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Course Title:

Module 3: Creation of Projects

Note: When moving text to the website, heading 1 (with blue shading) represents a new web
page and the prefix number represents the sequence of the web pages. You will find these
formats are particularly useful when you start building your content online.
“To Do” List

Google Workspace Introduction
What is the Google Workspace? Why was it created? How is different than Microsoft?
Find two scholarly articles that support your explanation.

Make your initial posts before 11:59 p.m. U.S. EST/EDT on Day 5 of this module. After making
your initial postings, review at least two of your classmates’ postings and reply to their threads.
Complete your replies before 11:59 p.m. U.S. EST/EDT on the last day of this module.

Discussion postings should always be thoughtful and courteous and include some references or
direct evidence from the module’s content, readings, or assignments to support your statements.
In order to ensure that postings are appropriate in length and substance, please limit your initial
postings to 50 – 100 words and each of your responses to 25 – 50 words.

Assignment 1: Google Form Practice Assessment
Read the Assignment 1 description page for further details about Assignment 1: Google Form
Practice Assessment. Submit this assignment before 11:59 p.m. U.S. EST/EDT on the last day of
this module.

Students will use Google Form to create an assessment with the following requirements:
1. A title
2. A description of the assessment
3. Five question minimum – 10 question maximum
4. At least one short response question must be included

Students will use Google Documents to explain their process of creating a practice assessment.
What were some challenges you faced while creating this assessment? How did you come up
with your questions? Do you like using Google Forms to create/take assessments? The narrative
should be 100-300 words.
Course Title:
Module 3: Creation of Projects

Assignment 2: Jamboard Activity

Read the Assignment 2 description page for further details about Assignment 2: Jamboard
Activity. Submit this assignment before 11:59 p.m. U.S. EST/EDT on the last day of this module.

Students will create a Jamboard activity that consists of 4 slides. The slides can be a game that
can be played and answered virtually.
1. Would you rather
2. Review game

After completing the Jamboard Activity, post it to forum named Jamboard sharing. After posting
your Jamboard, find a Jamboard created by your classmates that interests you and add a sticky
note with your answer to at least one slide.

Assignment 3: Google Slides Presentation

Read the Assignment 3 description page for further details about Assignment 2: Google Slides
Presentation. Submit this assignment before 11:59 p.m. U.S. EST/EDT on the last day of this

Students will create a Google Slides Presentation that can be used to teach future students how to
navigate and create projects using Google Documents, Google Forms, and/or Jamboard. To
receive full credit the students must explain at least four features learn in this module.

Steps to create a Jamboard, add media, and how to share the activity with others.
Steps to create a Google Form assessment and how to share the assessment with others.

Assignment 1: Google Forms Practice Assessment

After completing this assignment, students will be able to:
 Access Google Forms
 Create a title for a Google Form
 Differentiate between a short response and multiple-choice question
 Add answer choices
Course Title:
Module 3: Creation of Projects

 Give choice by requiring certain questions to be answered

 Create and share assessments through Google Forms

In this assignment, you will be taught how to access Google Forms in the Google Workspace.
After learning about the features included on the Google Forms website, you will create a
practice assessment for your peers using Google Forms. After creating the Google Form, you
will use another website in the Google Workspace called Google Documents. Using the Google
Documents website, you will provide a detailed description of how you created the Google

1. Go to
2. Click the waffle icon in the top right corner
3. Hover over the icons until you see a purple icon that says Google Forms
4. Click the Google Form icon
5. Watch the Screencastify video under assignment 1 – This video will help you create your
6. After creating the assessment, write a detailed narrative using Google Documents.

To submit your assignment to your instructor, copy and paste the hyperlink onto the Google
Document. Submit the Google Document link under the submission for assignment one. Make
sure the Google Form is linked to the Google Document for full credit.
Submit your finished work to the assignment 1 link in the Submissions area of Moodle before
11:59 p.m. U.S. EST/EDT on the last day of this module.

Grades on this assignment will be based on the following rubric. Read it carefully to get a sense of the instructor’s
specific expectations.

Criteria Fair Good Excellent

Title/Description No title and/or Title is present but the Title is present and the
description. description does not align with description aligns with the
Course Title:
Module 3: Creation of Projects

the title. title.

Short Response No short response The student attempted a short 1 + short response question
Question question present. response question, but it does
not meet the criteria.

Number of Less than 4 questions 4 questions present. 5- 10 questions present.

Questions present.

Written Narrative No narrative present. Narrative provided with lack of Well written narrative
details. explaining the process of
creating the Google Form.

Assignment 2: Jamboard Activity

After completing this assignment, students will be able to:
 Access Jamboard
 Create a title for a Jamboard
 Customize a Jamboard
 Add images to a Jamboard
 Share Jamboard with peers

In this assignment, you will learn how to access Jamboard in the Google Workspace. After
learning about the features included on the Jamboard website, you will create an activity for your
peers. This activity will consist of at least 4 slides with questions. It can be a review or would
you rather game. Once you have completed the activity, you will share it with your peers. To
receive full credit, you must complete one activity posted by your classmates.

To submit your assignment to your instructor, copy and paste the hyperlink onto the Moodle
Discussion Forum. You must complete one activity posted by your peers for full credit.
Submit your finished work to the assignment 2 link in the Submissions area of Moodle before
11:59 p.m. U.S. EST/EDT on the last day of this module.
Course Title:
Module 3: Creation of Projects

Grades on this assignment will be based on the following rubric. Read it carefully to get a sense of the instructor’s
specific expectations.

Criteria Fair Good Excellent

Media No images and/or videos The Jamboard consists of at The Jamboard includes
present. least one image and/or video. videos and/or image.

Creativity The Jamboard does not The Jamboard needs The Jamboard is visibly
meet the requirements. improvement. pleasing.

Number of slides The Jamboard has one The Jamboard has 2-3 slides. The Jamboard has four or
slide. more slides.

Assignment 2: Google Slides Presentation

After completing this assignment, students will be able to:
 Access Google Slides
 Create a presentation
 Add transitions and images to a Google Slide
 Show mastery using items included in the Google Workspace
 Teach four concepts learned in Module 3

In this assignment, you will learn how to access Google Slides in the Google Workspace. After
learning about the features included on the Google Slides website, you will create a presentation
showcasing what you learned during this module. For this assignment, you will need to teach at
least four things you learned during this Module. This activity is your assessment for this
module, so it needs to be very detailed.
Course Title:
Module 3: Creation of Projects

Submit your finished work to the assignment 3 link in the Submissions area of Moodle before
11:59 p.m. U.S. EST/EDT on the last day of this module.

Grades on this assignment will be based on the following rubric. Read it carefully to get a sense of the instructor’s
specific expectations.

Criteria Fair Good Excellent

Presentation The presentation does not The presentation is not detailed. Presentation is informative.
teach four concepts
learned in this module.

Transitions/Images The presentation does not The presentation includes one The presentation includes
include transitions and/or transition and/or image. many transitions and images.

Creativity The presentation is basic The presentation has some good The presentation is detailed
with no visibly pleasing features but need improvement. and visibly pleasing

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