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Jonas A. Andersen

Professor Lott

English 1022

4 April 2024

Humor: The Trait of Least Respect

"Laugh as much as possible, always laugh. It's the sweetest thing one can do for oneself & one's

fellow human beings." Maya Angelou

Humor, or the poor man's wit, is a gift that makes people laugh, brings joy and brightens

their days. In the movie “A Man called Otto” Tom Hanks plays Otto, a grumpy old man who is

sick of life and wants to go. However, over the course of the movie he meets a happy loving

family and begins to change his views on life. Starting to appreciate his life more and find joy in

the things around him. Otto is an example of the many people who go through their lives bitter

and cold. Something as small as dropping a spoon or plate can set them off, causing them to hurt

those around them and themselves in the process. I can relate to this on a personal level. For a

time in high school, it was hard for me to see the joy in life and it always felt like a struggle with

no end in sight. However, once I was able to learn how to laugh with the pain, I was able to keep

myself humble, respect the other people around me and lift up the people I cared about. I learned

I could feel joy and sadness at the same time.

Diogenes was a Greek philosopher who lived in ancient Greece and also helped to found

Cynicism. Diogenes was well known for many things. He was most well known not for his

philosophy but his sense of humor and the havoc he caused on the people of Greece. Diogeneses

could often be found arguing with people in certain…unique ways: “Diogenes is said to have

urinated on some people who insulted him” (Piering). He was known to not let people get the
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better of him and would stoop much lower than most people were willing to go. Although, this

makes him seem ill tempered and not humorous, he found joy in what he did. Even if he did not

entertain others he certainly entertained himself. Another way Diogenes sought to have a more

humorous approach to life is the way he treated people - especially so-called royals. Alexander

the Great was a huge fan and one time came to visit him and offered him one wish that he could

fulfill: "Now move at least a little out of the sun"(Piering). Even when offered the world instead

of letting go of his morales or asking for a lavish gift he instead asked for him to move because

he was blocking the sun. Although Diogenese tended to ruffle the feathers of those around him,

he lived a very long life, living until 89. He taught people to not take life too seriously.

Another character who exemplifies humor is Sam O Nella. Sam is a character on a

famous youtube channel who makes history videos with jokes added in to be entertaining. Sam

also entertains and understands how valuable that humor can be to his audience. His videos and

content provide much needed relaxation for people. However, he also understands when humor

can go too far: Some of his earliest videos had some demeaning content which he recognized and

remedied later. He took them down even though very few people had asked him to. He

recognized that what he had made was hurtful and not true. He later commented how “These

videos are not who I want to be and I don't want to put people down who look to my channel for

laughs”(O’Nella). He understood how he had hurt people and took action. I strive to be like him

and think about if my jokes will hurt others and if they are uplifting.

A third example is found in Donald Glover, the actor who played Troy Barnes from the

show community. He is portrayed as the goofball of the friend group, often easing tensions and

defusing situations with a solid joke or laugh. One of the reasons he exemplifies humor so well is

that his character is modeled after his actor Donald Glover. Famously during the filming of
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community Chevy Chase, who played Pierce, was often awful to the cast and crew, especially to

Donald Glover. He would often make racist remarks and call him the N word and other

derogatory names. This eventually led to his eventual termination “Chase was fired from

“Community” after using a racial slur on set”(Sharf). However, despite all of this Glover would

often shrug off his rude remarks and make jokes to diffuse tension. Chase would often try and

bring Glover down between takes and instead of letting it get to him Glover, would turn it into a

joke or turn it into a part of the scene. What Chevy Chase did was unacceptable and there is no

excuse for that. However, that still does not mean that what Glover did was any less noteworthy.

Even in the show the character he was playing, he often lifted the other members of his study

group up, and helped them to laugh their way through the pain. He is a shining example of the

help that humor can be to others.

Many people get to their 60 or 70s and are burnt out from life. They sit in their recliners

all day watching television. Getting up only to yell at the neighborhood kids for playing in their

yard. I don't want this. When I'm at the end of my life I want to be surrounded by my loved ones

when I go. Knowing that every person I had crossed paths with I left their life just a little bit

better. I discovered that like Otto, Diogenese, O’nella , Glover I too like to use humor to brighten

days, bring joy, and make people laugh.

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Work cited

O’Nella, Sam. “Sam O’Nella Academy.” YouTube, YouTube, 19 Nov. 2019,

Piering, Julie. “Diogenes of Sinope .” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2 Feb. 2022,

Sharf, Zack. “Joel McHale Responds to Chevy Chase Saying He Didn’t ‘want to Be

Surrounded’ by ‘Community’ Cast: ‘No One Was Keeping You There... the Feeling’s

Mutual, Bud.’” Chevy Chase Annexed , Variety, 12 Oct. 2023,



Peer review

● Remove fish Jenga or make it work with source

● Use colon for emphasis

● Add in an epigraph for a better introduction

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