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The Hidden Cafe


“I don’t know about this, this seems… something about it feels off.”
“我不知道这是怎么回事,感觉... ... 感觉有点不对劲。”

You stand on the sidewalk, in front of a cafe named “Rubba Cupa”, a new shop that has

recently appeared out of nowhere. There are no visible windows, an open sign hangs on the

front of the door, and there doesn’t seem to be much activity around the general area. At first,

no one seemed to know about the place. Then over the last few days, it seems to be the only

thing your friends talk about. After talking about it with a trusted friend, you both agree to meet

later in the day, sometime just after 5 pm. The sun starts to set as you stare at the door, unsure

as to walk away or to let curiosity get the best of you.

你站在人行道上,站在一家名为“ Rubba Cupa”的咖啡馆前,这是一家最近突然出现的新



个值得信赖的朋友讨论之后,你们都同意在当天晚些时候见面,下午 5 点之后。太阳开始落山时,


“Oh come on! This won’t be as bad as you think it will be, I promise. Even if you think the

name of the cafe is… something else..., I promise it will be worth it!”

哦,拜托!这不会像你想象的那么糟糕的,我保证。即使你认为咖啡馆的名字是... ... 别的什么

东西... ... 我保证这是值得的!”

Your friend takes your hand and begins to slowly bring you in through the door. The

sunset disappearing as you are lead through the door that shuts behind you. The neon purple

and pink lights fill the room, and a figure stands before you and your friend. They wear a butler

suit, complete with a bowtie and an electronic pad in their right hand. They stop typing on it and

begin to walk forward, showing more of themselves under the light. They show no skin, latex

hiding any trace of another identity underneath. Their body seems to be on the very middle of a

masculine and feminine chart, so much so you can’t tell if they are male or female under that

butler and latex suit. A rounded and smooth gasmask and latex hood conceal their face, the

tinted lens showing only your stunned face as well as your friend’s amused face. Headphones

cover their ears, showing a dim, pink light on the outline of the speakers.







“Statement :: Welcome to the Rubba Cuppa! It is a pleasure to serve you.”
“声明: : 欢迎光临 Rubba cup! 很高兴为您服务。”

Its synthetic voice snaps you out of your shocked state, now glancing between you

and your new host. It hides any femininity or masculinity in its voice, appearing more robotic

than human. Your friend turns to smirk at you before looking back at them.




“Hiya! We would like to have a table for two, please! And may I add, may we have a table in
a…. ‘safe’.... environment. My friend is new here and I wanna show them an enjoyable first
time without overwhelming them toomuch.”

“嗨!”!我们想要一张两人桌,谢谢!请允许我补充一句,我们可以在一个... 安全的..。环境。我


Your friend laughs a bit at their own statement, and the host simply bows their head a bit

in response.


“Response :: Understood, we here at the Cafe shall find a suitable table for you both then.

To our newest guest….”

回答: 明白了,我们咖啡馆会为你们俩找到一张合适的桌子。敬我们的新客人... ...”

The host looks at you with its mask and leans its head a bit to the side, showing a :)

on its visor.


“ truly hopes you enjoy your first time here! It will now show you to your table.”
“ ... ... 它真心希望你第一次来这里玩得开心! 现在它会带你去你的桌子。”

As the host turns to guide you, you lean a bit to your friend and begin to whisper.

“What isthis place….?”

“这是什么地方... ?”
Your friend simply laughs a bit in response to your question. Before you begin to panic,

they simply nudge you with their elbow and whisper back.



“Just trust me. Plus I saw how you were checking our host out, you are already beginning to

dig this place~.”

相信我。而且我看到你在打量我们的主人,你已经开始挖掘这个地方了 ~”

Before you get a chance to respond, you arrive at a table with booth seats. The

host turns to look at the both of you before saying:



“Statement :: Here are your seats! Please use the menus in front of you to select your

meals and servers, and we once again hope you enjoy!”

声明: : 这是你们的座位!请使用您面前的菜单选择您的餐点和服务器,我们再次希望您喜欢!”

Once again, your host walks off before you even get the chance to respond or ask

questions. Your friend simply picks up the electronic menu on the table, and you turn to

them about ready to bombard them.


“Ok seriously, where on earthhave you taken us too? What the hell isthis place? And who the
hell was that?”
“好吧,说真的,你到底把我们也带到哪里去了? 这到底是什么地方? 那到底是谁?”

Your friend notices your concern and simply puts down the menu. They become all

smiles as if they were waiting for you to ask them that.



“Ihave taken us to the newest growing trend. A drone cafe!”


You blink a few times in a mix between disbelief and confusion.

“A…… drone….. Cafe?”
“ a... ... 无人机... ... 咖啡馆?”

“Yeah! Y’know, drones! Latex, gasmasks, the whole package! I took you here because I
know you have a thing for it. Not sure whether or not you like being one, but I have noticed
your browser history on the smart tv. Next time, cover your tracks next time I am outside the



你的行踪隐藏起来 ~”

They smirk while resting their chin on their hand, while you become a panicked mess.
You thought for sureyou didn’t forget the past several times you looked it up… well… you think
back to the latest time you used the tv and your friend walked in on you… guess you didn’t
erase the browser history that time…

几次你查了它... 嗯... 你回想最近一次你用电视和你的朋友走进你... 猜你没有删除浏览器的历史


“Hey, relax. I wouldn’t have brought you here if I wasn’t ok with it. Besiiiides, it is time to eat.

I am starving!”


Well… you guess they have a point. Your stomach certainly agrees as it growls in

hunger. You pick up the menu and take a look through it. It… seems… normal enough. No

weird food items that would bring caution to the police. No spirals that would enthrall you, no

subliminal messages, no nothing. You pick out a simple drink and a nice, filling meal while your

friend does the same. As you go to hit enter, an error pops up. Your friend chuckles a bit,
pointing to an arrow beside the “Menu” tab at the top. You hit it, and the tab now shows a

different title… “Server options”. You stare at it wide-eyed while your friend smirks and laughs

a bit to themselves at your surprise.

嗯... ... 你猜他们说的有道理。你的胃在饥饿中咆哮,当然也同意这一点。你拿起菜单仔

细看了一遍。看起来... 挺正常的。没有奇怪的食物会引起警方的注意。没有让你着迷的螺旋,





It shows a picture of a drone on it, similar to the one that greeted you at the door. You

glance through the options, noticing several different choices as if you were in a character


customization screen. Outfit choices, latex/no latex, masuline/feminine slider that alters body

appearance, slim or thick body type, head accessories, neck accessories, the list goes on

and on. You bite your lip as your imagination runs wild, it takes your friend to playfully poke

your head to snap you out of it.




“Hey, I know you are dreaming of drones up there but I kinda wanna eat! I already pick out

what I wanna eat, I suggest you follow suit before your stomach decides to eat itself!”



After blinking a few times, you nod and pick out a simple design for now. A slightly

masculine male drone with a butler suit and bow tie, almost identical to the host with a

few changes. Your friend looks over at your confirmed selection and smiles playfully.




“Knew you had the hots for the host~.”

”我就知道你喜欢主人 ~”

You then respond in quick haste to counteract the playful jab.

“Hey! Who did you pick out anyway?”
”嘿! 你到底选了谁?”

Your friend continues smiling and leans back with their hands behind their head.

“Oooooh, I ain’t tellin. Guess you will have to wait and see since you were so lost in your

own world~.”

”我不会告诉你的。看来你只能等着瞧了,因为你已经迷失在自己的世界里了 ~”

Minutes pass as you and your friend seem to forget where you are, idly chatting about the

day and about recent events. Soon enough, a female latex drone wearing a maid skirt, black heels,

and neon cat ear headphones comes by with a cart with your friend’s meal on it. As the



drone gets closer, you seem to notice a… collar. Specifically with your friend’s name on it. You

watch the drone pick up your friend’s plate and place it on the table, showing a ^~^ on its visor

between you and your friend. They stand back up, holding their own hands in front of their waist.

A feminine voice comes out from the drone, but still sounding a bit robotic.


的盘子放在桌子上,在你和你朋友之间的遮阳板上显示一个 ^ ^ 。他们站了起来,双手放在腰前。


“Statement :: Enjoy your food Owner! And your food will come out shortly with your

server shortly, friend of its Owner!”

声明: 享受你的食物主人!你的食物很快就会和你的服务员一起出来,它的主人的朋友!”

Before you even get a chance to process what just happened, you see your friend smile

and scooch over a bit in the booth.


“Oh I will enjoy my food, but can you sit with me while my poor friend waits for their food? I

am sure they will like what we can show them~.”


信他们会喜欢我们给他们看的东西 ~”

Its visor turns a bit pink as it stares at your friend, slowly beginning to sit beside them.
“Response :: W-well… it supposes it does not see the harm in it.... O-owner…”
回答: 好吧... ... 它认为自己没有看到其中的危害... ... 哦,主人... ...”

As the drone begins to sit, your friend suddenly moves to wrap an arm around them

to pull them in, the drone now sitting on their lap. The drone gasps a bit then begins to lean

against your friend, breathing deeply and slowly as if it was in anticipation of something. You

glance between the drone and your friend, unsure as to how to really respond. Your friend

smiles widely as if amused by your confusion yet again, then slowly puts them to the side as

they continue leaning up against them.




“It’s ok! This is one of the main reasons why I love this place. You can have whatever drone you

wish, and have them wear whatever you want. Hell, I’ve seen some people have drones

completely bound up and helpless, another anonymous drone has to pick the selected cuite up

and place them beside the customer! You can get as wholesome or as… ‘adventurous’ as you

want. But, you can’t do anything explicit with them or have them wear anything with some

‘identifying’ attire, like this collar! Not unless you get the-”





上... ...”

Your friend’s response gets cut off as your drone now arrives. The drone’s butler attire

seems to bring out the slight muscle in their arms as they reach to grab your plate and make

their way over to you. They hold their hands behind their waist and show a :) on its visor as it

begins to speak in a masculine/robotic voice.



上显示 a:) ,它开始用一种男性/机器人的声音说话。

“Statement :: Here you are! Fresh from the Chef! May this unit serve you in another way?”
“声明: 给你! 刚从厨师那里拿来的! 这个单元可以以另一种方式为你服务吗?”

You think back to what your friend did and scooch a bit to the side as well, motioning for

the drone to sit with you. The drone nods and sits beside you, its presence beginning to

distract your mind off the food before your stomach swiftly inspires you and your friend to begin
eating. As your drone answers your questions, like how the food is made and why the choice of

attire, one answer comes up that surprises you.





“Response :: Us drones were humans that have been programmed to please the customers

as best as we can, as long as it is within the cafe’s hard limits!”

“回应: 美国无人机是人类,它被设定为尽可能取悦顾客,只要是在咖啡馆的硬限制范围内!”

You lean a bit back against the cushions of the booth, surprised and a bit shocked to

have your question about the drone’s history answered like that. Your friend pitches in to

help answer that in a bit more of a humane and less disturbing way.


“Yeah, each drone varies. Some do this “drone” thing part-time and are hired and hypnotized

for serving food. No touching allowed! Drones here are still human underneath so treat em with

respect. Some have decided that touching is ok and have allowed their customers to get…

handsy… with them~. And some are completely ok with all sorts of stuff, like being dronified for

long periods of time or being… well…”




者... ... 嗯... ...”

Your friend then demonstrates by glancing around the table to see if anyone is

watching and proceeds to slip a hand under their drone’s underwear. The maid drone gasps

and squirms a bit in delight as it thrusts into his hand, breathing and panting heavily. Your own

body squirms a bit at seeing this, thinking back to the videos you watched about drones on the

tv. Your own drone notices your reaction and leans a bit towards you to get your attention.





“Statement :: They are correct. Some are more than just servers and offer themselves as

partners for more ‘exclusive’ interactions as they are demonstrating. In fact, most drones here

are ok with this type of interaction and offer those interactions through the VIP access.”

声明: 他们是正确的。有些服务器不仅仅是服务器,它们还提供自己作为合作伙伴,进行更多


并通过 VIP 访问提供这些互动。”

Your friend pulls out a VIP card with their name on it, their drone slowly moving

their hands to their own breasts as they are played with. Quietly moaning as no one is

around to notice this display.



“Yup~! In fact… if you don’t mind, I think I am going to head to the VIP section right now...
“嗯 ~ 其实... ... 如果你不介意的话,我想我现在就要去 VIP 区了... ...”。

c’mere cutie. It has been a while since we have had fun, hasn’t it?”

They move their other hand to pull the drone’s collar towards them, then pushes their

fingers into them with greater depth and speed. The drone struggles to suppress a moan as

it begins to become a submissive mess in their hands, literally. Your friend playfully kisses

the drone’s visor as it leans a bit back away from the drone to resume talking to you.




“And don’t worry, I have already covered your portion of the bill. So feel free to stick around if ya

wanna! I am sure you have a few more questions for your new drone buddy~.”


要问你的新无人机伙伴 ~”
Your friend slowly releases the drone from their embrace and pulls their fingers out of

them. As their drone begins to calm down, they begin to catch their breath, yet are still visibly

flustered and excited from the interaction. As they begin to stand up and leave, the drone

wraps its arms around one of your friend’s arms and leans against them, both heading to the

pink and purple doors with two drones standing in front of them that have big and blue neon

letters VIP above the doorway.





虹灯字母 VIP。

Your drone looks to you as a few anonymous drones begin to clean up your friend’s

dishes, its head leaning a bit to the side. It shows a ? on its visor as you look back at it after

watching your friend and their drone walk off.



“Query :: Do you have any further questions for this unit?”


You glance between the pink and purple VIP doors and the drone beside you, blood

rushing to your cheeks as you already know what your final question is.


“So….. would you like to explain to me what the VIP section does?”
“那么... ... 你能不能给我解释一下,贵宾区是做什么的?”

The drone leans back against the booth seat and ponders for a moment. Suddenly, you

feel its latex hands moving their way along your thigh, and rubs its hand near your crotch,

slowly caressing you. It leans a bit forward towards you, just a few inches away from your face

with a neon heart on its visor as it asks you a question back.




“Query :: Would you like a free demonstration for your first time?”
问: 你想要第一次免费的演示吗

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