Conditional Rules

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Sąlygos šalutiniai sakiniai (if)

Sąlygos sakiniai - tai sakiniai, pradedami “if“ (jeigu), jie susideda iš dviejų dalių: if - formos šalutinio
sakinio ir pagrindinio sakinio. (Conditionals are clauses introduced with ‚if‘, they consist of two parts:
the‘if‘ clause and the main clause.)

Sąlygos sakiniai anglų kalboje yra keturių rūšių:

Type 0. If it rains, it is wet. (YRA)

Type 1. If it rains, it will be wet. (BUS)

Type 2. If it rained , it would be wet. (BŪTŲ)

Type3. If it had rained , it would have been wet. (BŪTŲ BUVĘ)

ZERO conditional (type 0)

If you buy two books, you get one free.

If šalutinis sakinys Pagrindinis sakinys

IF +Present Simple, Present Simple

Nulinio tipo sąlygos sakiniai vartojami, kai norime pasakyti , kad tai -faktas, mokslinis reiškinys,
pastovus rezultatas (yra taip, o ne kitaip).( Zero conditional sentences express a situation that is always

If you drop an egg, it breaks.(Everybody knows it.)

Ice melts if you heat it.

FIRST conditional (type 1)

If I see him tomorrow, I'll tell him about your request.

If- šalutinis sakinys Pagrindinis sakinys

IF + Present Simple, will do (Future Simple)

Pirmo tipo sąlygos sakiniai vartojami, norint išreikšti realias, įvykdomas sąlygas, paprastai
liečiančias ateitį. (First conditional sentences express real possibilities).

We will go out if you do your homework,

If I see a nice dress in the shops , I will buy it.(real possibility.I am going to the shops and I have enough money to
buy a dress)
(!) Notice that we do not use will in the if clauses.
SECOND conditional ( type 2)

If I lived in the country, I would have a dog.

If- šalutinis sakinys Pagrindinis sakinys

IF +Past Simple, would do

Antro tipo sąlygos sakiniai vartojami norint išreikšti nerealias, faktams prieštaraujančias sąlygas,
liečiančias dabartį arba ateitį.
(Second conditional sentences express unreal or imaginative situations, conditions).

If I had time, I would go with you. (Jeigu turėčiau laiko, eičiau su jumis)
If you tidy the room, I would let you go out.
If I had enough money and I saw a nice dress in the shops,I would buy it.(But it’s unreal situation,because I
don’t have enough money.I just can imagine about it.)

(!) Notice that we do not usually use would in the if clauses.

THIRD conditional (type 3)

If they had not helped us, we should not have finished the work in time.

If- šalutinis sakinys Pagrindinis sakinys

IF +Past Perfect, Would + Present Perfect

Trečio tipo sąlygos sakiniai vartojami norint išreikšti nerealias sąlygas, susijusias su praeitim.
(Third conditional sentences express what didn’t happen.)

You would have got a higher mark if you had studied harder in winter (what didn’t happen)
If I had seen a nice dress in the shops, I would have bought it.(But I didn’t see a nice dress,that’s why I didn’t
buy it.)

P.S. * Vietoj IF vartotini ir dar kelių žodžiai, reiškiantys vienokią ar kitokią sąlygą. Vartokite
esamąjį laiką (NE būsimąjį) po when, as soon as, until, before, after, unless, till, whether, in case,
kai kalbate apie ateitį.

**Jei šalutinis –if sakinys yra prieš pagrindinį sakinį, jis atskiriamas kableliu. (The if-clause can come
before or after the main clause. When it comes before the main clause, the two clauses are separated
with a comma.)

***Taip pat yra Mixed Conditionals, kai būna du greta esantys sąlygos sakiniai (Conditionals),
tarkime pirmas su antru, antras su trečiu... Bet dažniausiai pasitaiko (trečias+antras) variantas.
Vadinasi, jei kažkas nebūtų įvykę praeityje, tai dabartyje kažkas būtų visai kitaip:

(Mixed) If I had not robbed the bank, I wouldn’t be in prison now.

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