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BScCSIT Assignment Question

Subject: Computer Graphics [CSC209]

Submission Date : 2078/09/01

1. Define Computer Graphics and its Applications.

2. Use Bresenham’s Algorithm to draw the line having ends points (2, 3) and (8, 6).
3. Explain Mid-point circle drawing Algorithm with Algorithm.
4. What is polygon? Explain different types of polygon with example.
5. Explain Window to view-port transformation with its applications.
6. Explain Z-Buffer method for removing Hidden surface.
7. What is Projection? Differentiate Parallel and prospective projection.
8. Define the following terms
a) 2D Transformation
b) 3D viewing
c) Sweep Representation
d) Polygon meshes
9. Explain the shading model with example.
10. Explain Specular Reflection and Diffuse Reflection with example.
11. What do you mean by Virtual Reality? Describe.
12. Explain different color model.
13. What is clipping? Explain Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm.
14. Explain Sutherland and Gray Hodgman Polygon Clipping Algorithm.
15. What is aspect ratio in display?
16. Explain Random Scan System.
17. Discuss about homogeneous coordinates.
18. What is shearing transformations?
19. What is the role of computer graphics in animation?
20. Write about windows and view port.
21. Discuss boundary fill algorithm.
22. What is scan line algorithm?
23. Explain about Midpoint circle drawing algorithms.
24. Differentiate parallel and perspective projections.
25. Write a short note on Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm.
26. With suitable examples explain all 3D transformations.
27. How surfaces are sorted using Depth sort algorithm?
28. Discuss hidden surface removal problem.
29. What is z buffer technique? Write the use of depth and frame buffer. Also write Algorithm.
30. Explain Back face detection and scan line Algorithm.
31. What is the difference between boundary fill and flood-fill algorithms? Write 8- boundary fill
32. Derive transformation matrix for 2-D viewing transformation?
33. Explain Basic principle of Animation.
34. Explain Different types of Animation.
35. Explain the concept of Virtual Reality with its Application.
36. Explain 2D and 3D transformations in details.(Basic and composite transformation)
37. Describe Ray tracing, wireframe representation, blobby object.
38. Explain solid modeling Techniques in details.
39. Explain Different types of curve representation in Graphics.
40. Explain polygon rendering Methods in details.

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