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Letter of Recommendation Questionnaire

1. Applicant's Full Name: Koyyalamudi Rakesh

2. Relationship to Applicant (e.g., teacher, supervisor, mentor): Teacher
3. How long have you known the applicant? : 4 Years
4. In what capacity have you interacted with the applicant (e.g., academic, professional, extracurricular)? :Academic
5. Can you describe the context or setting in which you worked with the applicant? : Machine Learning
6. Please rate the applicant's overall performance or abilities compared to their peers:
- Exceptional
- Average
- Below Average
7. What are the applicant's strengths and areas of expertise?
8. Can you provide specific examples or anecdotes that illustrate the applicant's strengths?
9. Are there any areas where the applicant could improve or develop further?
10. How does the applicant demonstrate leadership skills or the ability to work in a team?
11. How does the applicant handle challenges or setbacks?
12. Does the applicant demonstrate a strong work ethic and dedication to their tasks or responsibilities?
13. How does the applicant handle time management and meet deadlines?
14. Can you comment on the applicant's level of professionalism and integrity?
15. How does the applicant interact with peers, colleagues, or team members?
16. Can you provide examples of the applicant's ability to collaborate and work effectively with others?
17. Does the applicant handle conflicts or disagreements well?
18. Has the applicant shown the ability to adapt to new situations or challenges?
19. How has the applicant demonstrated a commitment to personal and professional growth?
20. Are there any specific accomplishments, projects, or contributions by the applicant that stand out to you? : Crop
management using machine learning technique.
21. How did the applicant's contributions impact the project or organization?
22. In your opinion, how does the applicant compare to other individuals you have worked with in a similar
23. Would you recommend the applicant for the position or program they are applying for? Please explain your
24. Is there anything else you would like to add or any additional information that you believe is important for the
recipient of this recommendation to know?

Recommender Information:

Your Full Name: Dr.K.V.Satyanarayana - M.Tech, Ph.D

Your Title/Position: Professor
Department: CSE(AI&ML)
Organization: Raghu Institute of Technology
Mail ID:
Contact: 7780320940

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