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Name of the major Advisor: Name of student:

Dr. Homseng Chowlu Moge Nyori

HOD M.Sc Agronomy

Faculty of Agriculture Science. ACCA510594

AUS, Namsai. Session: 2022-24.


Azolla is a free-floating fresh water efficient Nitrogen fixer. Azolla fix atmospheric
nitrogen by forming a symbiotic association with the cyanobacterium Anabaena azollae, which
is present in the cavity of dorsal lobe of its leaf (Bhuvaneshwari and Singh, 2015). Azolla can
save as much as half of the nitrogen requirements of rice crop. (Kannaiyan et al., 1993) reported
that Azolla can add 40–60 kg N ha-1 per rice crop, which is mostly derived from air. Using N
15 tracer elucidated that 33% of the N fixed by azolla can be assimilated by rice plants within
60 days. Besides, azolla has several beneficial effects such as, increasing soil organic matter,
improving soil physical and chemical properties, suppressing weed growth and mosquito pro-
liferation and minimizing Ammonia volatilization (Pabby et al., 2004 and Awodun, 2008).
(Kassem and Abd El-Aal, 2016) found that using azolla and compost enhanced fennel growth
as well as fruit and essential oil yield and its composition. (Asghar et al., 2018) concluded that,
application of azolla reduced the soil electrical conductivity (EC) and soil pH, provided nitro-
gen, and promoted the rice growth up to certain salinity level.

Asia, the most populated region globally, has been facing pressure to increase the yield
of its primary staple food, rice. Moreover, the United Nations has projected population growth
to be highest in most regions of Southeast Asia by the end of 2050 (United Nations, 2019). A
group researchers mentioned that yield per land increment or expansion of cultivated land of
rice could increase rice production (Molotoks et al., 2018). However, due to the lack of favour-
able land excluding forest area, it is almost impossible to expand cultivated land (Saito et al.,
2019). Thus, a significant focus now lies in increasing yield per land, contributing highly to
nutrient availability. Macronutrients Nitrogen (N) is critical yield limiting nutrients of rice
(Saito et al., 2019). Chemical N fertilizer plays a dominant role in supplying the nutrient re-
quirement of rice in Asia (Safriyani et al., 2020). About 80% of supply is met by urea as a
source of N fertilizer. However, in flooded conditions, any forms of chemical N fertilizer are
prone to nutrient loss (Ghosh and Bhat, 1998). In addition, Continuous use of chemical ferti-
lizer results in adverse environmental and health consequences in the long run (Yang et al.,
2021a). Similarly, presented the decline in rice yield with time as a long-term effect of urea
resulted from low Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) (Ladha et al., 2000). Inefficient use of N
fertilizers on irrigated rice and negative balances of potassium (K) were reported as the crucial
reasons for rice yield growth decline in intensive irrigated rice farming (Dobermann et al.,
1998; Dobermann, 2000). Organic amendments have a positive role in vigorous crop growth
and yield enhancement (Amanullah et al., 2016). Therefore, global interest in these substances
as alternatives and supplements to chemical N fertilizers has been raised. Soil organic matter
affects the soil's biological, chemical, and physical properties and overall health. It facilitates
soil fertility by providing other mineral nutrients through mineralization, improving overall
soil productivity (Zhao et al., 2016). Low organic matter in soil is one of the major constraints
for decreased rice yield in Asian soils (Islam et al., 2010). The use of organic fertilizers can be
an excellent alternative to inorganic fertilization in crop production for sustainable agriculture
(Amanullah et al., 2015).

The application of azolla as a biofertilizer provides natural source nutrients and has
tremendous potential to improve soil health and boost yield sustainability (Akhtar et al., 2020).
Azolla, a free-floating widely distributed aquatic fern, offers significant potential as an N
source in rice production. The importance of azolla as organic manure in rice was first demon-
strated in North Vietnam in the year 1957 and subsequently introduced in the USA, Indonesia,
Japan, Philippines, China, and India (Wagner, 1997). As it can grow compatibly with rice in
waterlogged conditions, its potential for a nutrient supplement for rice has been stressed (Sub-
edi and Shrestha, 2015). Azolla can fix atmospheric nitrogen due to its symbiotic relationship
with blue-green algae Cyanobacteria. Bilobed leaves of azolla lie overlapped, where dorsal
leaves cavity houses Cyanobacteria, which fixes atmospheric nitrogen, and relatively thin ven-
tral leaves provide buoyancy that remains partially submerged in water.

Thus, besides N replenishment in the rice field, it improves soil organic content, en-
hances the availability of other macronutrients, curbs NH3 volatilization and suppresses weeds
that play a significant role in rice productivity. In contrast to chemical fertilizer, it is eco-
friendly and act as a soil re mediation. This aquatic fern is used as a basis of green manure and
decomposed organic material, widely known as compost. Since azolla has various contribu-
tions in increasing rice yield without degrading the environment while meeting the desired
result, it is imperative to shed light on the contribution of azolla biofertilizer.


• To study the effect of azolla in yield of rice improvements.

• To study the effect of azolla in various factors which contribute to yield improvement
of rice.

Pabby (2004) reported that along with the supply of nitrogen, azolla also decreased the
soil pH and water temperature, inhibited NH3 volatization and prevented weeds and mosquito

Nayak (2004) and Singh (2005) found that the integration of azolla composed with
chemical fertilizer improved yield of rice and the combined application of organic and inor-
ganic source contributed to the N economy of rice field.

Anjuli et al., (2004) reported that azolla incorporation in paddy fields increased grain
yield, straw yield, caryopsis, and dry matter.

Samarajeewa et al., (2005) reported that the influence of incorporated and associated
azolla allows better use of N and better conditions for assimilating other nutrients, thus im-
proving crop nutrition.

Biswa (2005) and Hajipur (2010) found that azolla reduced the intensity of light pene-
tration, water evaporation and suppressed different weeds and thus leads to improved growth
and productivity.

Islam et al., (2010) found that low organic matter in soil is one of the major constraints
for decreased rice yield in Asian soils.

Halder and Kheroar (2013) found that there was an 89% increase in azolla added avail-
able soil P at rice panicle initiation. Similarly, found that P and Ca contents were also higher
in azolla, averaging 124.83 ppm and 345.3 mg/100g.

Mosier (2013) stated that nitrogen is the most restrictive factor in agricultural produc-
tion and substantially high quantities of synthetic N are added to maintain production. The poor
N recovery of rice cause major economic losses for farmers and negatively affects the climate.

Mishra and Dash (2014) reported that azolla is phototrophic in nature and produce
auxin, indole acetic acid and gibberellic acid and fix 20-30 kg nitrogen/ha in submerged rice
fields. As they are abundant in paddies, they are also referred as paddy organism.
Prasertsak and Fukai (2014) found that the effect of varied fertilization techniques on
the growth and yield of rice using azolla resulted in a higher number of tillers, panicles and
thousand seed weight compared to control (no azolla application). The significant features
might be the number of tillers, which typically increases with the N rate.

Pereira and Vasconcelos (2014) stated that azolla (mosquito fern, duckweed fern, fairy
moss, water fern) lives in symbiosis with a filamentous, heterocyst-forming cyanobacterium
called anabaena, occurs in the dorsal leaf cavities of the fronds, with the ability of atmospheric
nitrogen fixation.

Bhuvaneshwari and Singh (2015) stated that in Asian countries, azolla is the most com-
monly used green manure for rice crop due to its high growth rate, nitrogen fixing capacity and
ability to scavenge nutrients from soil and water.

Subedi and Shrestha (2015) found that azolla had the ability to release the absorbed
minerals through the process of mineralization during decomposition. They also reported that
N, P and other nutrients applied through inorganic sources are rapidly released back into the
medium are made available for uptake by rice during grain development which might be lost
through the volatilization in absence of azolla in the rice field which increased the efficiency
of inorganic fertilizer.

Roy et al., (2016) found that inoculation of green azolla at the 500 kg ha-1 rate increases
the soil N content by 50 kg ha-1 and reduces the nitrogen fertilizer by 20-30 kg ha-1.

Zhao et al., (2016) reported that soil organic matter affects the soil's biological, chemi-
cal, and physical properties and overall health. It facilitates soil fertility by providing other
mineral nutrients through mineralization, improving overall soil productivity.

Rollah (2016) found that azolla is an aquatic fern that forms symbiotic relationship with
N2 fixing cyanobacterium anabaena azollae and supplies to the paddy field.

York and Garden (2016) stated that azolla has the property to multiply faster at very
high rates and covers the surface of water bodies; thus, it forms a thick mat and helps in reduc-
ing the volatility of ammonia in the fields. Azolla can be used as a biofertilizer in various crops
such as rice, wheat, banana and tomatoes.
Agbagba et al., (2018) reported that azolla can fix atmospheric nitrogen in aqueous en-
vironment that may be available to associate with rice during growth and releases nitrogen on
the decomposition of the biomass.

Carrapico (2018) found that azolla cover in aqueous environment prevents rise in pH
and temperature, thus increases efficiency of applied fertilizer.

Razavipour et al., (2018) reported that azolla effectively competes with the young rice
seedlings for applied urea, capturing nearly twice the urea-N as accumulated by the rice plant
while reducing 15% NH3 volatilization. Although, early recovery of applied N is only 20%;
however, 2/3rd of the N captured by azolla is gradually released to the system till maturity of
rice crop.

Yao et al., (2018) stated that azolla biofertilizer incorporation increased the nitrogen
recovery of the crop by 49-64% and decreased nitrogen loss by 26-48%.

Halim (2018) reported that slightly acidic to neutral pH of the soil in the field is a fa-
vorable environment for plant development since nearly all nutrients are available at this pH.
He also found that the soil pH was suitable condition for rice growth.

Motoloks (2018) reported that the application of azolla as a biofertilizer provides natu-
ral source of nutrients and has tremendous potential to improve soil health and boost yield

Setiawati (2020) found that inoculation of azolla built up a considerable soil organic
carbon content.

Samal (2020) reported that there was an increase in grain yield of rice from 14-40%
with azolla being used as a dual crop and by 15-20% being monocropping during the fallow

Kandel (2020) found that the judicious application of the azolla should be considered
while applying in the paddy field. He stated that the economics of using azolla is fundamental
because technology is very labor-intensive and it is suitable for adoption in location where farm
labor is affordable. Sometimes, farmers might have little to no economic benefits in choosing
azolla over chemical fertilizer because the possible additional labor cost, irrigation of land re-
sources, application of phosphate fertilizer and pesticides might make azolla`s usage uneco-
Thapa et al., (2021) concluded that the use of azolla as a biofertilizer can be viable
option for the rice producer as it increases rice productivity and also improves soil health sus-
tainability. It has the potential to suppress weed, increasing the availability of N, P, K and other
mineral nutrients, which all contribute to increasing the rice yield.

Yang (2021) reported that azolla application in the rice field significantly reduced NH3
emission and enhanced apparent nitrogen recovery efficiency with decreasing rice yield.

Bhusal and Thakur (2021) reported that azolla solubilizes Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe), and
Magnesium (Mg), making them available to the rice crop, and releases plant growth regulators
and vitamins that promote the rice crop to grow faster.


1.Location of experimental site

The experiment site is located at Arunachal university of studies (AUS) in Namsai,

Arunachal Pradesh, in North-east India. The field experiment was carried out at Agricultural
research Farm of Arunachal University of Studies (AUS). The location falls under the agrocli-
matic Zone of eastern Himalaya’s region with average annual rainfall 2309.1 mm at an altitude
of 131 m above sea level. Its geographical position is 27° 30 – 28° 45 N latitude and 95° 45-
96°45 longitude. The area falls under the sub-humid tropical climate.

2. Experimental details
The field experiment will be carried out in randomized block design (RBD) with 6
treatments and 4 replications.

Details of layout

• Crop: rice.
• Variety: Khamti lahi.
• Design: Randomised block design (RBD)
• Plot size: 3m × 2m.
• Numbers of treatments: 6.
• Numbers of replications: 4.
• Number of plots: 24.
• Season: kharif.
• Total length of experimental plot:13.5 m.
• Total width of experimental plot:12.9 m.
• Total area: 174.15 m2.
• Location: Agricultural research farm, Arunachal University of studies, Namsai.


T0 Control.
T1 Azolla @20% of 10 kg = 2 kg.
T2 Azolla @30% of 10 kg = 3 kg.
T3 Azolla @50% of 10 kg = 5 kg.
T4 Azolla @75% of 10 kg = 7.5 kg.
T5 Azolla @100% of 10 kg = 10 kg.


T0 R1 T1 R2 T4 R3 T5 R4

T1 R1 T2 R2 T5 R3 T3 R4

T2 R1 T3 R2 T0 R3 T1 R4

T3 R1 T4 R2 T2 R3 T0 R4

T4 R1 T5 R2 T1 R3 T2 R4

T5 R1 T0 R2 T3 R3 T4 R4

1.Growth parameters

a) Plant height.

b) Number of panicles.

c) Panicle length.

d) Panicle weight.

e) 1000 grain weight.

f) Number of tillers.

g) Leaf area index.

2. Yield

a) Grain per panicle.

b) Grain yield per plot.

c) Grain yield.

d) Test weight.

4.Cultural practices

a) Land preparation

The field will be dry ploughed for 2-3 times for a week before planting so that the debris of

weeds are buried in the soil. Later, field will be Ploughed with 5-10 cm standing water 2-3

times and this process is called puddling.

b) Nursery

The field will be dry ploughed for 2-3 times to acquire the fine tilth. Later, it should be

irrigated and allowed to be wet for another 2 days. Nursery will be raised under wet bed

method during the month of June.

c) Transplanting

After 30 – 35 days, the rice seedling from the nursery bed will be transplanted manually to

the main field. Transplanting will be done soon after pulling the seedling from the nursery to

a well puddled and leveled field.

d) Weeding

The first weeding will be done at 15 to 20 days after transplanting. The weeding will be

done manually.

e) Harvesting

The harvesting of the rice crop will be done around after 32 days of flowering. The harvesting

will be done manually by using sharp knives or sickles.


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Major advisor:

Dr. Homseng Chowlu Signature:

(Head of the Department)

Advisory committee:

1. Mr. Chau Chiktiya Mounglang Signature:

2. Ms. Gompi Padu Signature:

(Approved/ Not Approved)


(Faculty of Agricultural Sciences)

Dr. Basistha Chatterjee Signature: -

Date: -

Place: -

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