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Damie Martin

April 26, 2024

1. Rules- displayed on bulletin boards, in front of classroom.

1. Keep your hands and your feet to yourself.
2. Raise your hand and wait to be called on for questions.
3. Quietly follow instructions, there should be zero side conversations during
lessons and instruction.
4. When another student is talking to the teacher or asking a question,
remain quiet and give the student your attention with your eyes and ears.
5. When transitioning to another activity, remain silent and gather your
needed materials.

2. Rationale
1. By keeping our hands and feet to ourselves, we are ensuring safety for all
students in the classroom. By not following this rule you are putting yourself and
your peers at risk of getting hurt or injured.
2. If you do not raise your hand to ask a question, I may not be able to hear you.
Raising your hand when you are unsure about something will help you get a
better understanding of the material or instruction. When you raise your hand,
attention will be on you, other students might have the same question or concern
that can be addressed by my answer.
3. When you talk during a lesson on instruction I am giving, it can be distracting
and make it difficult for other students to hear me.
4. When another person is talking it is respectful to give them your full attention.
By paying attention to their question or statement you might be able to gain some
insight or find an answer to a similar question you may have. When you are
talking or asking a question you do not want to be distracted by other
5. Being loud and getting off task during transitioning can make it hard for other
students to transition. We need to transition quietly and quickly so that we can
address everything we need to cover in class for you to be successful.

3. Rewards
1. Tickets that can be saved and used for prices or other rewards.
2. Privilege to be teacher helper
3. Star student of the week
4. Parent report- phone call to parent praising student
Damie Martin
April 26, 2024

4. Consequences (progression)
1. Verbal warning
2. Written warning- student owes teacher 5 tickets
3. In-class timeout
4. Parent notification
5. Principal's office visit

5. Parent information
1. Star students' parents will receive notification for their child's
2. Parents will receive updates on how their child is doing in class via email or
phone call. Parents will be updated on their child's behavior progress as well as
their academic progress and the consequences and rewards they receive in
3. Parents can also be updated at parent teacher conferences. Which allows face
to face interaction and a more in depth intervention plan for students who are
struggling to meet class expectations.

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