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Mental disorders have imposed problems in the everyday life of students due to its effect
on the emotional behavior and mentality of the students, it has affected not only their way of living
but also their mental and physical health, mental disorders are widely talked about these days for
a reason, it could lead to depression, anxiety, and even suicidal tendencies.

Coping mechanisms are the ways of those facing challenges, it is a way of distraction.
However, if the used coping mechanisms cause pain and harm to the body it is unhealthy and
causes more damage, some of these coping mechanisms are burning, drinking, smoking and
other methods of self harm.

Unfortunately, Ernesto Rondon High School has also experienced this sudden and
unexpected event. School Year 2022-2023, A Male student was reported to have committed
suicide due to unknown reasons, although it was rumored by close friends and students that the
academic pressure the victim felt was the reason for her sorrowful downfall.

This study will be conducted for the students of Ernesto Rondon High School. This aims
to determine the proper way of coping with the depression and anxieties of students, specifically
for Grade 10 students of Ernesto Rondon High School, Quezon City. based on the student
respondents in grade 10 Ernesto High School, many are facing depression,anxiety and some
even consider suicidal attempts due to the everyday challenges they face. The study conducted
will help students to implicate proper ways of coping mechanisms that could actually help.

Statement of the Problem

The ultimate objective of this resesrch is to understand how implicating proper coping
mechanisms could help reduce depression, anxiety and suicidal tendencies among Grade 10
student and its effectiveness.Specifically, this research aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of :

1.1 age
1.2 sex
1.3 grade level
2. What is the success rate of preventing suicide, anxiety and depression when proper
coping mechanisms are present in Grade 10 Ernesto Rondon High School students
3. How does proper coping mechanisms can help to reduce a unhealthy coping mechanisms
to prevent a depression and suicidal tendencies among Grade 10 students?

Background of the Study

Psychological depression and suicidal tendencies are major health issues among grade
school students. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Suicides among young people continue to be a serious problem. Suicide is the second
leading cause of death for children, adolescents, and young adults aged 15-to-24 years.
For some teens, the organization of school is helpful, particularly if they receive support
at school for emotional or cognitive issues. But for other high school students, school can
catalyze or worsen anxiety, depression, loneliness, poor self-esteem, and other psychological
challenges. Meanwhile, US school districts are experiencing significant shortages in the
number of school counselors available to provide mental health services (NewPort Academy,
2021). It is therefore important that schools in the Philippines consider having a guidance
counselor who will serve as the intervention guide and regularly check the mental health of
the students to minimize the risk of depression that will lead to suicide.

In the Philippines, there is a report by the National Statistics Office (NSO), that mental
health illnesses rank as the third most common form of morbidity among Filipinos. In the
assessment conducted on the Philippine mental health system, a prevalence of 16% of
mental disorders among children was reported. With this alarming number of cases, it is
surprising to see how the Philippines is currently responding to this problem. Depression can
be prevented if its symptoms are addressed early and effectively.
The purpose of our study is to determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms and
suicide ideation among students seeking routine care with the support of family members,
academic teachers as well as the school guidance counselor, and the community. As per an
article from Cambridge University Press (Preventing Depression and Anxiety in Young
People: A Review of the Joint Efficacy of Universal, Selective and Indicated Prevention, n.d.).
Prevention against depression among school students is rare in the Philippines but is urgent
because of the rising rates of suicide among the group.

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness, cause awareness, and need
of implicating proper coping mechanisms in reducing depression and suicidal tendency among
Grade 10 students at Ernesto Rondon High Schools.This study will benefit the following:


This study enables the students to be aware that they can access help in school. This offers
a sense of escape, the knowledge of implicating proper coping mechanisms enable students to
be more self aware, and there are other available distractions that will not cause harm and could
even help them in their struggles to avoid suicidal tendencies, particularly for Grade 10 students
at Ernesto Rondon High School.


This study will enable teachers to obtain knowledge in students' mental issues. This will
open avenues for teachers to serve as mentors and confidants, offering guidance and support to
students who may be struggling. They may provide a listening ear, offer encouragement, and
connect students with appropriate mental health resources and teaching them to recognize signs
of depression and suicidal tendencies and providing information about available resources for
support and can empower students with practical skills to manage their emotions and navigate
challenges effectively.

This study will help parents to encourage their child to have an open and honest
conversation. Parents can help their children to think positively, they can also create a supportive
environment that provides a safe place and enough space for their children to express their
feelings without judgements. It can also expand their knowledge educating themselves about
depression and suicide prevention to better understand and support their child's needs.


The barangay can help by organizing within the school and organizing seminars on mental
health education, counseling services, teacher training, access to health care, promoting healthy
coping, and encouraging with the participation of parents to support the students in and help
barangay officials to read the suicide laws in Grade 10 at Ernesto Rondon High School, and
through the promotion of the barangay organization it will be more helpful to to further expand the
knowledge of barangay officials regarding mental health issues and to properly deal with people
experiencing depression that will help the g10 student in Ernesto Rondon High School.


The significance of this study for Grade 10 students at Ernesto Rondon High School
encourages open conversation about mental health, reduces stigma, and creates a culture of
empathy and support among colleagues and mentors of teachers at Ernesto Rondon High School.
This will enable to promote positive school environment, empowers students, and contributes to
the long-term well-being of Grade 10 students at Ernesto Rondon High School

Definition of Terms
● Implication - A possible effect or result of an action or a decision.
● Coping Mechanism - Chosen method to get through struggles and stress, can be unhealthy
or healthy depending on the chosen method to cope.
● Depression - A medical condition in which a person feels very sad, anxious, and without
hope and often has physical symptoms such as unable to sleep, etc.
● Suicidal tendency - An individuals thought of commiting suicide.
● Mental Disorder - It is characterized by a clinically significant disturbance in an individual's
cognition, emotional regulation, or behavior.

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