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 [JAN 23]FSDA-Berlin Assignments Understanding Business Problems Individual Assignment

Home Understanding Business Problems Individual Assignment


Discussions Due Jan 21 by 12:59am Points None


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Individual Assignment
Syllabus Your assignment will consist of a Founda on, Intermediate, and Advanced exercise.
Modules 1. Founda on Assignment: You must answer the 20 mul ple-choice ques ons directly in the following Google Form.

History BigBlueBu on Make sure to insert your registered e-mail correctly, so that you can receive a copy of your work in your inbox and immediately see your final score.

Collabora ons Please double-check before submi ng your answers as once you have submi ed the assignment, the first submission is the one we will enter as your final score.

Help 2. Intermediate & Advanced Assignment: This Google Docs file contains your assignment.

3. Please click the link above and open the file. Once opened:

Read the instruc on of the assignment carefully.

Deliver your answer using the following format "W1JAN23-FirstName-LastName"

Please upload your files to your own Google Drive folder that you have created.

Make sure to upload the link of your documents (intermediate and advanced) on the Assignment Submission Form.

4. Make sure to READ and WATCH the prepara on materials before you start doing this assignment. Here is the link to assignment brief explana on .

5. Minimum Requirements: You will only need to pass the Founda on and Intermediate assignments sa sfactorily to prove you understand the theories (logic) and can apply
what you learned this week.

6. Addi onal Assignment: the Advanced assignment is an extra por olio that you can use to prove that you are able to apply this week's learning to a real-life (more complex)
scenario. The advanced assignment is taken from some Case Studies to enter unicorn tech companies

💡 Tips: Please use the Q&A and Simula on sessions to discuss any issues you face with the assignment. We're here to help you grow. We recommend that you start early and therefore have
me to overcome any issues prior to the submission deadline. 
Friday, 20 January 2023 at 11:59 PM

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