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COM126 Communication for Egyptologists Course Notes

 interpreting signals from the opposite sex is fraught with peril and mystery
 there is no rosetta stone for the opposite sex and despite all my trips to Egypt I have yet to find
the tablet
 out of all the tablets taken back for the local museum in Coosahatchie, none had any indications
related to de-ciphering the opposite sex; it was just, “sun this”, “sun that”, and a bunch of
symbols that the egyptian laborers would probably describe as filler text like this set of course
 in any case, I was once walking with a woman and she was overtly playing with her hair
 another female colleague said this was some sort of positive signal
 I wasn't sure so I bent down to tie my shoelaces making sure she couldn't see me while I was
quickly scanning my codex
 as I quickly flipped the pages trying to find any sort of indicator for what this meant, I realized I
had no notes on this particular signal
 I made some gestures indicating I was wrapping up tying my shoelaces, quickly slipped my
codex into my back pocket and continued walking with this woman; I would have to aggregate
data from other knowledge bases
 as we were walking, I queued up another knowledge base – human hygiene
 there were two instances for human beings interacting with hair overtly
 one was dandruff
 the other was poor hygiene and maybe need of a shower
 thus, 2 out of 3 possible explanations for this behavior were conceivably hygiene related
 I was thusly perplexed
 a female colleague had suggested that this was a positive signal for 1/3 of the possibilities
 while the hygiene KB suggested 2/3 might just be routine hygiene needs
 how was I supposed to weight these possibilities?
 Because I had no prior guidance I decided to ignore the signal, but took note such that the next
time I walked with this woman, I would bring a travel size head-and-shoulder's shampoo bottle
in my pocket guaranteeing that in expectation I would likely be able to respond positively if she
made the same signal again

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