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Catch-up Lesson 1 :Family Relationships

1/Label the pictures with words from the box.

Divorce – miserable-supportive-severe-orphanage

------------------- ------------------ --------------------- --------------

2/Read the texts and answer the following questions.
Peter, 15.
Mum and dad got married because they were deeply in love. Their
marriage was like a fairy tale come true. Its magic is still present today.
My two older sisters and I love being at home with loving, supportive
but severe parents when it seems necessary.
Thanks to their wonderful union, we are happy, easy-going teenagers
who lean on them for support and wisdom.

Linda, 16.
Family is O.K when both parents see eye to eye. That wasn’t the case with
my parents. They fought a lot, actually they were always fighting over
money, friends , holidays …
Life was miserable. Eventually they got a divorce and I went to live with my
mother in Florida. I see dad at weekends and things are much better.
*Why did peter’s parents get married?
*Where does Linda live now?

3/ Find in the texts words meaning:

Text1 Text 2
Helpful=----------- Agree=---------------
Strict=------------- Quarreled=----------
Relaxed=------------- Unhappy=-----------
Tell us about your family.
Family type and size Small/large/extended/nuclear
sibilings Brothers/sisters
Parents’ marital status Married/widow/widower/divorced…
Qualities Easy-going/Friendly/Kind/Supportive
Shortcomings Aggressive/Quick-tempered/Naughty

Start your paragraph as given:

I belong to

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