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Name: tuiton:

Kevin Alejandro Medina Quevedo AL02843685

Course name: Teacher's name:

English 2 Ricardo wong Acosta

Módule: 2 Activity activity 12

Date: 13/04/2024

Write a 200 word script of a restaurant experience. Your script should include a problem
(for example, you don’t like what you ordered) and a request for clarification (for
example What is meatloaf? or Is the pasta dish spicy?

You can find an example at:

You may also find the following website helpful:

The soft glow of candlelight fills the cozy Italian restaurant as May and Alex sit at a
table, perusing the menu


I heard their pasta dishes are incredible.



Yeah, I'm thinking of trying the spaghetti carbonara.

The WAITER approaches, pen and notepad in hand.


Good evening! Have you decided what you'd like to order?


I'll have the lasagna, please.


And I'll have the spaghetti carbonara. Oh, is that spicy?



Not at all, sir. It's a creamy sauce with pancetta and cheese, very mild.


Great, thank you.

The WAITER nods and walks away.

Time passes. The WAITER returns with their meals. May takes a tentative bite of her
lasagna and frowns.


(to Alex)

This doesn't taste like the lasagna I expected. It's... bland.



Really? Let me try.

He takes a bite and furrows his brow.


(looking at the waiter)

Excuse me, is this the traditional lasagna? It tastes a bit different.



I'm sorry for the confusion. It seems there was a mix-up. Let me get that sorted for you
right away.
The WAITER swiftly takes May plate away, promising to return with the correct order.
May and Alex exchange a smile, relieved that the issue is being resolved.

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