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The graph provided pieces of information on the unemployment rate among young graduates
when they are 20-24, both male and female, in a specific European country from January 2008 to
October 2009.

Overall, the chart illustrates the unemployment rate of graduates for two years. There were two
significant stages: the first stage covers the first half of 2008, while the second stage extends
from October 2008 to October 2009.

In the initial stage, the unemployment rates for male and female graduates were both 10% or
less. More especially in January, the unemployment rate for male graduates was 10%, while the
rate for female graduates was over 7.5%. However, both rates decreased in April and July of
2008, and these were two months with the lowest unemployment rates for graduates.

During the second stage, the unemployment rate for both genders showed a significant increase
compared to the first period. Specifically, the unemployment rate for men increased by more
than 10% from October 2008 to July 2009 and reached its highest point of more than 20% in
October 2009. On the other hand, the unemployment rate for women decreased from October
2008 to April 2009 but started to increase again and reached its highest point of slightly over
12.5% in October 2009.

In conclusion, the chart displays the varying unemployment rates of graduates by month, with
the highest rates typically occurring during the summer months when graduates are actively
seeking employment after completing their studies.

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