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Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo



Santi Patimah, Siti Asiyah, Diyah Atiek Mustikawati

Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo

Speech act is an act that a speaker or writer performs when making an utterance that could be found in Instagram
caption made by students of Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo. The purpose of this study was to identify the types
of speech act, to describe the context based on the illocutionary act and to describe the maxim contained in the
instagram caption. The subjects in this study were students of English education at the Muhammadiyah University of
Ponorogo in the academic year 2017/2018. The data source obtained from caption Instagram written by English
education student at Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo. While the method used in this research is non-participant
observation. From 41 data captions found based on the results of the study showed three types of speech act that were
21 showed assertive act because this speech act was used to overcome certain ideas or beliefs, for example confirming,
informing, concluding or predicting something. And 7 data showed the directive act which was said to get permission to
do something, such as asking and suggesting. From13 data showed expressive act was to express the speaker's feelings,
such as feelings of gratitude, happiness, sadness, miss, sense of spirit or motivation etc. Meanwhile, from the results of
the study also found 41 data of maxims that were 11 maxim of quantity, where the statement or utterance that was
spoken effective, efficient and not many repetition. From 16 data maxim of quality that delivered that was truth with
evidence and the 14 data of maxim relevancy which was conveyed there was a clear relationship between meaning and
context, and then 3 data maxim of manner was maxim that was not exaggerated and not ambiguous.

Keywords: Speech act, Instagram, Caption

How to cite: Santi Patimah (2018). Speech Act Analysis on Instagram Caption Used by Students of
Muhammdiyah University of Ponorogo in the Academic Year 2017/2018. Penerbitan Artikel Ilmiah
University Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, 2(1): 96-104

© 2018 Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. All rights reserved

ISSN 2614-1434 (Print)

ISSN 2614-4409 (Online)
Jurmas : Jurnal Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo 2 (1): 96-104 97

INTRODUCTION producing the utterance that are uttered by

Today, Instagram is one of the most the speakers. Therefore, people always do
popular social media ranging from childrens action in producing the utterance.
to adults. But, the most active Instagram The caption on students account
user is teenager or college students. Then, attract researcher to analyze the meaning.
one of the active users of Instagram is The theory deal with this study is pragmatic.
English education department students at Pragmatic is a language science that sudies
Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo. As the meaning of speaker (writer) which
English students, they are active as related to the context. According to Kreidler
instagram user, because instagram as the (1998: 18) Pragmatic is another branch of
most popular social media has a big part to linguistics that is concern with meaning.
maintain the existence in their daily life. And the chief focus of pragmatics is a
In instagram, students can share the person’s ability to derive meanings from
moments in the form of pictures or videos spesific kinds of speech situations, to
with their caption. Caption used by students recognize what the speaker is referring to, to
as user of instagram to give explanation or relate new information to what has gone
descriprion about the they were posted. The before, to interpret what is said from
utterance written by students contains background knowledge about the speaker
speech acts in the delivery of meaning or takes for granted and doesn’t bother to say.
purpose, especially in English. So, Based on Austin (1962)
researcher interested in conducted the “distinguishes a speech act as a non literal
research on speech act in English caption of utterance that performs an act in saying
Instagram made by students of something, for example; thanking,
Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo. apologizing, reporting (see chapter 2)”. In
To get the meaning of caption made addition, Austin’s theory is focus on
by students which have to correlated with Illocutionary act.
the context of photo or video that was Beside, Searle (1979: 12-17)
students posted. Context is a description or “classified speech act into five acts such as:
sentence that can support the clarity of assertive act, directive act, commisive act,
meaning or intepretation by giving expressive act, and declaration”. These acts
utterance.Utterance is intended by the used by speaker or writer to deliver the
speaker for the listener to know the purpose information based on the context to get the
of the speaker. The speaker produces the appropriate meaning.
utterance to convey that purpose to the
listener. There are certain functions in
98 Santi Patimah, Speech Act Analysis on Instagram Caption Used by Students of
Muhammdiyah University of Ponorogo in the Academic Year 2017/2018

Based on the Austin’s theory on his types of illocutionary acts and describing the
book How To Do Things With Word, he context and the functions of each types of
focused on illocutionary act of speech act, the speech act in instagram caption by top
because the locution belongs to the ten celebrities to understand the
traditional territory of truth based on interpretation of the caption which are
semantic. The perlocution belongs strictly selected by the writer.
beyond the investigation of language and
The similarity between this study
since it deals with the result or effects of
and the previous studies above is a research
utterance. The illocution occupies the
about speech act in English as foreign
middle of ground between them. This
language. The object of this study is analysis
ground is now considered the territory of
speech act in instagram captions. There are
pragmatics of meaning in context (Altikriti,
seven categories of speech acts according to
2011: 1375).
their illocutionary purposes; assertive acts,
Moreover, to make a good
directive act, commisive acts, expressive
communication, the speakers have to
acts, declarative, quotation, poetic verses. In
understand the cooperation principles called
instagram, there are pictures followed by
maxim. According to Yule (1996: 37) “the
caption, for example “@maudyayunda: last
assumption of cooperation is so pervasive
night, before running off to fashion week.
that it can be stated as a cooperative
principle of conversation and elaborated in
Based on Kreidler (1998: 183) the
four sub principles, called maxims”. in
caption written is formed as assertive act.
addition, the maxim based on Yule’s theory
The caption contains @maudyayunda is
has four maxim there are maxim of quantity,
informing to people about her outfit
maxim of quality , maxim of relevancy, and
lastnight before she went to the fashion
maxim of manner.
week. Maudy Ayunda also informs to her
The study conducted by the
followers that she was wearing red dress on
researcher has close relationship with the
the red carpet. From the speech act theory
study conducted by Rahmayeni (2014)
defined by Kreadler, the researcher is
entitled Illocutionary Analysis of English
interested in analyzing the kind of speech
Used in Caption by Celebrity on Instagram.
acts of English used in instagram caption by
The analysis of this research was about the
Students at Muhammadiyah University of
writer discussed the using of illocutionary
Ponorogo in the academic year of
act in caption by celebrities in instagram.
The aim of that research was identifying the
Jurmas : Jurnal Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo 2 (1): 96-104 99

From the background theory from Illocutionary act which has assertive act,
Austin, Searle and Yule above the directive act, expressing act, commisive,
researcher have a significance of this study declarative, quotation, poetic verses. The
is for English education department students media of this study is instagram used by
were students have a better understanding of English education department students at
context under illocutionary acts that is Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo in
delivered in people’s caption on photos or academic year 2017/2018.
videos which has been posted. The
researcher also hopes that the result of this RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
study gives benefit for students or readers In this study, the research design is
who have interest in speech act theory. descriptive qualitative research. According
And for the researcher, researcher can to Moleong (2007: 11) “The descriptive
describe about pragmatic especially speech qualitative research means a type of research
act and analyze the context of sentences in in which it does not include any calculation
instagram caption. And then researcher gets or enumerations”. And the data of this
the reference to use English well and research was illocutionary act such as
appropriate as the internet user. And for the assertive act, directive act, expressive act,
next researcher can use the research as the commisive act and declaration. the data
reference to develop new research better. sources of this research was from English
So, that is why the researcher has the education department students at
purposes of this study. First is to identify the Muhammdiyah University of Ponorogo in
kind of speech acts are implied in English the academic year 2017/2018 consist of 14
caption of instagram made by English students as paricipant. The data used in this
education department students. Second is to study came from observation in social media
describe the context under illocutionary acts instagram. Instagram was chosen because of
are implied on instagram caption. And the the users are widely used English language
third is to describe the maxims are implied in their captions. Data taken in this study is
on instgram caption made by English written data in each user captions.
students. And the data collection technique of
And the scope and limitation of this this research was non participant
research focus on speech act in instagram observation method, involves researcher
caption. The scope of this study is speech takes the note of English caption on
act on instagram caption used by Students of instagram and then researcher cooses several
Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo. English caption as sample data that may
Moreover, the limitation of this study is represent the whole gathered.
100 Santi Patimah, Speech Act Analysis on Instagram Caption Used by Students of
Muhammdiyah University of Ponorogo in the Academic Year 2017/2018

Moreover, in the data analysis, the also find the maxims are implied in English
researcher applies pragmatic identity caption made by students were maxim of
method. Pragmatic identity method is used quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of
in analyzing the intensity of the use of the relevancy and maxim of manner.
language (Sudaryanto 1993: 14). The data Based on Searle’s theory about
analysis of this study involves the data are illocutionary act, the result finding from the
then classified into type of illocutionary act caption made by students such as assertive
based on the theory of speech act purposed act was give a statement of belief or
by Searle (1979: 12-17), then The analysis reposition involved asserting, informing,
of illocutionary act is also supported by the reporting, and concluding. The example
theory of context purposed by Levinson caption made by students like “Coming soon
(1983: x). Maret 2018”, /K1/20-01-18/. The caption
Furthermore, The identify of maxim, was to inform to all of people that her
the researcher used theory by Yule (1996: wedding will held on March 2018, and from
37) and then the researcher classified the the photo the people could see that she was
data according to each type and identifiyed happy on her photo’s pre wedding.
the dominant type of the illocutionary act Moreover, directive act from the
and maxim that occurs in the caption of caption made by students were to get the
instagram. addition for someone to do something like
And the result of this study presented request and command. The example caption
by using two methods, first using the formal that showed the act was “Always beside me,
methods means describing the result by whatever my condition!”, /K5/12-12-17/”.
using table and the second informal method Based on that picture, she posted a photo of
means presenting the findings by using someone who was expected to always exist
verbal language and then gives some beside her in any condition.
explanation based on the analysis of the And also, the expressive act from the
data. caption made by students were to show the
students feelings like their happiness,
FINDING AND DISCUSSION pleasure feeling, like, joy, sad, pain etc.
The result finding of this study was Then, one of the caption made by students
illocutionary act in Instgaram caption made like, “Miss you”, /K8/11-11-17/”. That
by English education department students caption showed the students feeling that was
was assertive act, directive act and missing someone. On her photo, she
expressive act. In addition, the researcher
Jurmas : Jurnal Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo 2 (1): 96-104 101

uploaded her boyfriend that she missed. She point, clear and not ambiguity. And the
also had sad when she wrote that caption. caption showed the student was done to
Besides, the researcher also found the someone.
maxims are implied on Instagram made by Moreover, from the interview result
students. Based on Yule’s theory was like showed the students feel when they wrote
maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, the caption like Based on the interview
maxim of relevancy and maxim of manner. result, researcher found the data as follows;
First, the caption made by students The first question was about whether
who showed the maxim of quantity like, id instagram @karismaa18, @nefynosiani,
“Respect me and I will respect you. @antonimous,@ismailchand_02, @fitryfhy,
Simple”, /FH2/02-12-17/”. In that caption, @fedry_kampra,@1096gramm,@yolandana
she showed the meaning was clear, the dya are theirs?. All of participant said yes.
sentence not twisted and to the point. So, the The next question was about what did
sentence was effective and efficient to you mean in the caption of the photo or
deliver to people. video? The first participant said, she showed
The second was caption that showed their feelings miss with someone, she
the maxim of quality like, “BEM FKIP showed their happiness when her mother
squad”, /FH3/22-12-17/”. That caption there and her little sister birthday or her happiness
was evidence because the photo of that in mother’s day. She also gave the
caption showed the BEM’s squad. So, the information about that day was time she met
statement was maxim of quality because up with her friend or with her boyfriend. She
there was evidence on people said. also asked someone to love her as he has
The third was caption that showed the done so far and want someone always beside
maxim of relevancy like, “Meet up her in every condition. Moreover, she gave
@dyan1741”, /K2/30-12-17/”. That caption the information about her wedding day to be
showed the activity was met up with her held on March 2018.
friend Dyan at Café shop. And also, the The second participant said that she
video showed herself and her friend at café was wrote a caption on her photos and video
shop. So, that was a relation between the was to give the information about her
caption and the video name maxim of breakfast, then she showed her activity in
relevancy. the afternoon, she was waiting for the seller
The fourth was caption that showed to make “batagor and somay” for her lunch
the maxim of manner like, “Everything I do in front of Kartika “accessories”. Then, she
just to make you happy”, /DA/14-12-17/”. also showed her happiness in sunday
That student give a statement was to the morning that finally she ate porridge in front
102 Santi Patimah, Speech Act Analysis on Instagram Caption Used by Students of
Muhammdiyah University of Ponorogo in the Academic Year 2017/2018

of Ma’arif elementary school. The next, she The seventh participant said that, she
provided information about the snacks that showed her acted like cutes dog. She also
she ate before had lunch. The third gave the information about the title of song
participant said that he showed about the on song’s and lyric’s video that she was
nature that it could refresh the mind for a uploaded. She showed her life was so
moment from the lecturer assigments. colorful like in the pictures. Then, she
The fourth participant said that he showed the neglected feelings of the
gave a motivation to himself and others, expected person.
although, it was daylight but the spirit must The ninth participant said that she
remain like the morning. And also, he gave showed her activity in English debate
a caption with “no caption” because he just competition with her friends. She also
wanted to post that photo without described herself to someone that she still
description just asserting that he stood in the learned with her heart. Then, she tried to ask
“Pendopo Agung”. why she was shorter than her little sister.
The fifth participant said that she gave The last, she showed her best friends ware
information that day is day out with her like her sister.
friend, she also gave an inspiration although The second question is about, what is
she felt down she believed that Allah had a your felling in writing that caption? The first
better plan for her. Then, she gave participant said that she felt happy, sad,
information about that day was too much miss, she also has a hope. The second
talk because there was an activity in her participant also felt excited and happy about
campus. The next, she showed her squad in that, because most of the posted were about
BEM FKIP. She also asked people to food. So she said that she loved food very
respect her then she would respect them much and excited to post all of the foods
back. Then, she thanked to her friend about that she had tried. The third participant said
her make up that day was so beautiful. She his felt calm and happy. The fourth
showed her happiness in that holyday when participant said that she had a spirit on
Sunday. The last she gave an inspiration writing that caption.
about the power of black. The fifth participant said about happy
The sixth participant said that he feeling on her holiday, because she could
showed his acne on his face when he take a meet her friend, she also felt motivated
photos shoot at Reog cafe, then he also when he faced a problem and hope that was
described about himself that she must be a going to be okay someday, she had pleasure
humble man in anywhere and everytime. feelings to be part of BEM FKIP, then she
Jurmas : Jurnal Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo 2 (1): 96-104 103

also hoped everyone could respect each Here the illocutionary acts like
other. assertive act, directive act and expressive
The sixth participant said about her act. The most illocutionary acts wrote by
feeling when he wrote a caption; he felt students was assertive act that was 21
disappointed because he had acne on his captions and 7 captions showed directive act
face. Then, he also felt to be friendly to and 13 captions showed expressive act.
everyone. The next participant said that she Assertive act wrote by students when
felt sad when she was ignored by someone. they excited to give information, concluding
Then, she felt happy when she listened a of something or just asserting what they
song. The next, she felt a little normal when have done. And directive act showed in their
she acted something silly. caption when they asking about something,
The eighth participant said that she command, offering etc. Then, the caption
was happy when she met her best friend and made by students showed expressive act
joined the competition with her friends too. when they would like to showed their
Then, she felt sad when her body is shorter feeling involves love, miss, sad, happiness,
than her little sister. The last was she felt a thankful etc.
little sad when she was still learned with her Based on Yule’s theory there is four
heart to know someone. maxims like maxim of quantity, maxim of
quality, maxim of relevancy and maxim of
Instagram is one of the social media In this study, the most maxims that
that very popular today. So, the English students used was 16 captions that showed
education department student at maxim of quality. Because, that maxim
Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo showed the fact of the students wrote from
used instagram to enrich the popularity and the caption in a form of photo or video.
maintain the social life. Beside, the 11 caption showed maxim
Based on the result finding and of quantity because the sentence was clear
discussion, the captions made by students and to the point and the sentence not
showed the illocutionary acts. From Searle’s twisted. So, the caption was effective and
theory, there are five acts such as assertive efficient delivered to the people.
act, directive act, commisive act, expressive Moreover, the 14 captions made by
act and declaration. But, the result finding students showed the maxim of relevancy,
showed three acts based on caption made by because there were relation between the
students. caption and the photo or video that students
posted in their instagram. Then, 3 captions
104 Santi Patimah, Speech Act Analysis on Instagram Caption Used by Students of
Muhammdiyah University of Ponorogo in the Academic Year 2017/2018

showed maxim of manner, because the For the reader of this research first
caption showed the clear sentence and no suggestion was the readers should
ambiguity. That maxim indicated the understand what the speech acts we
activity or something that they have done. normally encounter in our daily
The suggestion from this study was for conversation or in a social media platform.
English students, English lecturer and for And the second, reader should be more
the reader. For English students, first interested in pragmatic studies especially
English students should understand about speech act.
the kinds of illocutionary act and the kinds BIBLIOGRAPHY
of maxim. Second, English students should
Altikriti, Sahar Farouq. (2011). Journal of
have been able to avoid ambiguous
Language Teaching and
Research. Speech Act Analysis to
Third, English students should
Short Stories. 2 (4).
develop their ability to understand the intent
Austin, J.L. (1995). How To Do Things With
and purpose of the caption of his friend or
Words. Oxford University.
other peoples. And the last was as English
Kreidler, Charles W. (1998). Introducing
students who were active in using instagram.
English Semantic. 11 New Fetter
Researcher hopes that students can use the
Lane, London EC4P 4EE.
exsisting of media to share their thought
Levinson, Stephen C. 1983. Pragmatics.
involves; giving the information, show their
Cambridge University.
feelings or dircribe about something through
Moleong, Lexy J. (2007). Metodologi
captions based on photos or videos.
Penelitian Kualitatif (edisi
For English lecturer first, as researcher
revisi). Bandung : PT Remaja
knew that English department students were
instagram users, English lecturers have to
Searle, John R. (1979). Expression and
take benefits from the social media as the
Meaning. Cambridge University.
instructional media for teaching. So the
Sudaryanto. (1993). Metode dan Aneka
students can enjoy, interested and feel
Teknik Analisis Bahasa.
comfortable in Learning English. and the
Yogyakarta Duta Wacana
second, English lecturers should be to the
University Press.
point on delivering the material in the class.
Yule, George. (1996). Pragmatics. Oxford
So, the students can understand well about
the purpose than ambiguities.

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