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Diocares Cherry Ann D., a 22-year-old, her vision in life is ‘’to inspire positive change and
empower others to reach their full potential" and she has a passion for music. She dreams of
creating her own songs that can be heard worldwide.
She was born and raised in Rosario, La Union, and attended Rosario Integrated School for her
senior high school education, specializing in the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Strand. Her
son inspires her to pursue her studies for their future, and now she is a third-year student
pursuing a Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies.

A. What are the issues/ problems in each of the photos?
Every picture portrays important social issues. A frightened child in Photo A shows evidence of
physical abuse and mistreatment, displaying signals of fear and highlighting the pervasiveness of
violence against children. This incident emphasizes how vital intervention is to safeguard
children who are at risk. Children are shown in Photo B searching for trash or recyclables rather
than going to school, bringing attention to the pervasive problem of child labor. A guy is shown
abusing his wife in Photo C while their daughter sobs, highlighting the domestic violence that
occurs in families. Finally, Photo D & E illustrate parental neglect by showing kids who don't get
enough love and care from their parents.
B. Why do you consider it an issue/or problem?
Photo A: Maltreatment and Physical abuse of children are serious problems because they violate
their rights to protection, security, and health. Abuse of this kind can lead to serious long-term
and short-term effects, such as developmental delays, emotional distress, and bodily harm. If it is
not addressed right away, it feeds a vicious cycle of violence that may last for several
Photo B: Child abuse is a crucial issue because it has a significant impact on vulnerable
children. It violates their fundamental rights, causing bodily harm, long-term distress, and
hindering their development. This cycle of violence can continue for centuries, imposing huge
costs on society. Underreporting and stigma make the situation worse, leaving many cases
untreated. Addressing child abuse necessitates a multifaceted approach that includes legal
safeguards, social assistance, education, and community support in order to build safe
surroundings and prevent unnecessary tragedies.
Photo C: Domestic violence is a serious concern because it violates the morality of families and
causes harm to persons in intimate relationships. It occurs as physical, mental, or psychological
abuse, which violates victims' rights and leaves permanent wounds. Domestic abuse fosters
trauma and can have serious effects to both mental and physical health. Furthermore, it
destabilizes families and communities, preventing social coherence. To build safe surroundings
and foster healthy relationships, domestic violence must be addressed through strong support
systems, legal protections, and social awareness.
Photo D &E: Parental negligence poses severe threats to children's health and development. It
deprives them of basic needs such as food, shelter, supervision, and emotional support, causing
physical and psychological suffering. Neglected children may suffer from hunger, poor hygiene,
and delays in growth and cognitive development. Furthermore, neglect can limit their ability to
build healthy relationships and achieve academically. To ensure that children receive the care
and protection they require to grow, parental neglect must be addressed early on through support
programs and community resources.

C. What provisions in RA 7610 was violated?

The pictures represent scenarios that violate many provisions of Republic Act 7610. This
law aims to protect children's rights and well-being from abuse, exploitation, and prejudice.
Photo A depicts a distressing scene of physical abuse and maltreatment against a kid, indicating
the violation of the kid Abuse provision specified in Section 3b of Republic Act 7610. This

statute expressly covers a wide range of abusive actions, such as psychological and physical
abuse, neglect, cruelty, sexual abuse, and emotional maltreatment.

In Photo B, we see children searching for garbage or recyclables instead of going to school,
violating the prohibition on employing children as stated in Section 12 of RA 7610. This
legislation sets clear rules for children under fifteen who wish to work, ensuring that their
employment does not compromise their safety, well-being, morals, or growth.

In Photo C, we witness a scene of domestic violence as a man strikes his wife while their
daughter weeps in anguish. This portrayal constitutes an act of abuse and is governed by the
Other Acts of Abuse provision specified in Section 10 of RA 7610. This provision encompasses
various forms of mistreatment, cruelty, exploitation, and circumstances detrimental to a child's
growth and well-being.

Finally, in Photos D and E, we see evidence of parental neglect, with children shown
without adequate care or attention from their parents. This portrayal goes against the Other Acts
of Abuse provision outlined in Section 10 of RA 7610, which prohibits neglectful behavior or
circumstances that harm a child's growth and well-being.

D. Has the government instituted policies to address these issues and problems? was it
effective? did it alleviate these concerns?
The Philippine government has implemented a variety of comprehensive policies and
interventions to address the complicated challenges pertaining to children's rights and well-being.
The Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act (RA
7610) is one such law. This crucial act addresses the many forms of abuse and exploitation that
occur all around the nation, protecting children's rights and safety. The government has put
policies including prohibiting child labor, shielding kids from the effects of armed warfare, and
punishing child abusers into effect with RA 7610.
The Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act (Republic Act 9344, as revised by Republic Act
10630) is another important piece of legislation. The goal of this statute is to rehabilitate and
reintegrate kids who have run afoul of the law. It focuses on alternatives to incarceration and
diversion programs to address the root causes of juvenile delinquency, which include poverty,
abuse, and neglect.

Furthermore, several government organizations have included strong child protection policies in
their services and programs, such as the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Department
of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). These regulations include detailed instructions for
stopping, recognizing, and handling child abuse, exploitation, and other types of harm.

E. is it important to address these problems?

Yes, it is crucial to address concerns about the welfare and rights of children. Since they
are the most vulnerable members of society, children should be shielded against discrimination,
abuse, and exploitation. In addition to violating their fundamental rights, ignoring these issues
feeds the cycles of violence, inequality, and poverty.
For children to develop normally and succeed in the future, their safety and well-being
must be guaranteed. Children who are abused or neglected may have lifelong physical,
psychological, and emotional effects that may last a lifetime. Society can foster a loving
atmosphere where children can flourish and realize their full potential by addressing these

Building a more just and equitable society also requires addressing the rights and welfare
of children. By shielding kids from violence and giving them access to support, healthcare,
education, and other resources, we can end the cycle of poverty and inequality and build
healthier, more resilient communities.

A. What are the issues/ problems in each of the photos?
The images document issues of sexual harassment, in which people are the target of
inappropriate behavior or unwanted advances because of their gender. A man enters a woman's
personal space and touches her inappropriately and without permission in Photo F, clearly
upsetting her. This indicates a transgression of her rights and a disregard for her independence.
The girl in Photo G is shown as being terrified and humiliated by the crude remarks and catcalls
she receives while in public areas. This type of abuse on the street damages her self-esteem and
safety, furthering the hostile environment that women face
The student in Photo H is subjected to manipulation and coercion by her teacher, who
takes advantage of his position of power to force her to act inappropriately in exchange for
academic favors. In addition to endangering her academic reputation, this misuse of power also
jeopardizes her emotional health and sense of security in the classroom. These upsetting

illustrations demonstrate how prevalent sexual harassment is in a variety of settings and
emphasize how urgently fundamental reform is required to safeguard people's rights and
guarantee that everyone is treated with respect and equity.

B. Why do you consider it an issue/or problem?

A violation of personal boundaries and autonomy is shown in Photo F, where the man's
inappropriate touching of the woman without her consent and her discomfort show disrespect for
her rights and dignity. People's sense of safety and respect in public places gets harmed by this
behavior, which encourages a culture of harassment.

Street harassment is clearly visible in Photo G, which puts the girl in a terrifying and insulting
situation. Her sense of safety and dignity is undermined by inappropriate insults and catcalling,
which makes it difficult for her to go around public areas without running into unwelcome
attention or threats to her safety.

The issue in Photo H is the teacher's abuse of power, as he uses his position to control and
pressure the pupil into engaging in improper activity. This abuse compromises the student's
emotional health and sense of security in the classroom in addition to endangering her academic

C. What provisions in RA 7877 was violated?

The acts seen in the pictures violate the rules of Philippine law RA 7877, which was
created to prevent sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is forbidden by this law at places of
employment, educational institutions, and other places. A woman is seen in Photo F looking
uncomfortable as a man possibly her boss or coworker in her personal space and touches her
without permission. Her rights are being disregarded by this clear rejection of boundaries. Based
on the definition of workplace sexual harassment provided in Section 3(a) of Republic Act No.
7877, this occurrence is quite evidently one.
In Photo G, a girl is shown going through public areas while being harassed by insults and
catcalls. This type of street harassment echoes the harmful effects described in Section 3(b) of
the same legislation, which addresses sexual harassment in training or educational settings, by
endangering her safety as well as her dignity. The "Safe Streets and Public Spaces Act," also
known as RA 11313, aims to protect people from harassing behavior in public places by
recognizing the detrimental effects it has on their well-being.
Lastly, Photo H shows a student who is forced to act inappropriately by her teacher
in return for a favor on the school report card. According to Section 3(b) of RA 7877, this abuse
of authority violates the trust between the teacher and the student and is considered sexual
harassment in educational environments. These alarming situations highlight the urgent need for
comprehensive policies to prevent sexual harassment and protect everyone's rights and dignity,
as required by the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995.

D. What do you think is the reason why harassment exist in the workplace or in a learning
institution? what should be done so it will not happen?
Due to power disparities and cultural tolerance, harassment still occurs in both
professional and educational settings. Comprehensive steps are essential to prevent it. Programs
for education and awareness should define harassment precisely and encourage ways to report it.
Consistent enforcement of transparent policies with clear penalties is necessary. There should be
easy access to victim support services in addition to initiatives to advance diversity, equality, and
respect. It takes consistent oversight and leadership accountability to keep a harassment-free
workplace where everyone is respected and feels protected.

Interview from the Barangay SK Chairman
In a recent interview conducted with Mr. Elbert Julius Rivera, the SK chairman of Inabaan
Norte, Rosario, La Union, he was asked to elaborate on his understanding and awareness of RA
7610, also known as the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and
Discrimination Act. In response, Mr. Rivera emphasized the critical role of this law in
safeguarding children who may experience various forms of abuse or mistreatment. He
articulated that RA 7610 serves as a vital legal framework aimed at providing protection and
support to vulnerable children, helping to prevent instances of abuse from reoccurring.

Furthermore, when questioned about the impact of RA 7610 within his barangay, Mr.
Rivera reflected on the noticeable positive changes observed. He noted a significant decrease in
reported cases of child abuse, suggesting that the implementation of the law has contributed to
creating a safer environment for children in their community. As the SK chairman, he shared that
there have been no recent reports of such incidents brought to the attention of the barangay hall,
indicating a potential correlation between the enforcement of RA 7610 and the reduction in child
abuse cases.

Regarding the dissemination of information about RA 7610 to the residents of the barangay,
Mr. Rivera proposed the organization of educational seminars tailored specifically for the youth.
He emphasized the importance of ensuring that young individuals are well-informed about their
rights and the legal protections available to them under RA 7610. By conducting seminars and

workshops targeted at the youth population, Mr. Rivera believes that they can be empowered
with the knowledge and understanding necessary to recognize and respond to instances of abuse

Interview from the Barangay Captain

In a recent interview with Mr. Marcelo Pagaduan, the barangay captain of Inabaan Norte,
Rosario, La Union, he was asked about his knowledge and understanding of RA 7610, also
known as the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination
Act. He expressed that this law serves as a crucial safeguard for children, protecting them from
various forms of abuse, particularly within their own families. Mr. Pagaduan highlighted the
significance of RA 7610 in addressing issues like sexual harassment, emphasizing its role in
providing support to girls who may experience verbal abuse like catcalling on the streets.
When questioned about the law's effect in his barangay, Mr. Pagaduan remarked that it has
been effective in their community, citing the absence of reported cases at the barangay hall. He
also observed that children in their barangay are well-cared for by their parents and have access
to education, indicating that RA 7610 has contributed to the overall well-being and protection of
children in their area.
Regarding the dissemination of the law to the barangay folks, Mr. Pagaduan outlined plans
for various activities, including orientations for the community. He expressed the intention to
organize additional activities to ensure that residents have a comprehensive understanding of the
law, enabling them to recognize and uphold its provisions effectively. By providing knowledge
and understanding through such initiatives, the barangay aims to empower its residents to
advocate for child protection and prevent instances of abuse within their community.

Interview from the Barangay Secretary
Recently, Ms. Rovie Mamungay, the barangay secretary of Inabaan Norte, Rosario, La
Union, was interviewed. During the conversation, she shared her thoughts on Republic Act 7610.
When questioned about how she understood RA 7610, she stated that it protected children from
being abused in several ways, such as being physically or sexually abused, or being neglected by
their parents or guardians.
When considering how this law has affected her barangay, Ms. Mamungay said that there
has been an obvious rise in the youth's level of awareness. She observed that the young people in
their society are now more aware of their legal rights, and she attributed this awareness to their
education and the availability of information provided by contemporary technologies. The
widespread use of technology and the internet has made it easier for young people to learn about
the laws that protect them, giving them the confidence to ask for help when they are victims of
abuse or neglect.
In response to a question concerning the dissemination of the law among the barangay
citizens, Ms. Mamungay emphasized the significance of advocacy and orientation initiatives. She
proposed that advocacy efforts and orientation sessions aimed at people who might not be
familiar with the law's provisions are good ways to spread knowledge about it. She also
emphasized the value of using technology and digital platforms to disseminate important
information about legislation like RA 7610 that has an immediate impact on the community.

Interview from the Barangay Kagawad
In a recent interview with Mr. Jhayson Diocares, a Barangay Kagawad of Inabaan Norte,
Rosario, La Union, the discussion centered on his understanding of Republic Act 7610. Mr.
Diocares articulated that RA 7610 serves as a vital safeguard for children who experience
various forms of abuse, such as parental cruelty or verbal insults, as well as females who endure
sexual harassment either in the workplace or within their own homes.

When queried about the impact of this law within their barangay, Mr. Diocares
emphasized a significant positive shift. He noted a marked decrease in reported cases or issues
related to child abuse within their community, attributing this improvement directly to the
existence and enforcement of RA 7610. The law's protective provisions, he suggested, have
instilled a sense of security and confidence among residents, leading to a more proactive
approach to addressing and preventing instances of abuse.

Regarding the dissemination of the law to the barangay populace, Mr. Diocares proposed a
multifaceted approach. He mentioned plans to conduct orientations and activities aimed at
showcasing the rights of children, thereby increasing awareness and understanding of the
provisions outlined in RA 7610. Additionally, he suggested utilizing various communication
channels, such as barangay assemblies, community meetings, and educational materials, to
ensure that every resident is informed about their rights and the protections afforded to them
under the law.

Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. (1995, February 14). Republic Act No. 7877
- An Act Declaring Sexual Harassment Unlawful in the Employment, Education or Training
Environment, and for Other Purposes. Retrieved from (n.d.). Republic Act No. 7610 - An Act Providing for Stronger Deterrence and
Special Protection Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination. Retrieved from
Equal Rights Advocates. (n.d.). Economic & Workplace Equality: Sexual Harassment. Retrieved
Department of Social Welfare and Development. (2015). Administrative Order No. 2015-007:
Guidelines on Protecting Children in Emergencies [PDF]. Retrieved from


Barangay Captain
Name: Marcelo Pagaduan
Age: 46 years old
Profession: Barangay captain
Place of employment (if employed): Barangay Hall
Address: Inabaan Norte, Rosario ,La Union

Barangay Kagawad
Name: Jhayson Diocares
Age: 45 years old
Profession: Barangay Kagawad
Place of employment (if employed): Barangay Hall
Address: Inabaan Norte, Rosario ,La Union

Barangay Secretary
Name: Rovie Mamungay
Age: 50 years old
Profession: Barangay Secretary
Place of employment (if employed): Barangay Hall
Address: Inabaan Norte, Rosario ,La Union

SK chairman
Name: Elbert Julius Rivera
Age: 21
Profession: SK Chairperson
Place of employment (if employed): Baranggay Hall
Address: Inabaan Norte, Rosario ,La Union


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