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FORUM: The World Trade Organization

AGENDA: Exploring the ethical and legal challenges of trading with nations or industries that
use forced labor
SPONSORS: Saudi Arabia,Iran,
SIGNATORIES: Finland, Mali,Egypt,Jordan,Cuba

The World Trade Organization,

Understanding the need to support corporate ethical practices, fair labor standards
in international trade,

Considering that forced labor violates basic human rights and imperils freedom,
equality, and dignity,

Recapitulating our support for international treaties and agreements which prohibit
forced labor, such as (ILO) the International Labour Organization,

Taking notice of the confirmed instances of forced labor in many Countries and
industries, which demand immediate attention to address this pressing issue,

To entirely eliminate forced labor from supply chains, nations, corporations, public
society, and international organizations must be united.

Focus on the necessity of trade sanctions to deter unethical labor practices and
promote compliance with international labor standards,

Based on the potential to effect positive change through collaboration and respectful

Functional Clauses:
1. Capacity Building and Technical Assistance:

a. Encourages affluent nations and worldwide organizations to assist poor countries

by providing funds and expertise to combat forced labor, strengthen workplace inspections,
and enact stricter laws against forced labor.

b. Asks the UN and associated organizations to host seminars, training sessions, and
knowledge-sharing forums to increase member states' ability to combat forced labor and
advance moral trade practices.

2. Fortifying Global Collaboration:

a. We call on all member states to increase cooperation and sharing of information to

better identify and monitor countries or businesses that may be involved in the use of forced

b. It is important for governments to exchange strategies and effective initiatives

aimed at eradicating forced labor, promoting trade practices and safeguarding workers

3. Putting Trade Sanctions into Action:

a. Urges member states to consider applying trade sanctions, such as import bans or
higher taxes, on items suspected of being manufactured using forced labor, in conformity
with local laws and international trade agreements;

b. Invites member nations to work together to create a set of guidelines, standards for
identifying,confirming the lack of forced labor in products and to increase supply chain

4. Public Awareness and Corporate Accountability:

a. Encourage member nations to organize educational programs in schools and local

communities, aiming to inform people about forced labor, why it's morally unacceptable, and
the importance of making thoughtful decisions when purchasing goods and services,
considering how they are produced
b. Encourages collaboration with television channels, online platforms, and social
media to educate the public about making responsible purchasing decisions, emphasizing the
importance of supporting ethically produced goods and explaining the negative
consequences of endorsing items made through forced labor.

5. Leveraging Technology for Accountability:

a. Suggests the development of a digital platform, accessible to member states, to

facilitate the reporting of suspected cases of forced labor and violations of labor standards,
fostering quicker responses and information sharing.

b. Encourages the exploration of innovative technologies, such as blockchain and

artificial intelligence, to trace and ensure the integrity of supply chains, promoting
transparency and accountability in global trade.

In summary:

Demands that all member countries take tangible efforts, both at home and abroad, to
prevent forced labor, promote human rights, and build a more ethical global trading

Asks the Committee to oversee the application of this resolution and provide updates
on developments at future meetings.

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