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Body shaming through online platforms

Nowadays there is enhancement in a depression issues and the worst part is it lead to suicide
. Tiny judgment can cause a huge impact , as a netizen being narcissistic commenting shaming
people through online platforms. There is a way on how to turn body shaming into body
positivity , firstly is cultivate self love , secondly is manage timing to spent on social media ,
lastly is replacenegative self talk.

Firstly cultivate self love , meaning treat yourself with kindness and understanding . Example
like Exercise, eat healthy food, enjoy the company of people who care about you, and spend
some time outdoors to refresh your body and your mind . Managing stress is also one of the self
love to ourselves, finally Taking care of yourself is not a selfish act , it’s necessary for personal

Subsequently, Spending too much time on social media can add to your anxiety, loneliness,
and body dissatisfaction, reinforce unrealistic expectations of yourself, and expose you to body
shaming and cyberbullying. Replacing social media and stepping away from social media can
give you an opportunity to connect in person and improve the quality of your social interactions.
Communicating face to face is nature’s antidote to stress and can be a lot more rewarding than
texting or messaging. In the end If you reduce your time on social media, you will be able to
participate in other activities that elevate your mood and tap into your creative potential.

Thirdly, While you can’t control what others say about you, you do have the power to focus on
the positive aspects of yourself, rather than dwelling on any perceived flaws. For example, if you
have beautiful hair or eyes, this is just as important as the features you dislike or that others try
to ridicule. The next time you look in the mirror, notice these positive attributes.Above all ,
Learning to accept your own imperfections will ultimately free you from placing unfair judgments
on yourself or others.

In a nutshell , we can say that three tips that have been given just like cultivate self love ,
manage time on social media and lastly is replace self talk , if it use in continuous time it will be
medicine so as not to get entangled in depression and suicide .

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