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#8 10-15-2006, 01:31 PM

Jack_Daniels - Join Date: May 2006

Age: 22
Posts: 56

One last thing...


The other three second rule. This is a kiss test. While in conversation, holding
her relatively close, close enough so that a kiss would be possible, let
conversation trail off, but hold eye contact. If she holds your gaze for three
seconds, she wants to be kissed. Try this, it's never failed me. I tried on girls i
was gaming and it worked, and then i tried it on girls i'm just friends with and
they never held the three seconds, three seconds is a long time for silence and eye
contact and they're expecting something if they hold the eye contact. This three
second rule is really something that should be passed down from generation to
generation, I had to find the community to learn it.

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