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Cyber Crime Incident

Complaint / Incident Details

Acknowledgement Number : 22404240003049

Category of complaint Any Other Cyber Crime

Sub-Category of complaint Other


Approximate Date: 2023-09-08 HH : N/A MM : N/A AM

Is there any delay in reporting: No

Supporting Evidence:

Description Text Information Supporting Evidence

Other OTHER Evidence202404111535507514148.png

I am Dinesh Kumar Yadav I am a pure vegetarian Hindu On 5th september

Tuesday I had taken 7 days service of Total veg Jain food from Soumya Das
manager of Enjoy food enterprises. The price of which they told was Rs 840 I
paid Rs 830 on the first day itself and it was agreed to pay the remaining Rs 10
later. I paid Rs 830 in cash but no bill or receipt was given by them. Food was
fine on both 5th and 6th September But on the night of 7th September the
chapatis came but half raw chapatis were not baked properly. I spoke to
soumya ji but he said rotis are a little raw from the edge but you can eat no
Please provide any additional information about the incident:
problem Talked to Soumya ji I have voice recording as a proof And on 8th
September the delivery boy had left the morning food at the fixed place at
almost 1 25. I was in class at that time as soon as I reached the hostel room
with food and opened the packet it had egg curry and rotis along with it. I had
already told him to eat total veg But as soon as I opened it my mind is not calm
after seeing nonveg food. I have been suffering like this since the night of 7th
Sept So even after paying I did not get proper food for this and for the mental
pain I suffered.

Suspect Details

Suspect Name ID Type Country Code ID Number


Please Upload Any Photograph of Suspect's: N/A

Address for Suspect

House No. N/A Country N/A

Street Name N/A State N/A

Colony N/A District N/A

Vill / Town / City N/A Police Station N/A

Tehsil N/A Pincode N/A

Complainant Details

Name Mr Dinesh Kumar Yadav

Mobile No. 9040473740

Gender. Male

DOB. 08-11-2002

Father Name : Sanwar Mal Yadav

Relationship With the Victim Self

National ID of Victim NationalId202404111536119953289.png

Email Id
Nationality : INDIAN

Address for Correspondence

House No. N/A Country INDIA

Street Name N/A State ODISHA

Colony N/A District KHURDA

Vill / Town / City N/A Police Station N/A

Tehsil N/A Pincode 751004

Uploaded File Information:

Number of Uploaded File 1

(1). File Name : Evidence202404111535507514148.png

Binary Hash of File(SHA256) : AFD7F750788A362DD0C04D7AD37B7D5B380A60A3B2E444F1C3A1F642905294B9

Binary Hash of File(MD5) : 0A1432E3EB2A539BD9AAB36D0634762B

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