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COM127 Communication for Egyptologists II Course Notes

 during my observations and interactions with the opposite sex, I have often relied upon a codex
that I keep in my back pocket
 it is filled with helpful hints and notes that I have accumulated over the years that in a pinch I
can refer back to in case the going gets rough and the communication gets garbled
 there was this time where I was interacting with the opposite sex in a museum, and once again,
my codex failed me
 we were walking around looking at paintings
 there was this painting of Montmartre and then some more abstract art
 I asked her, “What do you think of this painting?”
 She replied back with, “HEG JJH NBD ASD NYD LKR WDE NNY”
 Based on that response, I knew I was in for a long night
 Moreover, more likely than not, I would probably have to start over in the morning
 Heart sunk, I knew that her message was probably a one-time-pad or vernam encryption
 I flipped through a few pages of my codex half-heartedly, for I knew I did not have her secret
corresponding one-time-pad
 I took a deep breath, wrote down her message, and replied back, “ACK”
 I would have to wait years later until after she sunk in the ocean and I had built a bathyscaphe
sub, such that I could then go pry the corresponding text from her mind and compare it with my
 it was at this time that I was finally able to decode what she thought of the painting
 Satisfied, I penciled in the decoded text, and hoped that this might inform future discussions
with the opposite sex

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