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Group 3 Report : Egypt 2

Topics included on your report

Egyptian Architecture 1
-influences (sources: a history of architecture on comparative method)
i. geographical
ii. geological
iii. climate
iv. religion
v. social and political
vi. historical

II Architectural character

III. Egyptian Architecture II

a. Temples
a. Temple of Isis, on the Island of PhOae
b. Temple or Horus, Edru
c. Mammlsi Temple, Edfu
d. Temple or Hathor, Dendera
e. Temple of Sebek and Haroeris at K6m Ombo
b. Obelisks
c. Dwellings
d. Fortresses
a. Buhen
e. Alexandria
a. Brief History
f. Civic Buildings (Library, Lighthouse)

Comparative analysis

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