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cover page


3.table of content

4 achnorims and abrivation

5 abstract///// what is the project is about

6 introduction

7 statement of the problem ….

8 team composition

9 objective 1.general objective

2.specific objective

10 feasebility study

…………operational,technical,mnmn feasibility]

11 scope of the project and limitation

12 significance

13 target beneficiary of the project

14 methedolog for the project

15 case study

16 case tool

17 testing procedure …………..softwares what we have used

18 risk and procedure…………….must be on the proposal

19 cost schedule …………must sint awetan and sint enaterfalen

20 discription of the exisiting system …………yhe mallet ahun eyetesera yalew endet nw endet demo

21 functional requirement


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