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Diego A.

ENGL 1301
Dr. Sharity Nelson

The Challenges of the Rhetorical Strategy Essay

From what I could learn from the peer reviewed journal article in this third essay is that it was
sort of different from last time as well as the rhetorical situation, since now we were reading a
whole article and analyzing it. As we were reading through it, it certainly was not an easy task to
do, since we needed to come up with some quotes within the text read that appealed to the
different rhetorical situations as the ethos, logos and pathos. Although it is the first time that I
worked with this type of analysis, I believe it helped we with a history essay that I as well needed
to read some sort of document, and perhaps in one of the paragraphs I employed the use of
pathos as a form of bring or find an emotion that appealed to the document.

I build knowledge in the revision process when I come to think that some of the quoting were not
right, as I got a bit of misunderstanding when trying to paraphrasing something but indeed the
drafting and the help of the instructor helped me to quote better for my final draft, she indicated
that I should replace some of the sentences with a quotation from the authors so it did not marked
as plagiarism. The concept of brainstorming might help in advance to give me an idea next time
how to properly set an outline so it can be more organized. Moving to the prewriting it might
only help me to clear my ideas, since once I start drafting the outline it going to seem more
organize but not quite right as supposed to, that is where the revision process comes in, to help
me get rid of some of the things that were not necessary for the essay that made them look
unclear and disorganized.
The conferencing and feedback from the instructor helped me in correcting my errors and some
doubts from my essay as well as giving me tips on how to improve my quoting techniques and
some of the paragraphs. As said, some of the elements that changed based on the feedback given
was the quoting parts, how to improve the strategies needed as pathos and ethos, as well as
changing some parts of my body paragraphs and introduction.

The peer feedback helped me in a way that made me feel that I was on the right track since I got
to talk to him about changing some of the rhetorical analysis part, but he certainly said that it was
not necessary but to add more of it and improve my choosing of words.
By editing and proofreading I was able to recognize some of the issues that my essay had, as
took out information that was probably not needed since it made sound the essay to repetitive
and confusing, as well as some of the quotation marks misplaced I did try to put them all but they
Diego A. Morteo
ENGL 1301
Dr. Sharity Nelson
were some that I was not able to see since a intense amount of text that I end up getting once
finish confused me. Becoming aware of these missing elements might help me next time to
create a more organized essay and be able to quote correctly, it is just matter of practicing but
sure enough I will be able to quote more precisely next time I do an essay from an article.
The most challenging part of the essay was with some of the rhetorical strategies since in pathos
giving an appeal of emotion to the text was difficult due to the extend variation of feelings that
someone could get from reading it, besides that I did not knew how I was feeling at the moment
when reading the article since I was mostly focusing on the information that contained rather
than the emotion that I was getting from some of the paragraphs. Moreover, my attempt to
overcome this challenging part was focusing on one statement that I was mostly intrigued by and
giving away an emotion that gave me once I started to read about it, with my attention only to
that specific statement from the authors and the sources given I was able to sense some emotions
that the text could have on readers. Recognizing this challenge made me able to focus more on
my proofreading and analysis on a specific part that I was sensing trouble as in the pathos body
paragraph where I was not all sure how to give a sense of emotion, but once I overcome that
challenge, I indeed was able to finish my body paragraphs without any other difficulty.
Perhaps the least challenging part of the essay was in one of the rhetorical strategies as the part
of logos was easier to write about due to extended logic that the article has, probably because it
was research with a lot of data included.

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