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Rindiani : Hello, Good Morning, I want to meet the manager of car and care service.

Fariehan : I’m sorry, the manager has an outstation. Me and my friend are incharge for today. Can I
help you miss ?

Rindiani : I want to make a complaint about your services on my car. Last week , I can’t start my car
and suddenly check. When I open up the engine hood, I saw there’s so oilly everywhere. One thing
that make me unsatisfied, why my car is so dirty, did you guys doesn’t wear a glove when servicing
the car. So how we can settle this problem?

Fariehan : hold on miss, keep calm. First thing first, can I get your name.

Rindiani : my name is Rindiani.

Fariehan : ok Miss Rindiani, based on your story, firstly I want to apologize on what happen to your
car. Maybe I guess that is our cpmpaany mistake. If you don’t mind, we have a solution for your
problem. Ok Miss come and follow me to meet my friend. Maybe we can discuss together about this

Rindiani : ok sure

Fariehan : ok Miss let me introduce to you Mr Saiful supervisor in this company.

Saiful : hello I’m saiful, nice to meet you.

Rindiani : hello I’m rindiani nice to meet you too,

Saiful : Fariehan, What happen

Fariehan : actually Miss Rindiani are complaining about her car that cannot start and so dirty on

Saiful : oh I see, Ok let me investigate about the issue. By the way miss, since when your car was
service on our company?

Rindiani : I think in past last week.

Saiful : oh ok, By tommorow me and fariehan will go to your house and we do an free service plus
cleaning your car as a sign of apologize to you. And I also will investigate on our employees that make
your car in bad condition. don’t worry, our company will pay all the compansation. Once again I’m
sorry for our mistake.

Rindiani : it’s ok, glaad to hear it, by the way thank you for all services

Saiful ; my pleasure, we are also make sure that our company will do the best service and we will not
make mistake again for the costumer.

Rindiani : great, oh, I need to go cause I have work to do, see you ny tommorow.

Saiful : ok miss thank you for coming and thank you for choosing our company
Rindiani : your welcome, got to go bye

Saiful ; good bye.

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