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Intelligence 68 (2018) 6–20

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Effects of cognitive abilities on child and youth academic achievement: T

Evidence from the WISC-V and WIAT-III

Jacqueline M. Caemmerera, , Danika L.S. Maddocksb, Timothy Z. Keithb, Matthew R. Reynoldsc
Howard University, United States
University of Texas at Austin, United States
University of Kansas, United States


Keywords: The relations between children and adolescents' cognitive abilities and their reading, writing, and math
Reading achievement were examined using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition and Wechsler
Writing Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition co-norming sample. We tested and compared models that included
Mathematics effects from the Cattell-Horn-Carroll broad cognitive abilities and models that focused on the effects of g only.
Developmental differences in the patterns of cognitive-achievement effects were tested for statistical significance
using interaction terms. Comprehension-knowledge exerted direct effects on all reading and most writing skills,
CHC theory
fluid reasoning exerted direct effects on essay writing and math skills, and processing speed exerted direct effects
on reading fluency, math fluency, and math calculation skills. Working memory significantly influenced most of
the achievement skills and was particularly important for younger children. The effect of g on all achievement
skills was strong, but indirect through the broad abilities and often overlapped with the effect of fluid reasoning.
Results from this study suggest that children and adolescent's reading, math, and writing are differentially in-
fluenced by their cognitive abilities, and some of these effects vary by age.

1. Introduction Keith, & McGrew, 2016; Vanderwood, McGrew, Flanagan, & Keith,
2002). One limitation of conclusions drawn from previous research is
Individually administered intelligence tests are key for measuring that a majority of these studies have been conducted using standardi-
an individual's general intelligence and specific cognitive strengths and zation data from the Woodcock-Johnson (WJ) co-normed cognitive and
weaknesses (Kaufman, Raiford, & Coalson, 2015). Many modern in- achievement batteries (McGrew & Wendling, 2010). For example, al-
telligence tests measure constructs described by the Cattell-Horn-Car- though the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) is widely
roll (CHC) theory of cognitive abilities (Carroll, 1993; Cattell & Horn, used in practice (Archer, Buffington-Vollum, Stredny, & Handel, 2006;
1978). These constructs include general intelligence and broad cogni- Cashel, 2002), to date, only four studies have examined the effects of
tive abilities such as fluid reasoning, verbal comprehension/knowledge, CHC-type cognitive abilities measured by the Wechsler scales on aca-
short-term memory, visual processing, and processing speed. In the demic achievement (Beaujean, Parkin, & Parker, 2014; Glutting et al.,
CHC model of intelligence, general intelligence and the broad cognitive 2006; Oh, Glutting, Watkins, Youngstrom, & McDermott, 2004; Parkin
abilities may be interpreted to operate together within a system of in- & Beaujean, 2012). Some of the results from these WISC studies were
terrelated cognitive abilities. interpreted as inconsistent with results from previous research that used
Numerous research studies have examined the effects of CHC cog- the Woodcock tests. If the relations between cognitive and achievement
nitive constructs on areas of academic achievement (see McGrew & abilities vary across tests, then it would be important to consider these
Wendling, 2010). Results from these studies have shown that there are inconsistencies when interpreting findings based on specific tests.
some relatively predictable effects of CHC constructs (i.e., general in- There are several possible reasons for the inconsistent findings be-
telligence and broad cognitive abilities) on achievement areas such as tween the WJ and WISC tests. The divergent findings may be due to the
reading and math (e.g., Floyd, Meisinger, Gregg, & Keith, 2012; different tests, different constructs measured by the WISC, or differ-
Glutting, Watkins, Konold, & McDermott, 2006; Hajovsky, Reynolds, ences in what is interpreted as a meaningful effect size. But differences
Floyd, Turek, & Keith, 2014; McGrew, 1993; Niileksela, Reynolds, may also be related to an inconsistent consideration of developmental

Corresponding author at: Howard University, School of Education, 2441 4th Street NW, Washington, DC 20059, United States.
E-mail address: (J.M. Caemmerer).
Received 26 November 2016; Received in revised form 21 February 2018; Accepted 22 February 2018
0160-2896/ © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J.M. Caemmerer et al. Intelligence 68 (2018) 6–20

differences across the studies. For example, research has shown that 4. Reading comprehension
CHC cognitive effects on achievement are also a function of age (e.g.,
Hajovsky et al., 2014). Reading comprehension is the ability to construct meaning from
In addition, research with the WISC-IV also only focused on written text. As with basic reading skills, Gc has the strongest influence
achievement areas that were broadly defined (e.g., language), rather on reading comprehension for students in grades 1–12 (Benson, 2007;
than specific aspects of achievement (e.g., basic reading). Because Evans et al., 2002; Floyd et al., 2012; Keith, 1999; McGrew, 1993;
broad achievement variables are emergent combinations of more spe- McGrew, Flanagan, Keith, & Vanderwood, 1997; Niileksela et al., 2016;
cific acquired achievement skills, it is especially useful to investigate Oh et al., 2004; Vanderwood et al., 2002). Gc's influence increases with
the cognitive ability influences on these specific achievement areas age (Cormier et al., 2017; Floyd et al., 2012; Hajovsky et al., 2014;
(e.g., basic reading and reading comprehension versus broad reading). Keith, 1999; McGrew, 1993). Longitudinal research has shown Gc is a
For example, lack of basic word reading skills may result in a reading leading indicator of growth in reading comprehension—increases in Gc
comprehension weakness that is not necessarily due to poor compre- result in improved reading comprehension over time (Quinn, Wagner,
hension, but due to a weakness in word reading skills. It is important to Petscher, & Lopez, 2015; Reynolds & Turek, 2012).
understand cognitive ability influences on word reading because these Previous research also suggests that Gs and Gsm are also directly or
cognitive influences may differ from those involved in reading com- indirectly related to reading comprehension, although the effects are
prehension (e.g., Christopher et al., 2016). not as consistent across different ages (Cain, Oakhill, & Bryant, 2004;
The co-norming sample of the newly revised WISC, Fifth Edition Evans et al., 2002; Floyd et al., 2012; Hajovsky et al., 2014; McGrew,
(WISC-V; Wechsler, 2014) and the Wechsler Individual Achievement 1993) and depend on the edition of the WJ test (Niileksela et al., 2016).
Test, Third Edition (WIAT-III), in which each participant completed Research across the three most recent editions of the WJ tests suggests
both tests, provides an opportunity to test whether CHC constructs that fluid reasoning (Gf) has a moderate effect on reading compre-
measured by the WISC-V have the same effects on academic achieve- hension beginning at a young age (Cormier et al., 2017; McGrew, 1993;
ment as found in research with other cognitive and achievement bat- Niileksela et al., 2016) or in early adolescence (Evans et al., 2002).
teries. Examination of CHC cognitive-achievement effects with a mea- Additionally, one study using the Kaufman Assessment Battery for
sure other than the WJ tests will not only provide information about the Children-Second Edition (KABC-II; Kaufman & Kaufman, 2004) found a
effects of WISC-V constructs on achievement, it will also contribute to significant effect of visual processing (Gv) on reading comprehension in
the development of CHC theory (Beaujean et al., 2014). Further, an grades 1–3 (Hajovsky et al., 2014), although no other studies have
analysis that allows for differential age effects may shed light on dif- found effects for Gv on reading comprehension.
ferences found across previous studies. Last, a focus on specific (as
opposed to broad) achievement areas should allow a more fine-grained 5. Reading fluency
understanding of the cognitive influences on areas such as basic
reading, reading comprehension, basic math, math problem solving, Reading fluency is the speed at which someone can read a written
written expression, and fluency skills. Consequently, the current study passage with understanding. Little research has examined the cognitive
examined how CHC constructs measured by the WISC-V explain school- predictors of reading fluency. Existing research found that Gc and
age students' academic achievement in nine specific academic domains, processing speed have significant effects on reading rate (Benson, 2007;
and whether these effects vary by age. Cormier et al., 2017; Niileksela et al., 2016). The effect of Gs on reading
fluency may increase with age. There is some suggestion that Gf exerts a
2. Effects of CHC cognitive abilities on academic achievement significant effect too, with a stronger influence among younger students
(Cormier et al., 2017).
Of the broad abilities delineated by CHC theory, five are likely
measured by the WISC-V: verbal comprehension/knowledge (Gc), 6. Broad reading
fluid/novel reasoning (Gf), visual processing (Gv), short-term memory
(Gsm), and processing speed (Gs; see Table 1 for definitions of these The effects of cognitive abilities on broad reading achievement have
abilities; Schneider & McGrew, 2012). Below, we review previous re- also been studied; such analyses involved achievement latent variables
search findings about which of these broad abilities affect achievement that were measured by a combination of basic reading and reading
in specific and broad areas of reading, math, and writing and which comprehension (Beaujean et al., 2014; Glutting et al., 2006; Oh et al.,
effects show developmental differences. 2004). Such analyses are focused on the aspects of reading shared in
common among all reading measures and not the specific components
of reading.1 Despite differences in the broad and specific reading con-
3. Basic reading skills
structs, Gc has also been shown to exert an important influence on
broad reading achievement using the Wechsler tests (Beaujean et al.,
Basic reading skills include decoding and word recognition skills.
2014; Glutting et al., 2006; Oh et al., 2004), as have Gsm and Gf
Basic reading skills are likely influenced by multiple broad cognitive
(Beaujean et al., 2014).
abilities, which vary by age (Floyd et al., 2012; Niileksela et al., 2016).
Verbal comprehension/knowledge (Gc) has been shown to affect basic
7. Basic math skills
reading skills throughout schooling (Cormier, McGrew, Bulut, &
Funamoto, 2017; Evans, Floyd, McGrew, & Leforgee, 2002; Floyd,
Basic math skills include calculation and computation skills. Gs, Gc,
Keith, Taub, & McGrew, 2007; Garcia & Stafford, 2000; Hajovsky et al.,
and Gf have been shown to influence basic math skills across studies
2014; McGrew, 1993; Niileksela et al., 2016; Oh et al., 2004;
(Floyd, Evans, & McGrew, 2003;Keith, 1999; McGrew & Hessler, 1995;
Vanderwood et al., 2002), with stronger effects at older ages (Cormier
Niileksela et al., 2016). Most studies have found consistent effects for
et al., 2017; Hajovsky et al., 2014; McGrew, 1993), although one study
Gs across all school ages, but one found stronger effects from ages 5 to
found Gc effects did not emerge until age 12 or 13 (Benson, 2007).
11 (McGrew & Hessler, 1995). Further, Gc may exert a larger effect
Short-term memory (Gsm) and processing speed (Gs) have been shown
after age 9 (Floyd et al., 2003; McGrew & Hessler, 1995). Gsm may also
to influence basic reading skills throughout schooling (Cormier et al.,
2017; Evans et al., 2002; Floyd et al., 2007; Hajovsky et al., 2014;
McGrew, 1993; Niileksela et al., 2016), but some of the findings are 1
The specific components could also be included in these models, but do not appear to
contradictory and depend on the WJ test edition. have been analyzed.

J.M. Caemmerer et al. Intelligence 68 (2018) 6–20

Table 1
Descriptions of the WISC-V broad abilities and subtests and WIAT-III subtests.


Verbal comprehension (Gc): Gc measures acquired cultural knowledge, including language and information learned inside and outside of school (also referred to as verbal/
comprehension knowledge).
Similarities The child must describe the similarities between two words that describe common objects or concepts.
Vocabulary The child must define given words or provide a name for a picture.
Comprehension The child answers questions based on general knowledge and social conventions.
Information The child is required to answer general knowledge questions.
Visual spatial (Gv): Gv is the ability to perceive visual information and mentally rotate images, identify patterns, or transform visual information (also referred to as
visual processing).
Block design The child replicates two-dimensional geometric patterns, under timed conditions, using blocks.
Visual puzzles The child is presented with images and must mentally manipulate them to form a complete picture.
Fluid reasoning (Gf): Gf involves problem solving using unfamiliar information or novel procedures that cannot be performed automatically.
Matrix reasoning The child is presented with a pattern and must select a response to complete the missing portion.
Figure weights The child is presented with a key and selects a response option that balances a scale.
Arithmetic The child is presented with arithmetic problems and must solve them mentally and quickly.
Picture concepts The child is presented with an array of pictures and selects pictures that represent a similar concept.
Working memory (Gsm): Gsm measures the ability to retain information in immediate awareness while manipulating the information (also referred to as short-term
Digit span The child is presented with a string of numbers and must recall the numbers in the same, reverse, or ascending sequence.
Picture span The child is shown pictures and then must recall those pictures in sequential order from a response page.
Letter-number sequencing The child is presented with a string of numbers and letters and must recall them in ascending and numerical order.
Processing speed (Gs): Gs measures the ability to quickly and accurately perform simple mental operations.
Coding The child is provided with a key and copies corresponding symbols under timed conditions.
Symbol search The child is presented with symbols and indicates whether target symbols are present under timed conditions.
Cancellation The child is shown arrays of pictures and must select target symbols under timed conditions.


Math problem solving The child solves orally presented math word problems that may require multiple steps and may be related to time, money, measurement, geometry,
probability, or reading graphs.
Math fluency The child answers simple addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems under timed conditions.
Numerical operations The child is required to solve written math problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Oral reading fluency The child is required to accurately read passages aloud under timed conditions.
Word reading The child identifies letters, sounds, or reads words from a list.
Pseudoword decoding The child reads nonwords from a list.
Reading comprehension The child reads sentences or short passages and is then answers questions about the main idea, details, or is asked to make inferences.
Spelling The child is required to spell a word based on definitions and its use in a sentence which are presented orally.
Sentence composition The child must build sentences using target words and combine multiple sentences into one sentence while maintaining the meaning.
Essay composition The child writes words, sentences, or a paragraph/short essay in response to prompts.

Note. Broad ability definitions are adapted from Schneider and McGrew (2012).

be related to basic math skills (Floyd et al., 2003; McGrew & Hessler, 9. Math fluency
1995), but the evidence is inconsistent across studies.
Math fluency refers to how quickly someone can complete simple math
operations and is typically measured by timed tests of simple addition,
8. Math problem solving subtraction, multiplication, and division. One study tested whether Gs
influenced math fluency, after accounting for the influence of basic math
Math problem solving is also referred to as math reasoning in the skills on math fluency, and found a significant effect (Niileksela et al.,
literature and typically involves word problems and the application of 2016). Other research analyzed a composite that combined math fluency
math operations and concepts (McGrew & Wendling, 2010). Research and basic math skills (e.g., Floyd et al., 2003). Therefore, research that
suggests that math problem solving skills, like basic math skills, are exclusively focuses on math fluency is much needed.
affected by Gf, Gc, and Gs at all ages (Keith, 1999; McGrew & Hessler,
1995; Niileksela et al., 2016). Gs exerts moderate effects throughout 10. Broad math achievement
schooling (Floyd et al., 2003; Niileksela et al., 2016) and the effects of
Gc and Gf on math problem solving appear to steadily increase with age Other research conceptualized math achievement more broadly and
(Floyd et al., 2003; McGrew & Hessler, 1995). Gf factors are often examined a latent variable that included both math problem solving
difficult to separate from g, and thus it is also difficult to separate the and math calculation skills (Ferrer & McArdle, 2004; Glutting et al.,
effects of these two cognitive abilities on math problem solving (and 2006; Parkin & Beaujean, 2012; Taub, Keith, Floyd, & McGrew, 2008),
other outcomes) (cf., Gustafsson & Balke, 1993; Hajovsky et al., 2014). but their results are inconsistent. Gf tends to emerge as an important
Gsm appears to have a moderate effect on math problem solving pri- influence on broad math achievement (Ferrer & McArdle, 2004; Parkin
marily at earlier ages (Floyd et al., 2003; McGrew & Hessler, 1995). & Beaujean, 2012; Taub et al., 2008). In fact, longitudinal research
Some researchers have observed effects of Gv on math problem solving suggests that Gf leads to changes in broad math achievement, and not
at earlier ages, such as 5–10 (McGrew & Hessler, 1995), and others have vice versa (Ferrer & McArdle, 2004). One study, however, did not
found significant effects through all school-age groups (Niileksela et al., support the importance of Gf (Glutting et al., 2006). Similar to the
2016). specific math skills, Gc also exerted significant effects on broad math
achievement (Glutting et al., 2006; Taub et al., 2008), and there is some
support for the importance of Gs (Taub et al., 2008).

J.M. Caemmerer et al. Intelligence 68 (2018) 6–20

11. Basic writing skills academically across all areas of achievement (Kaufman, Reynolds, Liu,
Kaufman, & McGrew, 2012). In cognitive-achievement models with g as
Basic writing skills include spelling and editing. Compared to the only predictor, g has a large direct effect on students' latent reading,
reading and math, much less research has examined the effects of math, and writing abilities as well as specific test performance (e.g.,
cognitive abilities on writing skills. Previous research suggests that Glutting et al., 2006;Niileksela et al., 2016; Taub et al., 2008). A gen-
basic writing skills are well-predicted by Gc across the lifespan eral intelligence factor also accounts for a large amount of variance in
(Niileksela et al., 2016), with moderate to strong effects (Cormier, students' school grades (Gustafsson & Balke, 1993). When higher-order
Bulut, McGrew, & Frison, 2016; Floyd, McGrew, & Evans, 2008). Si- CHC models of general and broad cognitive abilities are used in cog-
milarly, Gs and Gsm both appear to have a moderate effect on basic nitive-achievement models, g effects on academic achievement are
writing skills throughout schooling (Cormier et al., 2016; Floyd et al., often indirect (mediated) via the CHC broad abilities (e.g., Floyd et al.,
2008; Niileksela et al., 2016). In contrast, Gf may exert stronger effects 2012; Hajovsky et al., 2014; Niileksela et al., 2016). In higher-order
on the basic writing skills of younger students (Cormier et al., 2016; CHC models of intelligence, which are the focus of this study, g and the
McGrew & Knopik, 1993), or may not exert significant effects until age broad abilities are interdependent and influence academic achievement
15 (Floyd et al., 2008), depending on the edition of the WJ. simultaneously. For example, g affects important broad abilities such as
Gc, Ga, and Gs, which in turn affect reading skills (Floyd et al., 2012;
12. Written expression Niileksela et al., 2016). Studies have also found important indirect ef-
fects of g via broad abilities on math and writing achievement
Written expression is the ability to express ideas in writing. Gs is the (Niileksela et al., 2016; Taub et al., 2008). This study will examine both
only broad ability found to significantly affect written expression in all the direct and indirect effects of g on specific achievement skills using a
previous studies using the WJ tests (Cormier et al., 2016; Floyd et al., higher-order CHC model of intelligence.
2008; McGrew & Knopik, 1993; Niileksela et al., 2016), but this finding
may be due to the inclusion of a writing fluency subtest within the WJ 15. Purpose
written expression factor. Thus, the effect of Gs on written expression,
without the influence of a fluency subtest, should be studied further to There were three main purposes of this study. The first purpose was
isolate which cognitive abilities are most important for written ex- to determine whether findings from previous cognitive-achievement
pression specifically. Research examining earlier editions of the WJ studies are generalizable to the recently revised WISC-V and the
tests suggest Gc (Floyd et al., 2008; McGrew & Knopik, 1993) affects Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition (WIAT-III).
written expression throughout schooling, but an effect of Gc on written Cognitive-achievement relations that do not generalize across different
expression was not observed using the newly-revised fourth edition of tests or revisions of the same test may be due to each test's particular
the WJ (WJ IV;Cormier et al., 2016; Niileksela et al., 2016). As with task demands. Thus, if discrepant findings exist across tests, inter-
basic writing skills, Gf appears to affect written expression, but this pretations of those cognitive-achievement relations should be based on
effect is inconsistent across ages and studies (Cormier et al., 2016; Floyd evidence derived from the specific test under study. The second purpose
et al., 2008; McGrew & Knopik, 1993). Research with the WJ Revised was to contribute to the cognitive-achievement developmental differ-
and WJ Third Edition found significant effects of Gsm on written ex- ences literature. Although previous research has often found develop-
pression for different age groups (Floyd et al., 2008; McGrew & Knopik, mental changes in many cognitive-achievement effects, these studies
1993), but research with the WJ IV found a weak to non-significant have generally used qualitative comparisons of the magnitude of effects
effect (Cormier et al., 2016; Niileksela et al., 2016). It is notable that the across ages rather than statistical tests for differences in effects by age.
WJ IV focuses more on measures of working memory than on short- Here we will expand on previous research by examining whether cog-
term memory. Gv has typically been unrelated to writing achievement nitive-achievement effects are significantly moderated by age, while
in WJ research (McGrew & Knopik, 1993), but one study examining the leaving age in its continuous format. The third purpose was to examine
WJ IV found a significant effect for visual processing for ages 6–18 the effects of cognitive abilities on specific achievement skills, rather
(Niileksela et al., 2016). Similar to the KABC-II reading comprehension than broad achievement. The specific versus broad achievement dis-
study, Gv, as measured by the KABC-II, had a significant moderate sized tinction is important because specific achievement skills are more
effect on written expression for students in grades 1–12 (Hajovsky et al., consistent with the specific learning disability definitions utilized in
in press). Further, the KABC-II study found a large Gc effect on written schools (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act,
expression for students in grades 5–12, but the effect for those in grades 2004); the development of more general achievement skills are likely
1–4 was too small to be considered meaningful. Gsm had a small in- contingent on the acquisition of specific skills. Therefore, our findings
fluence across grades. The KABC-II does not measure Gs and the in- will provide empirical evidence that can be used to guide educational
fluence of Gf was not tested separately from g in this study due to a decisions. In this study, age-referenced standardized subtest scores were
perfect correlation between the two cognitive abilities (Hajovsky et al., analyzed instead of composite scores, for both the WISC-V and WIAT-
in press). III. The composites used in the scoring structure of the WIAT-III com-
bine multiple specific achievement skills into one total score that ob-
13. Broad writing achievement scures any difference in effects across the different achievement skills in
each broad area, whereas the use of the subtest scores allows for dif-
To date, two studies (Beaujean et al., 2014; Hajovsky et al., in press) ferentiation of the effects according to the specific achievement skills.
examined cognitive abilities' effects on writing using a test other than It is worth noting that this study—like previous research on this
the WJ batteries. In addition to the KABC-II study (Hajovsky et al., in topic—is non-experimental in nature; experimental manipulation of
press), the other non-WJ study examined the WISC-IV and the re- cognitive abilities to determine their effect on achievement skills is
searchers created a composite writing score that combined basic impossible. Therefore, all statements that discuss the “effect” or “in-
writing and written expression. This study found that Gc, Gsm, Gs, and fluence” of one variable on another or focus on variables that “explain”
Gf were all significant predictors of broad writing achievement, so there an outcome are dependent on the validity of the models tested. In other
does seem to be some consistency across tests (Beaujean et al., 2014). words, if the model is a reasonable representation of reality, the esti-
mates resulting from the model show the extent of the influence of one
14. Effects of general intelligence on achievement variable on another. If the models are not a reasonable representation
of reality, the estimates are not accurate estimates of those effects
Students with higher general intelligence (g) tend to perform better (Keith, 2015).

J.M. Caemmerer et al. Intelligence 68 (2018) 6–20

Fig. 1. Cognitive-achievement model.

16. Method The WIAT-III (Wechsler, 2009) is an individually administered

achievement test with an age range that spans young childhood through
Participants were drawn from the WISC-V and WIAT-III (N = 181) adulthood. In this analysis we focused on ten subtests that measure
co-norming sample. Students ranged in age from 6 to 16 (M = 11.82, reading, writing, and mathematics achievement. See Table 1 for the
SD = 3.07; 6–9 year olds n = 48, 10–13 year olds n = 71, and names and descriptions of each subtest. Most of the subtests were ad-
14–16 year olds n = 62). In the current study age was a continuous ministered to all children in the sample with the exception of Essay
variable measured in years. Participants were 55% male and 50% of the Composition, which was not administered to six- and seven-year-olds.
sample was Caucasian, 21% was Hispanic, 20% was African American, The ten WIAT-III subtests also showed high reliability estimates in the
7% was “Other,” and 2% was Asian. The education level of participants' standardization sample. The average test-retest coefficients, across
parents (measured in number of years of schooling) ranged from 11% grades, for the Math Fluency, Oral Reading Fluency, Sentence Com-
with 11 years or less, 25% with 12 years, 35% with 13–15 years, and position, and Essay Composition subtests ranged from 0.87 to 0.95.
30% with 16 years or more. The mean testing interval between the Average split-half reliability estimates were available for the other
WISC-V and WIAT-III administration was 16 days. subtests and ranged from 0.88 to 0.97 (Breaux, 2010). As with the
cognitive scores, age-standardized achievement scores were used in this
16.1. Measures

The WISC-V is an individually administered intelligence test de- 16.2. Analysis steps
signed for children and youth ages six through 16 years 11 months old.
The WISC-V is a recent revision of the test and includes three new Following data preparation, Mplus (Muthén & Muthén, 2012) ver-
primary subtests and a different intelligence factor structure than pre- sion 7 was used to analyze the structural equation models (SEM) and
vious versions. In the fifth edition the previous Perceptual Reasoning test for interactions. Mplus handles missing data through the Full In-
Index is separated into Fluid Reasoning (Gf) and Visual Spatial (Gv) formation Maximum Likelihood (FIML) procedure. Currently, FIML is a
Indexes. Thus, the WISC-V is designed to measure five factors and is strongly recommended procedure for handling missing data (Enders,
more consistent with CHC theory than previous editions. See Table 1 for 2010; Enders & Bandalos, 2001; Schafer & Graham, 2002). Amos ver-
descriptions of each subtest. Item-level data were not available; there- sion 21 (Arbuckle, 2012) was used to impute the latent broad ability
fore, reliability estimates were taken from the tests' technical manuals and achievement values for the purposes of post-hoc graphing and in-
(Wechsler, 2014). Overall the 16 WISC-V subtest scores evidenced high terpretation of statistically significant interactions. (This process is
reliability. The average test-retest reliability coefficients across the described in detail below.)
WISC-V subtests ranged from 0.72 to 0.91 in the standardization
sample. In terms of internal consistency, the average split-half relia- 16.3. Cognitive-achievement models
bility coefficients across ages ranged from 0.80 to 0.96 (Wechsler,
2014). Raw scores on the WISC-V subtests are converted to age-stan- SEM was used to test whether CHC cognitive constructs affect aca-
dardized scores, which were used in this study. The new version of the demic achievement. SEM was used to more closely approximate effects
test has been generally well-received (Benson, 2017; Keith, 2017; at the construct, as opposed to the scale-specific, level. The WISC-V
Reynolds & Hadorn, 2016). scoring model was used to model intelligence and included g and five

J.M. Caemmerer et al. Intelligence 68 (2018) 6–20

CHC broad cognitive abilities factors. One slight revision to the scoring the final model. This backward elimination analysis approach is similar
model was made. A cross-loading from the Arithmetic subtest to Gf and to the methods used in previous cognitive-achievement research (Floyd
Gsm was included, as indicated in the test manual (Wechsler, 2014), et al., 2007; Niileksela et al., 2016; Taub et al., 2008). Lastly, we cal-
because Arithmetic may measure both abilities. These factors were in- culated the effects on achievement of the broad abilities with g statis-
dicated by 16 WISC-V subtests in our analysis. Each CHC broad cog- tically removed from those abilities (unique effects). These effects were
nitive ability factor was indicated by two to four subtests (see Fig. 1 for calculated using the broad ability plus g indirect models. The indirect
specifics). effects from the residuals of the broad abilities (referred to as r1, r2, etc.
In higher-order CHC cognitive models, the general intelligence in Fig. 1) were multiplied by the direct paths of the broad abilities to the
factor, g, is at the apex of the model. In our CHC cognitive model g achievement outcomes. For example, in the Numerical Operations
influenced each of the five broad abilities. In turn, the five broad model the unique effect of Gs was calculated by multiplying 0.88 and
abilities influenced the WISC-V subtests. Thus, g and the broad abilities 0.21 (see Fig. 1). This approach is conceptually similar to a bifactor
are interrelated and operate together rather than independently. In this analysis in that it estimates the unique effects of the broad abilities on
model the effects of g on the individual subtest performance levels were achievement with the effects of g statistically removed or partialled out
indirect and mediated by the broad abilities. We tested for both direct (Reynolds & Keith, 2017).
and indirect effects of g for each achievement outcome. Both methods The fit of single models was assessed using chi-squared (χ2) com-
(with and without direct effects for g) control for g, but the inclusion of pared to degrees of freedom, the root mean square error of approx-
these two models tests whether g has direct as well as indirect effects on imation (RMSEA), the comparative fit index (CFI), and the standardized
achievement outcomes. Finally, the unique effects of the broad abilities root mean square residual (SRMR; Hu & Bentler, 1999). Across all nine
on the achievement outcomes (with the effects of g statistically re- achievement skills, the broad ability plus g indirect and g direct effect only
moved) were also calculated using the residuals of the broad ability models were compared using the Akaike Information Index (AIC);
factors. smaller values are indicative of better model fit (Keith, 2015).
The CHC cognitive model was used to explain reading, math, and
writing achievement outcomes. We refer to these models with the 16.5. Testing age-broad cognitive ability moderated effects
achievement factors as cognitive-achievement models. Nine cognitive-
achievement models were analyzed. Each academic achievement do- To test for developmental differences in CHC broad abilities effects
main—reading, math, and writing—was represented by three separate on achievement, interactions between age (a continuous measured
models. The three reading models included 1) Basic Reading (measured variable) and each latent broad ability variable were tested to de-
by Pseudoword Decoding and Word Reading, which were strongly termine if the broad abilities affected performance in each academic
correlated [r = 0.76]), 2) Reading Comprehension, and 3) Oral Reading domain differentially depending on age. In previous research, re-
Fluency. The three mathematics models included 1) Numerical searchers accounted for developmental differences by dividing partici-
Operations, 2) Math Problem Solving, and 3) Math Fluency. The three pants into several age groups that each spanned two to six years. Then,
writing models included Spelling and two separate written expression paths from the broad abilities to achievement skills were separately
models (measured by Sentence Composition and Essay Composition, tested for each age group (Benson, 2007; Floyd et al., 2007; Floyd et al.,
respectively). The two written expression subtests were analyzed se- 2012; Hajovsky et al., 2014; Keith, 1999; Niileksela et al., 2016; Taub
parately because of different task demands (see Table 1), and because et al., 2008; Vanderwood et al., 2002). Thus, other than Hajovsky et al.
their correlation was not considered strong. Across all nine models, the (2014) and Niileksela et al. (2016), who used multi-group models to
parameters of interest were the paths from each broad ability and g to test for statistically significant differences across age groups, compar-
the achievement variable. isons across ages have been qualitative rather than statistical. In addi-
With the exception of basic reading (which was estimated by two tion, the creation of age groups treats the continuous variable age as a
subtests), the specific achievement skills were estimated by one mea- categorical variable. Here, we instead analyzed age effects using a
sured variable each. Thus, eight single-indicator achievement latent continuous age variable and we tested statistical interactions because
variables were estimated. In order to test a single-indicator latent this strategy allowed for a quantitative test of potential age differences.
variable, a constraint was required to address model under- This is the first study to test these developmental differences by ana-
identification. Specifically, the variance of the subtest was constrained lyzing age as a continuous variable. This statistical interaction strategy
to the value of the subtest's unreliability (calculated as one minus the also allowed testing for developmental differences even with a rela-
reliability of the measure, as reported in the WIAT-III manual [Breaux, tively small sample size.
2010], multiplied by its variance). The advantage of this technique over Interactions were tested using a cross-product strategy which in-
the use of the measured variable alone is that these single-indicator volved multiplying age with the broad ability under investigation. This
latent variables take into account the unreliability of each subtest strategy is accomplished via the “XWITH” procedure in Mplus and does
(Keith, 2015, chap. 15). not require centering (Maslowsky, Jager, & Hemken, 2015). The cross-
product/interaction term is then regressed on the achievement skill. Each
16.4. Testing cognitive-achievement effects interaction model also included direct effects from the age variable and
the broad ability used to create the cross-product (i.e., conditional slopes)
Analyses were completed in a series of steps. The direct effect of g on on the achievement skill, regardless of the statistical significance of these
each specific achievement skill was tested in g direct effect only models. paths. In addition, results from the previous step of the analysis informed
In these models, only a path from g to the specific achievement skill was the interaction models because paths from each statistically significant
tested; no paths from the broad abilities were included. Next, paths CHC broad ability to the achievement skill were also included in each
from both the broad abilities and g were tested (referred to as broad interaction model. Thus, we tested whether an interaction between age
ability plus g indirect models). In these models, paths were initially tested and each broad ability was statistically significant after controlling for all
from all broad abilities to each achievement variable. Next, negative other significant predictors of that achievement skill. Because this is the
and non-significant paths were deleted one at a time. The largest ne- first time interactions between age and the broad abilities have been
gative paths were deleted first one at a time. If any non-significant paths analyzed using a cross-product strategy, and because it is possible for
remained, those were deleted one at a time beginning with the smallest interactions to exist without statistically significant paths in the previous
standardized path. Once only statistically significant paths remained, a step, each potential interaction between a broad ability and age was
path was added from g to the achievement skill. If the path from g to the tested for all of the nine achievement skills. Interaction terms were tested
achievement skill was statistically significant, the path was retained in one at a time in each model.

J.M. Caemmerer et al. Intelligence 68 (2018) 6–20

Table 2
Descriptive statistics for WISC-V and WIAT-III subtest scores.

Subtest Factor M SD Min Max Skew Ku % Miss

Similarities Gc 9.93 2.46 2 16 −0.02 −0.01 0

Vocabulary Gc 9.98 2.63 1 17 −0.09 0.03 0
Information Gc 9.96 2.53 3 17 0.29 −0.13 0
Comprehension Gc 10.26 2.54 4 17 0.20 −0.63 0
Block design Gv 10.12 2.69 4 17 0.01 −0.42 0
Visual puzzles Gv 10.08 2.71 4 17 0.02 −0.66 0
Matrix reasoning Gf 10.13 2.71 3 17 0.22 −0.42 0
Figure weights Gf 9.90 2.67 4 16 −0.26 −0.10 0
Picture concepts Gf 10.18 3.08 1 17 −0.09 −0.23 0
Arithmetic Gf/Gsm 10.12 2.64 4 17 0.03 −0.32 0
Digit span Gsm 9.98 2.67 4 19 0.38 0.26 1
Picture span Gsm 9.71 2.61 4 15 −0.03 −0.69 0
Letter-number seq. Gsm 10.00 2.70 4 16 0.15 −0.46 0
Coding Gs 10.01 2.76 3 19 0.17 0.02 0
Symbol search Gs 9.99 3.12 1 19 0.14 0.62 0
Cancellation Gs 10.27 2.85 3 18 0.28 0.09 0
Word reading BR 101.03 11.27 63 127 −0.51 0.28 3
Pseudoword decoding BR 101.37 12.56 58 133 −0.26 0.44 3
Reading comprehension – 102.15 13.00 58 148 0.40 1.70 2
Oral reading fluency – 102.90 12.09 59 137 −0.00 0.75 2
Numerical operations – 100.78 12.18 59 130 −0.07 −0.08 0
Math problem solving – 100.76 12.04 70 133 0.18 −0.41 0
Math fluency – 100.11 13.23 71 133 0.23 −0.57 2
Spelling – 100.20 12.89 65 127 0.00 −0.58 0
Sentence composition – 99.59 12.86 68 140 −0.11 −0.08 1
Essay composition – 100.75 15.77 57 141 −0.15 −0.46 17

Note. Ku = Kurtosis, % Miss = percent of missing data, Gc = Verbal/comprehension knowledge, Gv = Visual processing, Gf = Fluid reasoning, Gsm = Short-term memory,
Gs = Processing speed, and BR = Basic reading.

Table 3
Fit indices of all models.

Model name χ2 df p CFI TLI RMSEA SRMR AIC

1. Basic reading 147.634 127 0.102 0.980 0.976 0.030 0.053 15,779.417
g direct effect only 164.710 128 0.016 0.965 0.958 0.040 0.057 15,794.493
2. Reading comprehension 124.751 114 0.231 0.988 0.986 0.023 0.050 14,606.609
g direct effect only 131.664 113 0.111 0.979 0.975 0.030 0.052 14,615.522
3. Oral reading fluency 130.552 113 0.124 0.980 0.976 0.029 0.054 14,594.123
g direct effect only 144.701 113 0.024 0.964 0.956 0.039 0.056 14,608.272
4. Numerical operations 125.455 112 0.182 0.985 0.981 0.026 0.051 14,616.551
g direct effect only 130.467 113 0.125 0.980 0.976 0.029 0.052 14,619.564
5. Math problem solving 140.517 113 0.041 0.970 0.964 0.037 0.052 14,574.800
g direct effect only 140.920 114 0.044 0.971 0.965 0.036 0.052 14,573.203
6. Math fluency 145.806 113 0.021 0.964 0.957 0.040 0.056 14,601.262
g direct effect only 172.114 114 < 0.001 0.936 0.924 0.053 0.062 14,625.851
7. Spelling 127.375 113 0.168 0.984 0.981 0.027 0.052 14,607.542
g direct effect only 144.326 113 0.025 0.966 0.959 0.039 0.054 14,624.493
8. Sentence composition 120.277 112 0.280 0.990 0.988 0.020 0.050 14,632.693
g direct effect only 126.490 113 0.182 0.984 0.981 0.026 0.051 14,636.906
9. Essay composition 124.066 113 0.224 0.987 0.984 0.023 0.052 14,498.075
g direct effect only 124.227 114 0.241 0.988 0.985 0.022 0.052 14,496.236

Note. The fit of the broad ability plus g indirect models is listed first for each achievement skill.

17. Results 17.2. Missing data

17.1. Descriptives Minimal missing data were present in this sample and ranged from
0% for the majority of subtests to 3% for Word Reading and
Descriptive statistics for the subtests are presented in Table 2. The Pseudoword Decoding (see Table 2 for missing data percentages by
means and standard deviations of the subtest standard scores were subtest). Essay Composition was an exception, however, because 17%
consistent with those of the norming sample. As evidenced in Table 2, of the sample was missing data on this subtest. Children under age eight
both the WIAT-III and WISC-V data were normally distributed. Skew- are not administered Essay Composition, however, and there were 18
ness and kurtosis values were within the acceptable ranges; absolute children under age eight in our sample. The assumption that data from
values of skewness ranged from 0.00 to 0.51 and kurtosis ranged from all 26 subtests were missing completely at random was tested via Little's
0.01 to 1.70, well below suggested cut-off points for univariate nor- Missing Completely at Random Test (MCAR). The results support the
mality (Curran, West, & Finch, 1996). The assumption of multivariate conclusion the data were MCAR (χ2 = 240.84, df = 213, p = 0.09).
normality was tested via two-sided Mardia's tests of multivariate skew
and kurtosis (p = 0.09 and p = 0.56, respectively). The results of
Mardia's tests did not suggest a violation of the assumption.

J.M. Caemmerer et al. Intelligence 68 (2018) 6–20

17.3. Cognitive-achievement relations Table 5

Unique effects of the CHC broad abilities (g removed) and direct (g direct effect only
models) and indirect effects of g (broad ability plus g indirect models) on achievement
All of the cognitive-achievement models fit the data well (see
Table 3 for the fit indices for all models). All fit indices were within the
acceptable ranges: RMSEA ranged from 0.02 to 0.04, CFI ranged from Achievement skill Gc Gf Gsm Gs Gv g direct g indirect
0.97 to 0.99, TLI from 0.96 to 0.99, and SRMR from 0.05 to 0.06. Chi-
1. Basic reading 0.23 – 0.28 – – 0.61 0.52
square was non-significant for the majority of the broad ability plus g
2. Reading comprehension 0.41 – – – – 0.65 0.51
indirect models, but chi-square was more frequently significant in the g 3. Oral reading fluency 0.26 – – 0.23 – 0.51 0.42
direct effect only models. Overall, the cognitive-achievement models 4. Numerical operations – .05b – 0.18 – 0.61 0.57
were supported. 5. Math problem solving – .20b – – – 0.76* 0.74
The g direct effect only and broad ability plus g indirect models were 6. Math fluency – – 0.31 0.32 – 0.58* 0.45
7. Spelling 0.21 – 0.34 – – 0.68 0.55
compared. The AIC indicated that the broad ability plus g indirect models
8. Sentence composition 0.17 – 0.26 – – 0.55 0.44
fit the data better, with two exceptions. The g direct effect only models fit 9. Essay composition – .11b – – – 0.42* 0.42
the Math Problem Solving and Essay Composition models slightly
better. Thus, the better fitting models, the broad ability plus g indirect Note. The g direct column shows the effect of g from a model in which there are no broad
models and the two g direct effect only models, are interpreted in detail ability effects (g direct effect only models). The g indirect column shows the indirect and
total effect of g in a model which includes effects from the broad abilities (broad ability
plus g indirect models). Statistical significance was defined as p < 0.05. Non-significant
Of greatest interest were paths from g and the latent broad abilities effects are italicized and denoted with b. Asterisks denote models in which the residual for
to the nine latent achievement skill variables. These paths provided Gf was negative and not statistically significant. In these models, the Gf residual was
evidence for the nature and magnitude of the effects of cognitive abil- constrained to zero, which suggests that the effects of g and Gf were indistinguishable.
ities on a particular achievement skill (see Table 4 for all of the sta-
tistically significant CHC broad ability-achievement paths and Table 5 influence of g was removed (see Table 5 for the unique and g direct and
for the unique broad ability effects [with the effects of g removed] and indirect effects).
direct and indirect effects of g).

17.5. Mathematics
17.4. Reading
Across the math models, the effects of the broad abilities varied
In the reading achievement domain, Gc had statistically significant according to math skill (refer to Table 4). Effects of Gf on Math Problem
and large effects (using the criteria in Keith, 2015, chap 4) on all three Solving and Numerical Operations were statistically significant and
reading skills: Basic Reading, Reading Comprehension, and Oral large. Across the broad ability plus g indirect models, the largest effect
Reading Fluency. The largest standardized effect was from Gc to was from Gf to Math Problem Solving (b = 7.09; β = 0.77, SE = 0.05,
Reading Comprehension (b = 4.40; β = 0.65, SE = 0.06, p < 0.001), p < 0.001), such that a standard deviation increase in Gf resulted in a
which means that each standard deviation increase in Gc resulted in a 0.77 standard deviation increase in Math Problem Solving, ceteris
0.65 standard deviation increase in Reading Comprehension, control- paribus. Similarly, the direct effect of g (g direct effect only model) on
ling for the other variables in the model. In addition, Gsm had a sta- Math Problem Solving (b = 6.85; β = 0.76, SE = 0.05, p < 0.001; see
tistically significant effect on Basic Reading (b = 2.05; β = 0.39, Table 5) was approximately equivalent to the effect of Gf in the broad
SE = 0.10, p < 0.001) and Gs influenced Oral Reading Fluency ability plus g indirect model (see Table 4). It is worth noting, however,
(b = 1.41; β = 0.26, SE = 0.08, p < 0.01); both showed moderate ef- that it was difficult to separate Gf and g in both the broad ability plus g
fect sizes. A path from g to each reading skill was added in each of the indirect and g direct effect only Math Problem Solving models, and thus
three broad ability plus g indirect models, but none was statistically their effects are statistically indistinguishable. Additionally, Gs influ-
significant. Instead, g exerted large and statistically significant indirect enced both Numerical Operations (b = 1.14; β = 0.21, SE = 0.09,
effects across all three broad ability plus g indirect reading models (the g p < 0.05) and Math Fluency (b = 2.04; β = 0.36, SE = 0.08,
effects are shown in Table 5). The unique effects of the significant broad p < 0.001) with large effect sizes. Finally, Gsm was statistically sig-
abilities described above on the three reading skills were smaller in nificantly related to one math skill, Math Fluency, and the effect was
magnitude, but moderately sized and statistically significant when the large (b = 2.60; β = 0.42, SE = 0.08, p < 0.001). As with the reading
skills, the effects of g on each math skill were indirect and large in the
Table 4 broad ability plus g indirect models (see Table 5). In addition, the unique
Significant standardized effects from CHC cognitive broad abilities to achievement skills effects of Gs on Numerical Operations and Math Fluency and Gsm on
(broad ability plus g indirect models). Math Fluency were smaller in magnitude when the effect of g was
partialled out, but remained moderately sized and statistically sig-
Achievement Skill Gc Gf Gsm Gs Gv
nificant. The unique effects of Gf on Numerical Operations and Math
1. Basic reading 0.34 – 0.39 – – Problem Solving, however, were weaker and not statistically significant
2. Reading comprehension 0.65 * –a – – (see Table 5). This finding is consistent with not being able to statisti-
3. Oral reading fluency 0.40a *,a – 0.26 –a
cally distinguish the g and Gf factors.
4. Numerical operations – 0.48 – 0.21 –
5. Math problem solving – 0.77 –a –a –
6. Math fluency – * 0.42 0.36 –
17.6. Writing
7. Spelling 0.31 * 0.46 – –
8. Sentence composition 0.25 – 0.36a – –
9. Essay composition – 0.43 –a – – Effects of Gc and Gsm on Spelling and Sentence Composition were
statistically significant and large. The largest effect across the writing
Note. Statistical significance was defined as p < 0.05. Asterisks denote models in which models was from Gsm to Spelling (b = 2.71; β = 0.46, SE = 0.08,
the residual for Gf was negative and not statistically significant. In these models, the Gf
p < 0.001), such that an increase of one standard deviation in Gsm led
residual was constrained to zero, which suggests that the effects of g and Gf were indis-
to an increase of 0.46 standard deviation in Spelling, other things being
Subsequent analyses show that these broad ability effects vary by age; see Fig. 2. equal. Only one broad ability, Gf, had a significant path to Essay
Thus, the direct effects of Gc on Oral Reading Fluency and Gsm on Sentence Composition Composition (b = 4.78; β = 0.43, SE = 0.09, p < 0.001); this effect
depend on age. was also large. The direct effect of g (g direct effect only model) on Essay

J.M. Caemmerer et al. Intelligence 68 (2018) 6–20

Composition (b = 4.71; β = 0.42, SE = 0.09, p < 0.001; see Table 5) Problem Solving (b = −0.196, SE = 0.093, p < 0.05).
was approximately equivalent to the effect of Gf in the broad ability plus The eight statistically significant interactions were graphed to ease
g indirect model (see Table 4). The effects of Gf and g on Essay Com- interpretation. For illustrative purposes only, the continuous age variable
position were statistically indistinguishable in both the broad ability plus was divided into three age groups: 6–9 year olds, 10–13 year olds, and
g indirect and g direct effect only models. As in the reading and math 14–16 year olds. These age groups were selected because they are
models, g exerted significant indirect and large effects on each of the consistent with previous research (e.g., Keith, 1999) and resulted in
three writing skills (broad ability plus g indirect models; see Table 5). The relatively similar group sizes (n = 48, 71, and 62 respectively). Slightly
unique effects of Gc and Gsm on Spelling and Sentence Composition different age groups were used to graph the Essay Composition inter-
were smaller, but remained moderately sized and statistically sig- action because the subtest is not administered to six- and seven-year-
nificant after the effect of g was removed. Similar to the math results, olds. Instead, students were divided into groups of 8–10 years,
Gf's unique effect on Essay Composition was especially weakened and 11–13 years, and 14–16 years (n = 48, 53, and 62 respectively) for the
not statistically significant (see Table 5). Essay Composition interaction graph. Because these interactions in-
volved a measured (age) and latent variable (broad ability), imputation
17.7. Gf versus g was used to estimate each latent variable (calculated via Amos version
21 using maximum likelihood estimation). These imputed values were
As already noted, Gf and g were very closely related in many used for graphing purposes only. The imputed broad ability values were
models, as has often been found in previous research (cf., Gustafsson & graphed along with the measured variables of age and achievement
Balke, 1993; Hajovsky et al., 2014; Hajovsky et al., in press). That is, performance and the resulting slopes for the three age groups were
the standardized loading of Gf on g approached one in most models, and interpreted.3
the residual variance of the Gf factor was very small and non-significant
in all nine models (which was not the case for the four other broad 17.9. Reading
abilities). The non-significant Gf residual suggests g completely explains
the variance in Gf, and that the two constructs are statistically re- As shown in Fig. 2A, higher levels of Gv were associated with higher
dundant, although the constructs themselves are not necessarily re- levels of Oral Reading Fluency for youth ages 6 to 9 and 10 to 13 (solid
dundant (cf. Reynolds & Keith, 2017). Additionally, in four broad ability line and wide dashed line, respectively); however, there was little or no
plus g indirect models (Reading Comprehension, Oral Reading Fluency, Gv influence on Oral Reading Fluency (e.g., a flat slope) for the oldest
Math Fluency, and Spelling) the residual variance value was negative adolescents, those ages 14 to 16 (short dashed line). This same pattern
and non-significant (with an accompanying standardized factor loading held for the effect of Gf on Oral Reading Fluency (Fig. 2B). Stronger Gc
for Gf greater than one). When this occurred, we constrained the Gf abilities led to higher Oral Reading Fluency for all ages although this
residual variance to zero and compared the fit of the two models2; in all effect was particularly pronounced for the youngest ages, 6 to 9
cases the fit did not degrade to a statistically significant degree (Fig. 2C). Higher Gsm (Fig. 2D) was associated with higher Reading
(meaning it was reasonable to assume the value of the Gf residual is Comprehension for all ages, but this effect was strongest for the
zero). With this constraint, however, Gf was essentially collapsed onto youngest children.
g, and the two were statistically indistinguishable. It is also worth
noting that even when it was possible to separate g and Gf, their effects 17.10. Math
were quite similar.
For Math Problem Solving, higher Gsm (Fig. 2E) and Gs (Fig. 2F)
17.8. Interactions with age were associated with higher performance for all ages, particularly those
aged 6 to 9.
Eight statistically significant interactions between age and the broad
abilities on achievement were found. Half of the statistically significant 17.11. Writing
interactions involved Gsm. All interactions were statistically significant
after controlling for the direct effects of age, the broad ability that Higher Gsm appeared to be associated with improved Essay
created the cross-product, and the other broad abilities that exerted Composition performance for the youngest students only, with small or
significant direct effects on each achievement skill (for a list of such no effects for older ages (Fig. 2G). Likewise, for Sentence Composition,
effects see Table 4). Thus, some of the cognitive effects that were in- Gsm exerted its strongest effect for younger children and smaller effects
terpreted as main effects above should be interpreted as conditional for older ages (Fig. 2H). Across all achievement skills these findings
slopes (Gc on Oral Reading Fluency and Gsm on Sentence Composi- suggest that the effects of the CHC broad abilities on these particular
tion): the effects depend on age. achievement outcomes vary by age, and these effects tend to appear
After controlling for other significant cognitive influences, age stronger for younger children.
moderated the effect of three broad abilities on Oral Reading Fluency:
AgeXGf (b = −0.510, SE = 0.234, p < 0.05), AgeXGv (b = −0.384,
18. Discussion
SE = 0.153, p < 0.05), and AgeXGc (b = −0.344, SE = 0.167,
p < 0.05). There was a significant interaction between age and Gsm on
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of CHC
four achievement skills: Reading Comprehension (b = −0.311,
cognitive abilities, measured by the WISC-V, on children's and adoles-
SE = 0.143, p < 0.05), Sentence Composition (b = −0.346,
cents' reading, mathematics, and writing skills. The majority of pre-
SE = 0.149, p < 0.05), Essay Composition (b = −0.524, SE = 0.255,
vious research has studied these effects using WJ tests and thus the
p < 0.05), and Math Problem Solving (b = −0.265, SE = 0.085,
generalizability of these findings across different test batteries is rela-
p < 0.05). And finally, age also moderated the effect of Gs on Math
tively unknown. Additionally, most previous research has used age as a
categorical rather than continuous variable to investigate
In supplemental analyses the Gf residual was constrained to zero in the five other
models (Basic Reading, Numerical Operations, Math Problem Solving, Sentence
Composition, and Essay Composition) for consistency purposes. This modification did not An alternative method for graphing is to use the regression equations with the in-
influence the results and the significant broad ability coefficients values remained iden- teraction terms (e.g., Keith, 2015, chap 8). Because that method incorporated all statis-
tical or shifted slightly by one hundredth. The first author can be contacted for those tically significant broad ability effects in one equation, however, the graphs were less
results. interpretable than those shown here.

J.M. Caemmerer et al. Intelligence 68 (2018) 6–20

Fig. 2. A – F: The solid slopes represent the youngest students (ages 6–9), thick dashed slopes are 10–13 year olds, and the small dashed slopes are 14–16 year olds. Fig. 2G and H (Essay
Composition): solid slopes are ages 8–10, thick dashed slopes are ages 11–13, and small dashed slopes are ages 14–16.

J.M. Caemmerer et al. Intelligence 68 (2018) 6–20

developmental differences in effects. Further, studies that examined the performance of younger children has also been observed with the WJ IV
Wechsler tests have only tested broad measures of achievement rather (Cormier et al., 2017). The influence of Gv may be related to the im-
than specific skills. Our study adds to this literature by analyzing (a) portance of orthographic processing for reading, but this effect may
cognitive-achievement effects with the recently revised WISC-V; (b) fade at older ages once these skills become automatized (Berninger
differential effects of the broad abilities according to age, while pre- et al., 2006). Similarly, the influence of Gf might explain reading flu-
serving the continuous nature of age; and (c) WISC-V CHC effects on ency differences early on when new learning is required, but once the
specific achievement areas rather than broad achievement areas. skill is automatized, this higher-level ability does not explain individual
We found that CHC broad abilities are differentially important in differences in reading fluency beyond the other cognitive abilities.
explaining children's and adolescents' achievement within each specific Unlike some past research with the WJ batteries, we did not find
domain and that some of these cognitive effects vary with age. There significant effects of Gs on basic reading skills or reading comprehen-
was overlap between our results and findings from previous studies sion (Evans et al., 2002; Floyd et al., 2007; McGrew, 1993; Niileksela
even though the majority of those studies were based on the WJ and not et al., 2016). The sample size in our study may have been too small to
on the Wechsler scales. There were also notable differences between detect a significant Gs effect on reading because the effect size was
our results and those of previous studies. These differences should be often small in previous studies. In past research with larger samples,
examined in future research and considered when interpreting cogni- standardized regression coefficients for Gs were weak and often non-
tive-achievement findings across different tests. significant for those approximately 9 to 10 years and older (β ranged
Below, we review results for each academic domain. The direct ef- from 0.08–0.11 across studies; Evans et al., 2002; Floyd et al., 2007;
fects of the broad abilities are discussed first due to the generally Floyd et al., 2012; McGrew, 1993). An alternative explanation is there
overall better fit of the broad ability plus g indirect models. As described may be no meaningful relation between Gs and reading as measured by
earlier, however, all direct effects on achievement of the broad abilities the Wechsler scales. Previous studies with non-WJ tests (i.e., the WISC-
include indirect effects from g. This section is followed by a discussion IV) found no significant relation between Gs and basic reading or
of the unique effects of the broad abilities, with the influence of g re- reading comprehension (Beaujean et al., 2014). Because this is the only
moved, on achievement. Then, the direct and indirect effects of g are study using a Wechsler scale to focus on specific reading skills rather
discussed. than broad reading achievement, more research is needed to clarify the
It is worth noting again that we found statistical equivalence be- relation between Gs and reading achievement with this test.
tween Gf and g in four of the models (Reading Comprehension, Oral
Reading Fluency, Math Fluency, and Spelling). Although this finding is 18.1.2. Math skills
not unusual, it does lead to interpretive challenges. Any effects of g in Math skills were affected most strongly by Gf. Students with
these models are also those of Gf, and any effects of Gf are those of g. stronger novel reasoning abilities performed more accurate mathematic
computations and solved more multi-step math word problems. The
18.1. Direct effects of the broad abilities on achievement importance of Gf for math skills is remarkably consistent in past studies
as well, including those with several WJ batteries (Floyd et al., 2003;
18.1.1. Reading skills Keith, 1999; McGrew & Hessler, 1995; Niileksela et al., 2016; Taub
In this study, all reading achievement skills were strongly influ- et al., 2008) and one study of the WISC-IV (Parkin & Beaujean, 2012).
enced by children's verbal comprehension-knowledge (Gc) abilities. A recent factor analysis of the WISC-V suggests a factor structure
Students with stronger knowledge of vocabulary, language, and cultural modification that may have implications for our math findings. The
information were better able to read words and pseudowords correctly, factor analysis results suggested Arithmetic may be better understood
read text quickly and accurately, and respond to questions about pas- as a direct measure of g instead of as a measure of Gf or Gsm, most likely
sages they read. These results are largely consistent with previous re- due to the complex demands that are required to complete the task,
search, which often identifies Gc as the strongest influence on both including quantitative reasoning (Reynolds & Keith, 2017). In a set of
specific and broad reading skills (Benson, 2007; Evans et al., 2002; exploratory analyses, we tested an alternative set of models that did not
Floyd et al., 2012; Glutting et al., 2006; Keith, 1999; McGrew, 1993; include Arithmetic to remove the potential confounding influence of
McGrew et al., 1997; Niileksela et al., 2016; Oh et al., 2004; quantitative reasoning on math achievement skills. Despite this change,
Vanderwood et al., 2002). Reading decoding requires word recognition, Gf continued to significantly influence Math Problem Solving and Nu-
and reading rate and comprehension rely heavily on verbal skills and merical Operations, which suggests that Gf has a significant effect on
informational knowledge. these math skills regardless of possible contamination due to Ar-
Several other broad abilities influenced reading achievement, but ithmetic.
their influences were dependent on the specific reading skill. Similar to In addition, Gs influenced all three math skills, which is consistent
previous research with several different batteries, we found significant with previous WJ research (Floyd et al., 2003; Keith, 1999; McGrew &
effects of short-term memory (Gsm) on basic reading skills (Beaujean Hessler, 1995; Niileksela et al., 2016; Taub et al., 2008). The effects of
et al., 2014; Benson, 2007; Cormier et al., 2017; Elliot, Hale, Fiorello, Gs on Math Problem Solving were moderated by age, however, and
Dorvil, & Moldovan, 2010; Evans et al., 2002; Floyd et al., 2007; were relatively stronger for younger students. Processing speed is more
Hajovsky et al., 2014; McGrew, 1993), and reading comprehension important when acquiring new math skills, until the knowledge and
performance (Evans et al., 2002; Floyd et al., 2012; McGrew, 1993). processes have become more automatic (Bull & Johnston, 1997; Kirby &
Short-term memory skills may help students manipulate phonological Becker, 1988). Therefore, it may be that speedy processing is valuable
information as they decode new words and remember what they read to for younger students' problem solving because it reduces cognitive load
construct meaning from text. The effect of Gsm on reading compre- and allows them to focus on the more complex aspects of the problem,
hension decreased with age, which is consistent with findings from the but the influence of Gs decreases as problem-solving processes become
Kaufman tests (Hajovsky et al., 2014) and suggests short-term memory more automatized during adolescence. Gsm influenced both math flu-
is particularly important for early reading development. ency and problem solving. The influence of Gsm on Math Problem
Reading fluency was affected by three other broad abilities. Solving, particularly among younger children, is supported by some
Processing speed (Gs) exerted consistently strong effects on reading previous WJ studies (Floyd et al., 2003; McGrew & Hessler, 1995).
fluency across all ages, similar to past research (Benson, 2007; Cormier Math fluency has rarely been studied in WJ studies because the
et al., 2017; Niileksela et al., 2016), whereas fluid reasoning (Gf) and math fluency subtest was considered part of a math calculation com-
visual processing (Gv) influenced reading fluency for 6 to 13 year olds, posite that also included a test of math calculation. It may be beneficial
but not older adolescents. The importance of Gf on the reading fluency to separate math fluency and math calculation in research, however,

J.M. Caemmerer et al. Intelligence 68 (2018) 6–20

because our results indicate that the pattern of cognitive-achievement intelligence in which g and the broad abilities simultaneously influ-
relations is different for the two math skills. enced each achievement skill. For most such models, model fit com-
Unlike past WJ research, we did not find a significant effect of Gc on parisons suggested that the broad abilities completely mediated the
math calculation (also referred to as basic math) or math problem effects of g on achievement. Given interest in bifactor models, however,
solving (Floyd et al., 2003; Keith, 1999; McGrew & Hessler, 1995; the unique effects of the broad abilities on the achievement skills, with g
Niileksela et al., 2016; Taub et al., 2008). For math calculation, the removed, were also examined. A bifactor model controls for g by re-
difference in significant effects may be due to varied statistical power moving its effects from all cognitive subtests; it examines the effects of g
across studies. The effect of Gc on math calculation was weak for ages and of broad abilities with g statistically removed from the subtests. The
6–16 using the WJ-IV (β = 0.07–0.11; Niileksela et al., 2016) and for approach used here instead examined the effects of the broad ability
those under age nine using the WJ III (β < 0.10), yet the effect was residuals on the various achievement outcomes as indirect effects via
significant because the studies used larger sample sizes. Relatively the broad abilities. Because these residuals represent the broad ability
lower power seems like an unlikely reason for math problem solving, with g statistically controlled, these “unique effects” also represent the
however, because previous studies typically found moderate to large effects of the broad abilities on achievement, with g statistically re-
effect sizes (β ranged from 0.15 to 0.55 across studies; Floyd et al., moved. As illustrated elsewhere the two approaches generally produce
2003; Keith, 1999; McGrew et al., 1997; McGrew & Hessler, 1995; similar results (Reynolds & Keith, 2013, 2017). The approach used here
Niileksela et al., 2016). Differences across test batteries may also con- is also conceptually similar to having paths from the residuals to the
tribute to the differences in results. Specifically, the new WISC-V Gf achievement outcomes (Crawford, Deary, Allan, & Gustafsson, 1998).
quantitative reasoning subtest (Figure Weights, which measures the RQ We favor the approach used here because it allowed the calculation of
narrow ability) may fully account for the potential influence of Gc and a all effects—direct and unique from the broad abilities, direct, indirect,
child's breadth of math knowledge on math achievement skills and total from g—within a single model.
(Niileksela et al., 2016). It is also difficult to compare our results to As expected, and similar to previous cognitive-achievement re-
those from the one other study conducted with a Wechsler scale be- search using bifactor models (Beaujean et al., 2014; Reynolds & Keith,
cause broad math was analyzed in that study instead of specific math 2017), the unique effects of the broad abilities were weaker than the
skills (Parkin & Beaujean, 2012). More research is needed to confirm direct effects in the higher-order CHC model in which g influenced the
and clarify the cognitive predictors of math skills for the WISC tests. achievement skills indirectly. Most of the unique effects were of a
moderate magnitude, which provides further support for the im-
18.1.3. Writing skills portance of considering both broad ability and g influences on academic
Performance on all three writing skills was affected by Gsm. achievement. The unique effects of Gf, however, were particularly
Students who were better able to hold and manipulate information in weaker in comparison to the direct CHC Gf effects and the unique ef-
their minds spelled more sounds and words correctly and were better fects were no longer statistically significant. This finding is not sur-
able to compose sentences and essays. The effect of Gsm on the two prising given the high degree of overlap between Gf and g in the
written expression tasks was moderated by age and appeared particu- models. Gf and g overlap to such an extent that when g is removed
larly important for the younger students. The ability to hold grammar statistically from Gf then Gf has little or no remaining additional effect
and mechanics rules in short-term memory while formulating sentences on achievement. Likewise, when Gf is controlled, g has little or no re-
and essays may be more important for younger children, but writing maining effect on achievement (as shown by the nonsignificant effects
conventions may become more automatized as children develop. of g in the broad ability plus g indirect models). More research and
The significant influence of Gsm on writing skills was also observed especially simulation research is needed to compare the results of the
in some studies using the WJ (Cormier et al., 2016; Floyd et al., 2008; two approaches (cf. Keith, Reynolds, Caemmerer, Maddocks, & Young,
McGrew & Knopik, 1993; Niileksela et al., 2016) and the KABC-II 2016).
(Hajovsky et al., in press). Unlike all of the previous WJ studies, we did
not find a significant effect of Gs on writing skills (Cormier et al., 2016; 18.1.5. Effects of g
Floyd et al., 2008; McGrew & Knopik, 1993; Niileksela et al., 2016). It is Across all nine achievement skills the effects of g were primarily
important to note that all of the previous WJ studies included a writing indirect, but strong (broad ability plus g indirect models). This finding is
fluency subtest within the written expression factor, but we did not consistent with the higher-order CHC model of intelligence analyzed in
include a fluency subtest. These discrepant findings warrant further this study. The higher-order model posits that g influences the broad
study to determine if the previous significant effect of Gs was merely abilities, which in turn influence both specific cognitive tasks and
due to the competing influence of a fluency subtest or if our non-sig- achievement outcomes. In such CHC models, and in contrast to bifactor
nificant result is due to relatively lower power. models, g is allowed to affect achievement both directly and indirectly.
In our study, the effects of Gc and Gf were inconsistent across the Thus, all significant effects of the broad abilities on the nine achieve-
specific writing skills. Gf appears to be important for complex written ment skills discussed above were inherently influenced by g, and those
expression performance (i.e. Essay Composition), while Gc influences broad ability effects—like all indirect effects—may be attributed both
basic writing performance (i.e. Spelling). The open-ended nature of the to the broad abilities and also, in part, to indirect g effects.
WIAT-III Essay Composition subtest, which requires organization and Although we were interested in the effects of the broad abilities and
planning skills, may increase the effect of Gf on successful performance. g on achievement, the isomorphic relationship between Gf and g pre-
This exact pattern of Gf and Gc effects is supported by one recent WJ IV cluded identification and interpretation of a Gf effect in some models.
study (Cormier et al., 2016); another WJ IV study also found that Gc Therefore, in the broad ability plus g indirect models, it was not possible
influenced basic writing, but in that study Gf did not significantly in- to determine if Gf influenced Reading Comprehension, Oral Reading
fluence written expression (Niileksela et al., 2016). Our study is the Fluency, Math Fluency, and Spelling independent of g. Similarly, in the
second to examine the influence of cognitive abilities on specific g direct effect only models, it was not possible to isolate an effect of g
writing skills (rather than broad writing) using a test other than the WJ. (separate from Gf) on Math Problem Solving, Math Fluency, and Essay
More research is needed to address inconsistent findings across tests Composition. Nonetheless, the close relationship between Gf and g can
and to better understand which cognitive abilities affect writing per- be understood as representing novel problem-solving. Therefore, sig-
formance on a variety of tasks. nificant effects of either Gf or g in the following discussion reflect the
importance of such problem-solving abilities for academic achievement
18.1.4. Unique effects of the broad abilities (Gustafsson, 1984).
As already noted, this research used a higher-order CHC model of For two achievement skills, Math Problem Solving and Essay

J.M. Caemmerer et al. Intelligence 68 (2018) 6–20

Composition, the g direct effect only models fit better (according to the & Reynolds, 2017). In future research with larger samples, it would be
AIC) than models that also included paths from the broad abilities to beneficial to examine gender differences in WISC-WIAT relations and to
the academic outcomes. Interestingly, the direct effect of g in these two examine the potential interrelationships among gender, age, and other
models was almost identical to both the indirect effect of g and the factors that influence cognitive-achievement relations.
direct effect of Gf in the corresponding broad ability plus g indirect Another limitation is not unique to the current study, but rather a
models. The g direct effect only models fit better than the broad ability common feature of this field—the majority of studies that analyze
plus g indirect models because chi-square was similar across the two cognitive-achievement effects examine these relations by analyzing a
types of models, but the g direct effect only models have one more degree single cognitive test and its effects on a single achievement test. A re-
of freedom (because the Gf residual variance was constrained to zero in liance on this approach means that findings are limited to constructs
the g direct effect only models, and because AIC takes both χ2 and the that may be skewed by the specific tests that were analyzed and are less
number of free parameters in the model into account). generalizable to students' cognitive and achievement abilities more
More generally, it was difficult to separate g and Gf in many of the broadly. Cross-battery research, which involves the analysis of multiple
models. As already noted, it is fairly common to find that the effects of g intelligence and achievement tests simultaneously, can address this
and Gf are inseparable (e.g., Gustafsson, 1984; Reynolds & Keith, limitation and is an important area for future research. The results from
2017), and we believe this finding has implications for the nature of g. such research can address inconsistencies in cognitive-achievement
Reynolds and Keith (2017) discussed such implications in more depth. effects across different batteries by more broadly explaining these re-
Conceptually, this finding means that the effects attributed to Gf in lations, thereby getting closer to the construct level that is the desired
these models could also be attributed to g in a model that did not in- level of inference for all such research.
clude Gf as a separate factor. Alternatively, g could be omitted from all
models and the broad abilities simply correlated with one another. The 20. Conclusions and implications
effects shown for all the broad abilities, including Gf, would be the
same in such models as those in the Figure and in Table 4.4 In general, the effects of g on all achievement skills were indirect,
but strong (broad ability plus g indirect models). When examined sepa-
rately (g direct effect only models), the direct effects of g were significant
19. Limitations and future research and large on all nine achievement skills. The effects of g and Gf often
overlapped across the achievement skills. Each broad ability exerted
Our findings must be considered within the context of the limita- direct effects on more than one achievement domain, except for Gv,
tions of this study. The most salient limitation of this study is the lim- which did not exert significant main effects on any achievement skill
ited sample size (N = 181). Because of the lower sample size, this study (Gv's effect on reading fluency was moderated by age). Our results
had less power to detect statistically significant cognitive-achievement suggest that Gc is important for all reading and most writing skills; Gs
effects compared to other research. As a result, most of the effects influences reading fluency, math fluency, and math calculation skills;
shown in this research are moderate to large in magnitude, and some and Gf influences math and essay-writing skills. Gf is particularly im-
smaller effects shown in other studies were not shown here. Therefore, portant for complex academic skills such as math problem solving and
some of the differences between our findings and those from previous written expression. It was not possible to disentangle the influence of Gf
research may be due to relatively lower power and not substantive and g on reading comprehension, however, and Gf and g were almost
differences in cognitive-achievement effects. Likewise, the small sample completely redundant in all analyses. The unique effects of the sig-
size resulted in lower power to detect statistical significance for inter- nificant broad abilities remained significant and moderate sized when
action terms, and thus this research likely did not identify weaker in- the influence of g was statistically removed, except for Gf due to Gf's
teraction effects. strong relationship with g.
This smaller sample size led to a methodological advance in cog- The cognitive-achievement patterns suggest that most of the effects
nitive ability-achievement research, however—a quantitative test of of the broad abilities are domain-specific because they influence par-
potential developmental differences via an interaction between a con- ticular achievement skills, but not all skills. In contrast, domain-general
tinuous age variable and the broad abilities in their effects on different abilities exert more pervasive effects across achievement skills regard-
areas of achievement. Because this is the first use of such an approach, less of the specific academic content (Niileksela et al., 2016). Gsm ap-
future research should analyze larger samples and use different in- pears to be a domain-general ability, particularly for younger children,
telligence and achievement tests to determine whether the develop- because Gsm exerts important effects on most reading and math skills
mental effects indicated in the current study are generalizable. and all writing skills in our study. The cognitive-achievement patterns
Another limitation is related to factors that may influence cognitive- described in this study can guide researchers' and clinicians' under-
achievement relations, but were not accounted for in our study. standing of the relations between intelligence and academic achieve-
Although boys and girls have similar levels of cognitive abilities and ment.
academic achievement in most areas (Hyde, 2005), studies have de-
monstrated some consistent meaningful gender differences. Males tend Acknowledgements
to have higher Gc and Gv, but slower Gs (Camarata & Woodcock, 2006;
Reynolds, Keith, Ridley, & Patel, 2008). Girls consistently outperform We are grateful to Pearson for making data from the WISC-V and
boys on writing tasks (Hajovsky et al., in press; Pargulski & Reynolds, WIAT-III conorming sample available for this research. Portions of this
2017; Scheiber, Reynolds, Hajovsky, & Kaufman, 2015) and males de- research have been presented at the International Society for
monstrate an advantage in math problem solving, basic reading, and Intelligence Research conference.
reading comprehension at the upper end of the distribution (Pargulski This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
In regression and SEM, all common causes of the presumed cause and the presumed
effect must be included for the model to provide accurate estimates of effects (Keith, References
2015, chaps 4, 7, 12, 17). g was not a common cause of the broad abilities and
achievement in any of the models tested, however; the effects of the broad abilities should
Arbuckle, J. L. (2012). Amos (Version 21.0) [Computer Program]. Chicago: IBM SPSS.
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changes for CFA/SEM models because the parameter estimates are interdependent. There Assessment, 87, 84–94.
would be no changes with the exclusion of non-common causes in a regression model.

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