and shared, every
time that happens, you get more and more eyes
on your store link and that means more sales!

The Facebook Master Class

More Spy Tactics

Another tactic that I commonly use is to go to

my competitions websites and get pixeled!
For example, let’s say I was entering the shaving
I would actually go to https://www.dollarshave- and navigate their site and if you go to
their product pages, you will get pixeled, and you
WILL be shown ads of the products you viewed
sometime in the next week.

Go to your competitions websites, and remem-

ber to look for the ads in the next week while
you’re browsing on Facebook.
This is a GREAT way to see what type of ads your
competitors are using which you can leverage
into your own campaigns!

The Facebook Master Class

What to do if Your Ad Account is Dis-

abled ?!
Facebook is notorious for shutting down ad ac-
counts for little or no discernable reason, and
even more notorious for providing little or no ex-
planation as to why accounts were shut down so
if this happens to you DON’T PANIC, and don’t
feel bad.

Most expert marketers I know have had 10’s or

even hundreds of accounts shut down! If your ac-
count is disabled use the following form… Click
HERE - Be honest on this form, and they will nor-
mally re-enable your account one time pending
no future policy violations!

Underground Hack
Make sure that you create backup accounts
in business manager & ensure your relevancy
scores are as high as possible!

The Facebook Master Class

Worst case scenario you can use your friends

and families Facebook accounts to create new
business managers and if you do go this route, I
have heard from friends that the best way to go
about it is to buy a cheap chrome book that you
ONLY USE for advertising as Facebook has super
intelligent cookies they can track you with.

Change the URL of your landing page, and use a

new pixel, again this is a last case scenario!

Facebook Live from your FB Page!

One of the most powerful ways to interact with
your audience is via Facebook Live!

As Facebook creates new features, it prioritizes

them to try and get people to use them like all
companies do!
Because of this, they’ve prioritized Facebook live
in such a way that it pushes out the MOST notifi-
cations of any action you can take on Facebook.

The Facebook Master Class

This means that when you go live, you get in

front of more eyes than any other thing you can
do on Facebook!
Facebook live is the best way to interact with
Viewers / Fans / Customers in real time, answer
questions, and hear what is on your customer’s
minds etc.!

Underground Hack
Facebook Live Videos automatically save to your
pages timeline, and you can later boost it with
paid ads to reach more people!

The Facebook Master Class

Conversion Campaigns with Offer Checked!

Most people know about lead ads where you

create an offer to generate urgency, for example
claim my cheat sheet, only 1,000 left!

Most people also know about conversion cam-

paigns where you use Facebook’s amazing
amounts of data to find more people similar to
a seed audience of pixel data to also buy your

But what most people DON’T KNOW is that you

can actually combine conversion campaigns
AND offer campaigns to leverage the power of
conversions, while leveraging the power of scar-
city via offer ads!

To do so, simply create a conversion ad like nor-

mal and click the ‘ON’ button next to offer, and
you’ll be able to create a killer ad that leverages
both conversions AND offer ads in one!

The Facebook Master Class

After Purchase underground Retargeting Hack

Anyone who has started their own business or

had experience with marketing knows that it is
quire a NEW customer, than it is to sell an addi-
tional product or service to an existing customer!

As we add value through our products and ser-

vice we seek to establish more and more touch
points with our customers, whether it is through
our pixel data, emails, messenger, Facebook
groups etc.
We want to be able to contact them with new
deals and promotions we plan to have in the fu-

We also want to build a real brand and how we

do this is by involving our customers and mak-
ing them feel a sense of loyalty and love from
our business.
The people who build long lasting businesses
are the ones who understand that the value of
one transaction is nothing versus the LIFETIME
VALUE of a customer.

The Facebook Master Class

Brands that have mastered this are the like of

Amazon, and Apple who have fanatical user bas-
es, through their customer service and unique
product offerings!

Whenever possible we want testimonials from

our customers, whether that is students of our
information products, or pictures of our custom-
ers using our products out in the real world.
These testimonials or social proof are PURE
GOLD when it comes to selling additional prod-
ucts or new products to new customers!

A hack I ALWAYS use is to create a custom au-

dience of people who’ve PURCHASED my prod-
uct or service, the more you have the better, is to
create a quick video thanking them for being a
valued customer.

Some people might think why are you paying

to show an ad to people who’ve already bought
from you?

The answer to that is… to build a brand, and be-

cause its WILDLY PROFITABLE to do so!

The Facebook Master Class

With a simple campaign we made from a custom

audience of our purchasers (you can create this
custom audience by importing a list of emails of
your purchasers, or by targeting your thank you
page URL)...

We generated a 20x return running this simple

thank you video where our only offer was a 20%
off coupon for a related product of ours as a sin-
cere thank you!
You have to mean it, and be thankful and intro-
duce yourself as the CEO of your company with a
little text badge in your video to look profession-
al + as always subtitle your video ads.

I also EXCLUSIVELY use the ‘Reach’ or ‘Video

View’ campaign objective for this Hack, because
whenever you have an ultra-defined audience
such as this, it’s a waste of money to use the
more expensive traffic or conversion marketing

The final tip I’ll give is that if you have a LOT of

purchases (1,000 or more) one of the most accu-
rate beautiful lookalike audiences it’s possible to
make is from a custom audience of purchasers.

The Facebook Master Class

There is not a more accurate seed audience to

form a lookalike audience from than your real
life purchasers!

The Facebook Master Class

Underground Master class Summary

If you made it this far, first of all congratulations…

I bet you probably feel like I just jammed a fire

hose in your mouth and turned it on full blast…

The reason I wrote this book was because of the

awful courses out there with no real value pro-
vided, that didn’t truly help or provide marketers
with strategies/ tactics that actually worked.

I spent years/millions of dollars accumulating

the data I’ve presented to you in this book, and I
will continue to add to it, whenever a new strat-
egy/opportunity arises.

What to do from Here…?

Now it is time to implement, I suggest reviewing

your notes, and taking a day or two to decom-
press, depending on how fast you got through
the master class!

The Facebook Master Class

Start back at module 1, this time with the knowl-

edge you currently have, and start to directly
apply all of the strategies/tactics to YOUR BUSI-

When you see my copy examples, reverse engi-

neer it into your own business!
When you see my ad examples, reverse engineer
the visuals to be fitting for your OWN business!

When you see me install my pixel, install it on

your own site!

When you see my scripts and my funnels I used

to create a Facebook Ad agency, find dentists or
doctors in your own city and GET TO WORK!

My suggestion is to start back at module 1, and

implement as you go along this time, when you
watch a video or read a strategy, DO IT, and refer
back when necessary to learn more, or under-
stand exactly how to implement things!

Remember if you qualified for the Bonuses, re-

view them as well! And remember…

The Facebook Master Class



I’m seriously so grateful to have gone on this jour-

ney with you guys, and I’ll end with two things I
find most important…

Those who test most, succeed most… you can’t

fail if you never give up!!
Love you all, and can’t wait to chat with you in the
Private Underground Family Facebook Group!


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