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MMLS 1-5


1. Using a concept map, write down three social institutions that you think have a big
effects on your concept of your "self". Then write down what are those effects in terms
of your:

a) Behavior b) Attitude c) Expression d) Likes/dislikes e) Beliefs

Institution #1:

What are the Effects on your "self"?


Social media, which can help me learn more, communicate with people, be more creative, and
share my skills and talents, is one of the things that has had the most impact on me. However,
despite these factors, it still has certain detrimental impacts on me. Use of social media is linked
to higher risks of anxiety, loneliness, depression, and low self-esteem. But social media is also a
place where I feel a lot of pressure to act and appear a certain way. My daily life can become
more stressful as a result of social media, particularly when it comes to reviewing my own posts.
Additionally, social networking really does help me improve ourselves by boosting our myself-
esteem and confidence.

Institution #2:

What are the Effects on your "self"?


Religion aids me in developing an ethical framework and serving as a guide for daily morals.
This specific strategy aids me in developing a person's character. In other words, religion
serves as a socializational agent. By making me feel a part of my wider culture, religion might
also improve my self-esteem. As a result, religion aids in the development of qualities like
love, empathy, respect, and harmony.

Institution #3:

What are the Effects on your "self"?


Gaining knowledge and experiences from school opens up a world of new possibilities for me,
which frequently enhances my life in a variety of ways. I can make better judgments in both
my personal and professional life because to education, which helps me learn more. My
perspective is widened, and it enables me to grow and communicate my ideas. A student like
me, in my opinion, doesn't acquire enough self-dependence or self-awareness without
schooling. Without education, I would not feel the way I do about myself and would not be
doing what I love the most. Education has a bad impact on society since it leads to a d ecline
in cultural acuity and intellectual acuity.

2. What could be the things that you are doing today that might transform the
institutions you have written in your concept map? Cite one example per institution.

1) For me, I can contribute by making sure that social media posts don't get cluttered and
produce bogus news. Never use it to hurt other people.

2) I may contribute by encouraging other youth to hear the word of God with me.

3) By sharing my knowledge with other students.

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