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Research Form

Name ___Mary Capretta

What is the topic your team will be exploring?

We will be exploring building, specifically the furnishing aspect of buildings.

What are the 4 concepts (the smaller ideas) you will be connecting to the
broader topic (the big idea)?
- Furnishing
- Deconstruction
- Homes
- Construction

List the key materials you would provide for the children to
explore/construct their own learning. (at least 10 items)
1. Shapes
2. Decorations
3. chairs
4. Tables
5. couch
6. Frames
7. Paintings
8. Interior
9. Homes
10. Building
What are the key vocabulary terms the children will be using/developing
over the course of this investigation? Provide at least 4 key words and
their functional definitions for this investigation
1. Furniture-Large moveable equipment, such as tables and chairs, used to make a house, office, or
other space, suitable for living or working.

2. Design-a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function of workings of a building,
garment, or other object before it is built or made.

3. Decorations- the process or art of decorating or adorning something.

4. Interior- the inner or indoor part of something, especially a building; the inside.

What websites or resources will you use? List at least 4. Include at least
2 with scientific background for the teacher (possibly where you found
the key terms or concepts) and at least 1 you could use with the children.
Provide the name of the website, the URL, and a brief description.

1. This website was explaining the importance of furniture in a child development because it

directly impacts their environment. The website is based upon Montessori, which is something

we have covered in class lecture and Prezi’s.


2. One direction I can see my lesson moving in would be able ho to respect the furniture we have,

and the importance of respect for our belongings.


3. Another resource about how to care for our belonging.


4. DIY project for kiddos that stress the importance of interiors design. Also helps the kids

experience that sense of independence they are looking to feel, which is such a great brain

builder. Many different skills levels here too.

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