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Performance Marketing Funnel designed for Clava Club:

1. To Create Awareness:

 Social Media Advertising: Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to
promote the club and pub, showcasing its ambiance, events, and specials.

 Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with local influencers or bloggers, pages to

reach a wider audience and generate buzz about the venue.

 Content Marketing: Produce blog posts, videos, or podcasts related to nightlife,

cocktails, or entertainment, positioning Clava Club and Pub as an authority in the

2. To Build Interest:

 Email Marketing: Offer a newsletter sign-up on the website in exchange for exclusive
promotions, event invitations, or insider tips.

 Remarketing Ads: Retarget website visitors with ads showcasing upcoming events,
drink specials, or testimonials from satisfied customers.

 Engaging Content: Continue to share engaging content on social media, such as

behind-the-scenes glimpses, mixology tutorials, or customer testimonials.

3. To Build Trust and Customer Inclination:

 Event Promotion: Highlight upcoming events, live music performances, or themed

nights to encourage potential customers to consider attending.

 Collaboration with TV Celebrities: TV celebrities Appearance or collaboration will

help in boosting the visibility, enhanced reputation and more media coverage.

 Social Proof: Showcase positive reviews, user-content, or testimonials to build trust

and credibility.

 Special Offers: Provide exclusive discounts or incentives for first-time visitors or

group bookings to encourage trial.

4. For Easy Conversion:

 Easy Booking Process: Streamline the reservation or ticketing process through the
website, ensuring a frictionless experience.

 Limited-Time Offers: Create urgency with limited-time promotions or flash sales to

nudge potential customers towards making a reservation or attending an event.

 Personalized Recommendations: Utilize customer data to offer personalized

recommendations based on past behaviour or preferences.
5. For Customer Retention:

 Loyalty Programs: Implement a loyalty program that rewards repeat visits or referrals
with perks like free drinks, VIP access, or exclusive events.

 Email Sequences: Stay top-of-mind with regular email updates featuring upcoming
events, special promotions, or member-exclusive offers.

 Community Building: Foster a sense of community by running a page on social

media, or online forums for patrons to connect with each other.

 User-Generated Content Campaigns: Encourage satisfied customers to share their

experiences on social media using branded hashtags or tagging the venue.

 Referral Program: Incentivize existing customers to refer their friends by offering

rewards such as discounts, freebies, or VIP upgrades.

 Partner Collaborations: Partner with other local businesses or organizations for

cross-promotional opportunities, expanding the reach of Clava Club and Pub's brand.

By implementing these performance marketing funnel strategies, Clava Club and Pub can effectively
attract, engage, and retain customers, ultimately driving revenue and fostering brand loyalty.

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