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AGR 4213 Theoretical Hydrology Course Notes

 what would the world be like if we couldn't make it rain?

 Would red light districts become greener?
 Would there be a collapse in the steel and brass pole market?
 What would the world be like if we could frequently make it rain? Anywhere? Everywhere!?
 As a theoretical hydrologist, I like to think of myself as a job creator
 Just imagine all the good that could come in the world if making it rain went global
 there might even be as many rain shops as vape shops
 making it rain on every street corner! That is the promise of theoretical hydrology
 It is these concepts and questions that are addressed in theoretical hydrology
 can it be done?
 Are we brave enough?
 Do we have the awesome fortitude to make it rain anywhere?
 I once met a great man coming out of an all you can eat buffet place, and he pulled me aside,
and he told me this nugget of wisdom, “If you build them large enough, you can make it rain
 It was that nugget of wisdom, the hint of a dream, the notion of if you build it, they will come
 that was how I made it through my PhD
 gripping that little kernel of truth and clutching it tightly – never letting go, that was how I got
through the darkest, loneliest nights of my journey
 it is these notes that I am now chiseling into a stone tablet, and hoping some day, some kid
playing soccer at the local park, will trip on the corner of this tablet, just barely protruding from
the buried surface, and find this key to eternal happiness
 he will take it home and use this guide stone to then achieve unparalleled success

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