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Courtney Massey


Mrs. Massey’s Classroom Management Plan

Rules and Rationale:

1. Enter the class silently and calmly and begin warmup on your desk or on the whiteboard. By
entering calmly and silently, everyone can concentrate and focus on their warmup.
2. Treat your classmates with respect by keeping your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Kindness
is key, by treating others with respect, we will earn respect for ourselves.
3. Be Positive and encourage each other. Being positive can turn your day and your classmates day
around. We are hear to learn together and build each other up.
4. Always raise hand when wanting to ask a question and never interrupt another classmate or
teacher. It is never ok to interrupt or speak over someone when they are talking. Speaking in
turn and waiting to be called on is being respectful.
5. Be honest. If a mistake is made, tell the truth. We are hear to learn together and mistakes
happen. It is better to own up to a mistake than to lie and face stronger consequences.


1. Fun/wacky experiment Fridays: if during the week students are well behaved, we will do a fun
(but still educational) experiment together
2. Raffle tickets for exciting prize: every good behavior or work done on time gives a student extra
raffle tickets for a fun prize
3. Desk Pets: Positive behaviors end with having a desk pet on students desk.
4. Teach the class: student of the week gets to teach the class about something cool they learned.
5. Classroom store: earn more money to use at the classroom store.


1. Removal of desk pet. If misbehaving, the desk pet will go to the “pet resort” for vacation until
the student starts following rules.
2. Note to family. If student continues to misbehave or not follow through with work, he/she’s
parent will get an email regarding behavior and what is needed to turn behavior around.
3. Not able to shop at the classroom store. Classroom store is closed until student turns behavior
4. Not being eligible for raffle prize.
5. In person meeting with parents: after email has already been sent and issues still continue.

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